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New Job Offer

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  • New Job Offer

    I'm excited about this right now, and need to share.

    For some background: I work for the same company as my dad, just in a different department/building--he's one step below an Exec VP, I'm just a lowly call center agent in a different division of the [very large] corporation.

    I initially got my job here because he worked with a woman we'll call P, who was best buds with K, the hiring manager. Now both P and K have moved to new positions, and are basically in charge of the Sales and North America Orders division. I still see P and K from time to time, at work functions and stuff, and my dad still talks to P pretty often. They just sent out the official announcement of her promotion, and when he emailed her to congratulate her, she asked him if I'd be interested in the job req they just opened, as a sales associate.

    This was a total shock to me, as P and I get along, but I had no idea she thought so highly of me (based on her remarks to my dad, she thinks I'm pretty awesome )

    I do have kind of mixed feelings about it though, as I know (I've been told, multiple times by many people) that they would severely miss me in the call center. I just took over the second shift a month ago, and there isn't really anyone else qualified enough who wants to work these hours. Not too mention, I'm really happy working second shift, and being able to come in wearing jeans and flip flops.

    On the other hand, the new job would mean a pay raise, a better title, better perks, and a step in the right direction towards moving up in the company. I'd basically be a liason for a number of our dealers, their contact point and I'd get more power to fix their problems, which would be so satisfying. I'd be doing something I love doing--working with people, but in a better capacity than the call center.

    Oy. Tomorrow I go in (on my day off ) to meet with P and discuss this. She's going to give me an overview of the job and see about setting up a job shadow, but I do still have to get my resume together this weekend and type up a cover letter to submit to K, who would be my direct boss if I do get the job. Then there will be waiting, and an interview, and all that good stuff. But still, I'm excited, and nervous, and all that good stuff. Wish me luck!
    "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

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