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Make up your damn mind

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  • Make up your damn mind

    ...cause I just want to stop itching at this point.

    Finally had my son back on 8/7/11, all healthy even after some complications that left us having to have a emergency c-section, settled back in from the hospital and noticed that I was getting a rash on my thighs. I honestly thought it was from sleeping on my sides for so long, especially in the hospital.

    Than it starting itching. It itches during the day, it itches during the night. Than it started to hive up. And spread. Moved from my thighs to my legs, from my legs to my feet, from my feet to my hands, up my arms... I freaked out, went to a clinic. Doc thought I had scabies, didn't do a scraping, just looked with the little light magnifier thing they use to check out ears and nose, so put me on antibiotics, steroids and permethrin cream. Didn't help. Went back, put me on sulphameth, more steroids and suggested I go see a dermatologist cause he thinks it looks more and more like dermatitis as opposed to scabies.

    Still itching.

    So I go to the dermatologist, they say they see burrows, but doubt it's scabies, because hubby doesn't have it, and the baby doesn't have it. They question me on my stress levels, if I'm getting help with the baby, and take a chunk of skin under my arm. They call me back, no, not scabies, it's chronic eczema caused by stress. So now it's take doxepin and steroids... but I'm still itching. And it's spread, now it's pretty much all over me, the hives are coming back even with the steroid cream, and I still can't stop itching, it turns into battle of 'hold baby vs scratch myself' sometimes, and at night time it's a feat not to tear myself into shreds.

    So would love advice, should I go back to the dermatologist because it's looking worse and has spread? Is there anything at all that would stop the itching? I've pretty much all but have given up on wearing anything that's close to the skin, I'm using cortozone and anti-itch/moisturizing lotion, tepid showers, using aveeno bath wash since it has no perfumes, and oatmeal baths are out of the question, it aggravated the itching. Just afraid they're going to turn around and say its something else and I'll still keep itching while I throw money at them until they can make up their minds... just can't friggen win.
    Okay everyone, lets all point and laugh at him right about....


  • #2
    Quoth Micer View Post
    So would love advice, should I go back to the dermatologist because it's looking worse and has spread?
    I would go back to a doctor if anything got worse.

    Also, there might be some online support groups for eczema/new mothers with some suggestions of what they find helpful?

    Good luck, I hope it wears off soon!


    • #3
      No, no allergy meds (never been allergic to anything before) but planning to go get the dye free/perfume free detergent, kiddo gets his clothes washed separate from ours, but maybe I'll try something other than the Dreft for his stuff too. Also going to try the baby oil immediately after a shower routine, maybe I'm just drying myself off too well.

      I'm just praying it doesn't turn out to be something like 'you're now suddenly allergic to the carpet' because we can't move. But there's no oozing, and it's not wet, it's just red bumps/rashes/patches of what look to be hive like rashes. I'm planning to call the dermatologist tomorrow to set up another appointment, since I just found the large patch thing that was on my back is also now showing up on my legs, I'll bring up the allergy test and see if they can help me out on that.

      Thanks =)
      Okay everyone, lets all point and laugh at him right about....



      • #4
        I can't imagine how horrible this would be all by itself, much less with a new baby too. Sorry I don't have any suggestions except to get back to the Dr. as fast as you can. I hope they get you fixed up soon!


        • #5
          Definitely follow up with your doc.

          You might consider a second opinion, simply because Dermatology is one of those specialties that is really difficult to get the right diagnosis sometimes. A fresh pair of eyes might be helpful.
          They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


          • #6
            It doesn't sound like my husband's psoriasis, but for all I know there's multiple sorts.

            Pine tar soap or body wash can do wonders for the itchiness symptom: it doesn't cure the problem, but it can make it more bearable while you're getting a diagnosis. Calamine lotion is, of course, a classic anti-itch treatment. Drop in to your pharmacist for symptom management: there's a range of anti-itch stuff out there.

