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No means no...

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  • No means no...

    Just an FYI- when the signs leading up to an events entrance boldly proclaims "NO BACKPACKS", especially in say Boston less than 3 months from a bombing that involved backpacks as the delivery agent, the staff at the security checkpoint really won't let you bring any in.

    I was at the Boston Pops last night with my gf to enjoy the concert at the Esplande and fireworks show over the Charlies. The first trip in the security area in the morning to get a feel for where to seat and what drinks cost went good; when we returned in the evening we got stuck behind several groups who couldn't understand why they weren't being allowed to bring their backpacks in. Lots of whining, complaining, asking for managers and begging for special dispensation only resulted in the Massachusetts State Police wandering over and taking an interest. Sadly we cleared security (cus we have that rare thing called "common sense" and looked up what was allowed in ahead of time) once the they complainers were moved aside and never got to see what their final choice or how involved the police got with them.

  • #2
    Why do I have this image of at least one truly idiot SC saying snarkily, "Waddya think, I've got a bomb in here or something?!?"

    At which point the truly idiot SC mysteriously vanishes from the ken of humankind ...


    • #3
      Another case of, "Well, that clearly doesn't mean ME because I'm not carrying anything bad!! So I should be allowed to bring in whatever I want to bring!!"

      Otherwise known as Special Snowflake Syndrome....or stupidity. That works, too.
      When you start at zero, everything's progress.


      • #4
        This makes me glad that a friend of mine can't afford to travel with me- even before the Boston Marathon bombing, places like the Empire State Building and Top of the Rock (Observation deck at Rockefeller center) tended to frown on people bringing large bags in.

        This friend of mine literally cannot leave her home without a fully stuffed knapsack, one or two stuffed tote bags, and a ton of little mini bags and purses wrapped around her. Goddess only knows what she carries in there. So yeah, any place that forbids backpacks or large amounts of superfluous baggage would not go over well with her.

