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Meningitis, strokes and migraines

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  • Meningitis, strokes and migraines

    I contracted viral meningitis back in 1999.. Thing is I had both symptoms of a stroke and meningitis. I know that a couple of days before I started showing the more serious symptoms I was very fatigued, a couple of days later my whole left side went numb and I couldn't think properly so my now ex husband rushed me to the ER, by the time I got to the ER I had a horrendous headache. I can't remember what all was done, I do know they gave me Tordol IV (I'm allergic to it now) and sent me home with Elavil and Midrin. The next day I was fine, didn't feel bad at all, I even went bowling that night with friends. The following day which was either Memorial Day or the Sunday before.. OMG!!! I was in pain! My head, it hurt so bad, I couldn't form thoughts properly, I drove to the CVS nearby to get the scripts I was given filled.. I crawled to the pharmacy counter, the poor girl behind the counter did a rush job and I asked her it it would be ok if I camped out here for a bit and she said ok. I don't know how long I stayed on my plastic bench, but I decided to go home and get someone to take me back to the ER.. It never occured to me to call 911.

    Back at home I desperately tried to call someone to come take me to the ER, but I could not for the life of me figure out how to use the phone, I would say the word 9, think the word 6 and dial 3.. An hour and a half later I managed to get me then mother in law on the phone.. She called my dad, my dad called me, my dad had comapny over so he called me mom who came to get me. I went through the same song and dance as before only they gave me Demerol for the pain (I'm allergic to that now too) the Dr was about to send me home when I puked on him and he said he wanted to try on more test, a Lumbar Puncture. The Dr just looked at my spinal fluid and said "You probably have meningitis, I will send this to the lab to be double sure, but you will be admitted"

    I stayed in the hospital for 3 days, I had a bad spinal headache so I was on my back for most of the stay.

    I was wondering if anyone else has expirenced a stroke/meningitis combo because all the doctors I've seemed are stumped by the stroke symptoms.

    Now onto the migraines, I had maybe 2 migraines before I got meningitis.. For several years after I was getting migraines 3-4 times a week, most weren't bad enough to do anything about others snt me to the ER. I've been to countless Dr's, neurologist, headache specialists and even pain doctors and all of the non narcotic stuff does not have much affect on them. I have been on every preventative drug, every abortive non narcotic drug.. And I just don't know! I don't get them nearly as often. But getting them means a pain/nausea shot (Nubain or Dilaudid.. There's a shortage on Stadol atm and Phenergan) and my ass is sore for a few days due to the Phenergan (If you ever have Phenergan IV.. It burns like a mother fucker) Luckily, I have not had many rebound headaches from the narcotics, I've had maybe 2 or 3 and a shot of Decadron cures those up right quick.

    My destiny is not pretty, but it's what my cutie mark is telling me.

  • #2
    Yeowch! What a mess.

    Meningitis, or an infection of the meniges or lining of the brain and spinal column, is a serious illness. The viral form is usually self limiting, and most patients recover fine. I've never seen a case with symptoms quite what you describe either, but when it involves the brain, nothing really surprises me anymore.

    Can't say why you've continued to have migraines, glad they seem to be going away.

    Phenergan is nasty stuff. My local hospital won't allow it to be given direct IV push anymore. It has to be given as a mini bag infusion over 30 minutes. It has a well known history for causing phlebitis of the veins, and gangrene if it is accidentally injected into an artery.
    They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


    • #3
      if migraine medications don't work I'd question the "migraine" diagnosis.
      Cluster headaches, tension headaches, dehydration headaches, caffeine headaches, and some sinus headaches can be just as bad, if not worse at times, but as they aren't migraines, migraine meds will do nothing to help them. Migraines are caused by the contractions/expansions of blood vessels in the brain, most medications are vasodialators or vasoconstrictors.

      I have both migraines and cluster headaches, and before I take anything I have to figure out which kind it is as the wrong medication can at best, do nothing, and at worst increase the pain.
      Last edited by BlaqueKatt; 12-11-2011, 09:55 PM.
      Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


      • #4
        <points to what BlaqueKatt said>

        Most of my headaches are caused by trigger points flaring up; usually the temporal muscles, the TMJ muscle cluster, or any of the spine/skull connection muscles.