            But for the actual diagnosis, you'll need a dermatologist. And I agree with Panacea, it wouldn't hurt (well, it might hurt your wallet) to get an opinion from a second dermatologist.
            I strongly recommend asking for path tests of scrapings, unless they're totally certain that that wouldn't be helpful. Finding out what grows in the petri dish is likely to be a big help.
            Seshat's self-help guide:
            1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
            2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
            3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
            4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

            "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


            • #7
              Set up an appointment for tomorrow, sadly they don't do allergy tests, but if this keeps up, I probably will try another dermatologist. They're certainly going to see me at my worse if this doesn't clear up, I'm lumped/hived on my shoulders, waist, thighs, ankles and my knees look horrible and I feel like I want to take my damn skin off in handfuls even with the cortozone. I'll keep that in mind, Seshat, I'd like to friggen know for certain that it is one thing and not another.
              Okay everyone, lets all point and laugh at him right about....



              • #8
                Are you oozy at all? Hubby has poison ivy allergy issues [I swear the man can look at a picture online and get poison ivy] and when he needs to dry up the oozies and reduce the hives he uses dome-boro in solution as a wet compress. It works better than calamine lotion [it doesnt embed orangypeach stuff in the scabs.]

                No idea why it works, but it does. It can't hurt to ask your dermatologist about it.
                EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


                • #9
                  Nope, everything on my arms and legs is dry - as in no oozing/weeping, certainly bleeding when I scratch too hard, but the only one I had with weeping was one that looked like a little blister on the side of my hand, all the other hives/bumps on me that've popped up stayed dry. I was using witch hazel for a while when I thought it was scabies, perhaps that dried it out and prevented any and all oozing? Otherwise all the new stuff is still dry red bumps and raised splotches.
                  Okay everyone, lets all point and laugh at him right about....



                  • #10
                    Quoth Micer View Post
                    Nope, everything on my arms and legs is dry - as in no oozing/weeping, certainly bleeding when I scratch too hard, but the only one I had with weeping was one that looked like a little blister on the side of my hand, all the other hives/bumps on me that've popped up stayed dry. I was using witch hazel for a while when I thought it was scabies, perhaps that dried it out and prevented any and all oozing? Otherwise all the new stuff is still dry red bumps and raised splotches.

                    I know that since my hysterectomy I suffer serious dry skin, keratosis pilaris Could it possibly be something like this, just aggravated on top of the regular bumps? [I do an olive oil salt scrub every couple of weeks, it seems to help.]

                    Try an olive oil salt scrub gently? Might be comforting at least, and nothing chemically harsh to do damage.
                    EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


                    • #11
                      Hmm. I suggest double-checking the small-print on the medicine, I had suspected scabies years ago (turned out it wasn't, but it never got properly diagnosed), and found the medicine prescribed made things worse. Turned out, when I re-read the info leaflet with the medicine, that it was possible to be allergic to it, with symptoms including itching and rashes. (everything sorted itself out after a few days, fortunatly.)


                      • #12
                        I know the permethrin cream can cause an allergic reaction (I mean, hell, it's a friggen pesticide) but I have no idea if it could be causing this reaction or if it is eczema, suppose it's another thing to bring up tomorrow.
                        Okay everyone, lets all point and laugh at him right about....



                        • #13
                          First; congrats on bubs
                          Secondly - don't know if it's helpful, but I got what sounds like the exact same reaction from an antibiotic; seemed like an external thing (I get allergies/dermatitis too) from the symptoms, but it was the antibiotics they'd put me on for the kidney infection I'd had. They gave me a shot of something & it went away
                          *Note: I'd had it for days/weeks at that point
                          Hope this helps at all...
                          Ne auderis delere orbem rigidum meum! - Don't you dare erase my hard disk!

                          This is Tech Support, not Customer Service.
                          What's the difference?
                          We're allowed to tell you "no".


                          • #14
                            Have you been checked for a fungel infection?
                            "Of all the liars in the world, sometimes the worst are your own fears." – Rudyard Kipling

                            I don't have hot flashes. I have short, private vacations to the tropics.


                            • #15
                              Update: They hemmed, hawed, tsked over my back, gave me a pat (literally, got a pat on the shoulder), noticed my blood pressure was extremely high, looked back at the biopsy results and they switched it from being eczema to some form of psoriasis. So off the cream (not that I had any left) and now on a clobetasol prop foam twice daily. Keep your fingers crossed!

                              Also thankfully they gave the go ahead on halving my dose of doxepin - was having some very disturbing dreams from it.
                              Okay everyone, lets all point and laugh at him right about....


