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My Great Day!

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  • My Great Day!

    Everyone is familiar with my whole saga of working at the frame shop. Well, here is my almost great news!

    1) GOT a position at a Grilled Sub Shop, for sure. He said whenever I want to start, to call him. We'd discuss my position later, so there is a great possibility it is in management.

    2) Had my interview today for AM at the nature store! I'll call it that, just in case I actually get it . They sell reggae things, incense, hermit crabs, and the like. It's a very cute little store in a VERY cute little mall. I love it there, even though it is a 45 minute drive. I realized it was the job for me when another store in the mall was hiring an AM and when I went in to inquire, I totally didn't feel as great as I did about the original store. I am very excited about the whole thing -- the GM told me my resume was impressive (which I was SHOCKED to hear!) and that, in other words, she felt I was the best candidate of the three. The DM gets the final say, and he will conduct a phone interview with me. I guess she had submitted everything to him already, but she was taking the time to submit all of my stuff to him separately. So that means he is going to get to see mine all by itself! She also emphasized how straightforward and honest she was about everything, so I felt she was genuine. Yes -- random bragging. You can tell I love it.

    3) Afterwards, I had all day to spend at the mall so I did some looking around. I saw a few frame shops and decided to stop in and inquire. Neither of them were hiring, however, the guy at the one shop told me he was hiring at his *dun dun dun* GALLERY! I asked him where, and the answer brought an immediate smile to my face -- in my home town. Are you serious?! I asked him a little about it, and he told me I definitely need to stop in because they are hiring immediately.

    Here it is, folks -- living proof that you are worth more than you think you are. I totally did not think I had it in me to find another job so fast, but I already have one set up for whenever I want it (and to be honest, it is my last choice of the three, but it is a job, nonetheless). I really didn't think I was good enough to be so marketable, and I thought I was too young.

    If I can make all of this happen, so can you. If you don't like being a cashier, spruce up your resume and go out on the hunt. The best advice I have taken from this website was to add how I contributed to the company to my resume (under each separate place of employment, I added bullets that started out with "Resolved issues with..." or "Gained extensive knowledge in..."). By adding these little details, I really made an impression.

    Oh, and my girlfriend laughed at me when I read her my objective: To obtain a full-time career, providing outstanding Customer Service in Western PA. Well, the GM nearly shit herself when she read it, and told me she loved it, and when she asked me if I really felt that way, I just smiled and said, "Absolutely."

    Another thing, I got asked the question I have messed up once before: where do you see yourself in 1 year? Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Well, I didn't blow it this time! (previous answers have been things like pursuing my education -- employers don't want to hear that shit!) My answer was: Happy. Financially stable. Perhaps a bigger apartment. And hopefully, here.

    Ah! I am so happy! My luck has changed drastically! I didn't realize how much the frame shop was getting me down until now. Finally, I feel like I can say that people appreciate my worth, all for being in the right place, at the right time.
    JB: Are you the grief counselor?
    GC: Oh, God, it never ends.


  • #2
    worship:: That is so awsome! Congratulations!


    • #3
      Woot Woot!!!

      Hey Cas - sorry I didn't notice this earlier! Well done! :congratulations:

      Keep us up to date!

      When I said "From my research", what I actually meant to say was "Made shit up" - from a thottbot thread