        The most effective treatments for me are muscle relaxers - heat pillows, massage, consciously relaxing the muscles. Probably drug-based muscle relaxers would work too.

        Migraine meds would do nothing.

        Have you ever had your brain scanned? Such a long history of neurological problems would lead me to think it well worth at least one type of scan; possibly more. (Not being a neural specialist, I don't know which types of scan show up which types of problem: nor which types of problem would me more likely to produce the signs and symptoms you have.)
        Seshat's self-help guide:
        1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
        2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
        3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
        4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

        "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


        • #5
          I will add I'd prefer a migraine to a cluster headache. The cluster headache is usually so damn bad, all I want to do is lie down, but you can't sit still because of the pain, and it's usually behind one's eyes. So it the "please get the invisible knife out of my eye socket" pain, I've been known to actually sit and brush my hair on the headache side until my scalp bleeds because that seems to help a little.

          Types of headaches

          sadly many doctors see "female with bad headaches"=migraine, which is not always the case, so you get your diagnosis of "migraine", and no other physician questions it, sometimes due to the physician, sometimes due to the patient*. But when the diagnosis is "migraine" and the reality is a different type of recurring headache, the patient suffers needlessly, as medications for a different issue are given.

          *one of my coworkers is having horrible problems with allergies right now, in december, yet INSISTS the only thing he's allergic to is grass pollen. The grass is currently dead there is no grass pollen to speak of, yet he insists that his current allergy symptoms are due to grass pollen, rather than going to the doctor. Because as everyone knows, your allergies NEVER change.
          Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


          • #6
            Quoth HappyFun Ball View Post
            I contracted viral meningitis back in 1999.. Thing is I had both symptoms of a stroke and meningitis.

            Dr was about to send me home when I puked on him and he said he wanted to try on more test, a Lumbar Puncture. The Dr just looked at my spinal fluid and said "You probably have meningitis, I will send this to the lab to be double sure, but you will be admitted"

            I stayed in the hospital for 3 days, I had a bad spinal headache so I was on my back for most of the stay.
            Quoth Panacea View Post
            Meningitis, or an infection of the meniges or lining of the brain and spinal column, is a serious illness. The viral form is usually self limiting, and most patients recover fine. I've never seen a case with symptoms quite what you describe either, but when it involves the brain, nothing really surprises me anymore.
            From them doing a lumbar puncture, that sounds more like bacterial meningitis. I got way more up close and personal with that than anyone really needs to. It damn near killed (as in they didn't know if he was going to live through the night) my dad in March 1988.

            Thank goodness for the doctor we had then. My dad was already on antibiotics for a prostate infection, but Dr. Bennett knew there was something else wrong. He wasn't responding right, bad headache, stiff neck. He called in the evening and told my mom to get him to the hospital. It took a long time to get the diagnosis, they thought they were looking a brain cancer for a while. Damn, I wish we could have cloned that man.

            They never did figure out how he contracted it. Theory was from a GI out on base at WSMR. He recovered completely. The worst thing that happened was he had an outbreak of shingles in the summer.

            Quoth Panacea View Post
            Phenergan is nasty stuff. My local hospital won't allow it to be given direct IV push anymore. It has to be given as a mini bag infusion over 30 minutes. It has a well known history for causing phlebitis of the veins, and gangrene if it is accidentally injected into an artery.
            Heh. I throw it up. It literally bounces on my stomach.
            It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


            • #7
              I've had MRI, Cat Scans, lumber punctures.. Everything, I won't just go to the Dr until I've exhausted at home cures, such as hydrating, Tylenol, Motrin and if I think it applies sinus med. I will go to the Dr without doing all of that if I have severe vomiting.

              With the MRI I've been told I have a CHIARI malformation, the LP's sometimes reveal too much fluid.

              They could very well be from stress, but they mimic migraines well, on one side of head, photophobia, nausea and sometimes vomiting.

              When I do go to the Dr, I will insist on Phenergan they mostly give it IM, it sedates me and with me it works better than Zofran.
              Last edited by HappyFun Ball; 12-12-2011, 09:13 PM.

              My destiny is not pretty, but it's what my cutie mark is telling me.


