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I'm apparently a coding acolyte. . .

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  • I'm apparently a coding acolyte. . .

    I can't say I'm a coding god yet; that lofty title his held by my supervisor and his boss, but, just as before, I was told something very cool, that went like this:

    Me: I think I've got it.
    JL: Uh . .whoa! That's. . .it's working!
    Me: Yeah, all I did was. . .
    JL: You did in a half hour what I was beating my head against a wall for three days!

    Long story short: Simple .htaccess redirect script that solved the issue in no time flat.

    Sometimes, it's good being me. Actually, most of the time it is. . .

    Arghetlam@CS ~ $ sudo awesome

  • #2
    That's why I prefer discussing things, because I usually get so narrow-sighted I can't see the forest for the they say. :P

    Well done!


    • #3
      Quoth zenhashi View Post
      That's why I prefer discussing things, because I usually get so narrow-sighted I can't see the forest for the they say. :P
      Sometimes a second set of eyes is all that's needed.

      Back when my supervisor still did some programming, back in the early 90s, she was going crazy trying to figure out why the year portion of the payoff date was coming up "00." Anyone see where this is going?

      She and I both looked at the code, and saw no reason that the year portion of that date should be getting wiped out, especially since the rest of the date was intact. Then it finally dawned on me. The loan went into payoff in 1990, and most of the loans have a 10-year payoff period. In this case, the payoff date was in the year 2000, or "00" as it would show in a 2-digit year.

      Basically, the program was working correctly. It just looked weird.
      Sometimes life is altered.
      Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
      Uneasy with confrontation.
      Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right

