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Grocery, for real this time

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  • Grocery, for real this time

    A position finally opened up in grocery. Just before it did, the grocery manager came up to me and told me he wanted me to apply. I'm pretty sure I made a thread about this, but can't find it.

    Well today I "interviewed" for the spot. He started off by saying telling me he's heard nothing but good things about me, so "this will just take a minute". He just asked why I wanted to move to grocery, I told him honestly that my current department is dead end without culinary experience, and when I started with the company, I had my mind set on moving up in the company and sticking around for a long time. I told him I thought it would be a lot easier for me to move up in grocery. He agreed, and told me I'll fit right in. He already talked to my current boss about hiring me, my boss approved it and gave me a glowing review.

    The only obstacle now is the store manager has to approve all transfers. That shouldn't be a problem at all, he'll be in tomorrow and I should know Sunday. He only denies transfers if you piss him off or you're REALLY needed in your current dept (in which case your current manager won't let you get interviewed to begin with).

    The only possible downside: the open position is overnight stocking. I've worked plenty of night jobs, ranging from loading 18 wheelers for UPS, to stocking shelves at Target, to call center gigs, so I'm no stranger to nights. I won't have much customer interaction at all except for shifts where I come in just before close. I snagged a cheap MP3 player from WalMart on my way home, one that takes microSD cards (I have a 1GB microSD card from my old cellphone - new mp3 player has 512MB + the microSD slot). I can easily fit 8 hours of music on that, may take some compression to do so, but I can do it.

    Wish me luck!

  • #2
    Store manager gave his seal of approval today.

    October 29th will be my first official day in grocery. woohoo! I have some vacation time as well, so I'll probably take a few days off just before the switch.


    • #3
      w00t! congratulations
      The report button - not just for decoration


      • #4
        Way to go!
        Good luck with your move up the ladder


        • #5
          I'm already learning which pallets are going to absolutely ruin my night. One distributor sends tons of little items - salad dressings, various olive oils (we have half of an aisle dedicated to various oils), sardines, etc.. basically REALLY tiny stuff. The oils come in packages as small as 4 to a box.

          We got one that was taller than me - easily 300 or 400 small items, not sorted in any way whatsoever.. just piled up 7 feet and wrapped. I wanted to cry when I cut the wrap on that one. Thanks to that bastard, along with the fact we're running shorthanded (another overnight guy got canned), we were running WAY behind. So far behind that we only got 5 out of 8 aisles done before the store opened. One of them is normally handled by a guy who comes in at 6 (which he did, and he had it almost wiped out by the time we opened at 8), the other 2 are normally handled by the night guys. We lost track of time, and oh shit.. the store opens in 5 minutes and we have boxes everywhere. Crap!

          Morning shift wasn't happy about it, but they jumped in and helped us get it cleaned up, by 8:30 it was looking a lot better, so they told me to go ahead and go home. I'm a walking zombie as it is - I woke up at 2:30pm yesterday, it's 9:30am now, and I went to a heavy metal concert last night (went straight to work after that, clocked in at 12:01).

          About to post a thread in off topic about the concert and how it offended some coworkers though.