              • #8
                Quoth Pagan View Post
                From them doing a lumbar puncture, that sounds more like bacterial meningitis. I got way more up close and personal with that than anyone really needs to. It damn near killed (as in they didn't know if he was going to live through the night) my dad in March 1988.

                Thank goodness for the doctor we had then. My dad was already on antibiotics for a prostate infection, but Dr. Bennett knew there was something else wrong. He wasn't responding right, bad headache, stiff neck. He called in the evening and told my mom to get him to the hospital. It took a long time to get the diagnosis, they thought they were looking a brain cancer for a while. Damn, I wish we could have cloned that man.

                They never did figure out how he contracted it. Theory was from a GI out on base at WSMR. He recovered completely. The worst thing that happened was he had an outbreak of shingles in the summer.

                Heh. I throw it up. It literally bounces on my stomach.
                The symptoms of viral and bacterial meningitis can be very similar. The latter is often accompanied by a rash like spread of broken blood vessels (pettichae) which is a DANGEROUS sign.

                LP's are used to diagnose a lot of different problems, including various forms of meningitis. The spinal fluid is tested for sugar content, blood (which can be misleading if the tap is poorly done), and white blood cells, and also cultured for bacteria. If you've got a lot of WBC's, fever but no bacteria on microscope, then it's viral meningitis.

                Did you know you can get meningitis from a drug reaction? Overdosing on Septra DS (a common sulfonimide anti-microbial agent given for UTI's) can cause this . . . and it can be life threatening. I've seen a case.

                Classic signs of fever, stiff neck, and headache = lumbar puncture, bottom line

                re Phenergan; you'd be amazed to know you're not the only one. Different people react to different meds differently. I've seen many a patient like you who does not do well on Phenergan.

                Quoth HappyFun Ball View Post
                I've had MRI, Cat Scans, lumber punctures.. Everything, I won't just go to the Dr until I've exhausted at home cures, such as hydrating, Tylenol, Motrin and if I think it applies sinus med. I will go to the Dr without doing all of that if I have severe vomiting.

                With the MRI I've been told I have a CHIARI malformation, the LP's sometimes reveal too much fluid.

                They could very well be from stress, but they mimic migraines well, on one side of head, photophobia, nausea and sometimes vomiting.

                When I do go to the Dr, I will insist on Phenergan they mostly give it IM, it sedates me and with me it works better than Zofran.
                If it were truly a migraine, the best treatment is to act right away. But if it's not a migraine, then migraine meds are not going to help. With your malformation, they're probably contraindicated; I'm not sure giving a vasoconstrictor to someone with arterial malformations is such a good idea

                Compazine works wonders on migraines, and is chemically very similar to Phenergan. It's also nasty on the veins given IV, and burns IM
                They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


                • #9
                  My sister is allergic to Phenergan. I can't remember all of her reaction, but she got it once in the hospital and...well, the rest of her hospital stay sucked ass, let's just put it that way. I think one part was that she had like...restless leg syndrome magnified by a hundred.

                  That all sounds really nasty. It's hard to figure out wtf headaches are. I know I have migraines, but I also have tension headaches, TMJ headaches, etc. etc.
                  "And so all the night-tide, I lie down by the side of my darling, my darling, my life and my bride!"
                  "Hallo elskan min/Trui ekki hvad timinn lidur"
                  Amayis is my wifey


                  • #10
                    Quoth Eisa View Post
                    My sister is allergic to Phenergan. I can't remember all of her reaction, but she got it once in the hospital and...well, the rest of her hospital stay sucked ass, let's just put it that way. I think one part was that she had like...restless leg syndrome magnified by a hundred.

                    That all sounds really nasty. It's hard to figure out wtf headaches are. I know I have migraines, but I also have tension headaches, TMJ headaches, etc. etc.
                    Restless leg is a common and unpleasant side effect of Phenergan. Ativan will fix it
                    They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


                    • #11
                      I keep a strict headache diary.. I have 12 years of logs with when I got one, how long it lasted what I did for it, other symptoms if I went to the Doctor what was given and how much.. It annoyed the crap out of me when a nurse would come in with a shot and I would ask what the shot was and she'd ask why did I want to know.. I'm like, you are putting that in my body, I'm going to know what it is first.

                      I will flat out refuse Compazine and here's why: One of the side effects is stiff neck, I was at the ER a few years back with a bad migraine with vomiting and they gave me Compazine, I went not too long before Dr shift change and the new Dr saw my neck was stiff and ordered a lumbar puncture.. So that was a huge needle to the spine and a spinal headache for a few days.. This happened to me twice with Compazine and I got lumbar punctures.

                      My destiny is not pretty, but it's what my cutie mark is telling me.


                      • #12
                        Quoth HappyFun Ball View Post
                        I will flat out refuse Compazine and here's why: One of the side effects is stiff neck, I was at the ER a few years back with a bad migraine with vomiting and they gave me Compazine, I went not too long before Dr shift change and the new Dr saw my neck was stiff and ordered a lumbar puncture.. So that was a huge needle to the spine and a spinal headache for a few days.. This happened to me twice with Compazine and I got lumbar punctures.
                        Dyskinesia and neck stiffness are two WELL known side effects of Compazine!

                        Some people just don't ask enough questions. (I'm referring to the doc)
                        They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


                        • #13
                          I despise being given Reglan and or Benedryl.. In my 12 years of headaches those have never helped in the least, the last time they attempted to give me both of those I asked how an antiacid and allergy med was going to help ( I know Reglan is more than an antiacid, I was just being sarcastic). Or getting some smart assed doc who orders just Tylenol, or any OTC med, I will flat out say I didn't wait and am not paying a lot of money for damned Tylenol. My doctor who runs a family medicine and urgent care will give me Phenergan and Norflex and that works well.. I'll only go to the ER if I'm severely vomiting, at my Drs request or if I'm having any really troubling symptoms.

                          One time I was vomiting a lot and I was hurting all over, I was where your muscles seize up from dehydration (I forget what its called) , it took em 7 sticks to get an IV.

                          My destiny is not pretty, but it's what my cutie mark is telling me.


                          • #14
                            Quoth HappyFun Ball View Post
                            I despise being given Reglan and or Benedryl.. In my 12 years of headaches those have never helped in the least, the last time they attempted to give me both of those I asked how an antiacid and allergy med was going to help ( I know Reglan is more than an antiacid, I was just being sarcastic). Or getting some smart assed doc who orders just Tylenol, or any OTC med, I will flat out say I didn't wait and am not paying a lot of money for damned Tylenol. My doctor who runs a family medicine and urgent care will give me Phenergan and Norflex and that works well.. I'll only go to the ER if I'm severely vomiting, at my Drs request or if I'm having any really troubling symptoms.

                            One time I was vomiting a lot and I was hurting all over, I was where your muscles seize up from dehydration (I forget what its called) , it took em 7 sticks to get an IV.
                            Muscle spasms or cramps. Tetany is what it sounds like you're talking about.

                            The combo of Reglan and Benadryl actually works very well on migraines; I've been given it. Problem for me is that Reglan gives me an anxiety attack, so it's not the best choice for me anymore.

                            Reglan is not an antacid, though. It promotes GI motility, ie makes the gut work more efficiently. This can help heart burn because stuff gets moved on down the line rather than regurgitating into the esophagus. It also is useful this way to relieve nausea. This is one of my favorite drugs to quiz students on for WHY it works

                            But if they don't work for you, they don't work. Problem is, not every patient responds to every drug the same way. It's hit or miss.

                            I don't worry much about drug seekers unless it's a frequent flyer. Even then, they may have legit migraines which they are making worse by insisting on narcotics (narcotics are the worst thing to give consistently for migraines because of rebound) . . . but that's another issue entirely.
                            They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


                            • #15
                              I will only take narcotics for migraines as a last resort, when I had the tetany I welcomed the narcotic pain meds with open arms.

                              I called it antacid because I know several people that take it for heartburn, so calling that was a lack of better term on my part. It causes me to be restless. For me, if I can go to sleep for a good 9-10 hours, I'll wake up without the headache.
                              Last edited by HappyFun Ball; 12-26-2011, 04:42 AM.

                              My destiny is not pretty, but it's what my cutie mark is telling me.

