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I lost my temper

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  • I lost my temper

    The past few weeks I've been binding my feet, but had to stop for a few days because of sores and blisters on the tops of my feet being caused by the athletic tape. That means my feet are extra painful in the morning.
    This morning I had an appointment I had to go to and take the bus home. There were 4 benches at the bus stop. 3 had 4 people each on them. The 4th had one woman and her shopping on it.
    I approached the bench and in a pleasant tone said "Excuse me, can you move you bags so I can sit?"
    "Why not?"
    "Because my bags might get dirty."

    I LOST IT. Among things I said were "you're damned lucky I don't throw your bags out into the street for cars to run over" and "people's needs come before your damned shopping"

    When she moved her bags played martyr card. "You could have just asked nicely."

    What did she want? A lap dance?

  • #2
    I must admit I would have sat on them and gone "Bags? I don't see any bags."

    Then again, I'm evil when I'm in pain.
    "Bring me knitting!" (The Doctor - not the one you were expecting)


    • #3
      Uh, did I misread something ... or hadn't you originally asked nicely?


      • #4
        I think I asked nicely. I didn't beg or grovel or whine, which may be what she wanted. What she got was me throwing a tantrum.


        • #5
          Quoth Akasa View Post
          When she moved her bags played martyr card. "You could have just asked nicely."
          Akasa did ask nicely. Bag Woman was the one being rude. Of course, they never, ever see their own behavior as rude. They're just being "assertive" and "standing up for themselves".
          I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
          My LiveJournal
          A page we can all agree with!


          • #6
            Were they canvas bags or some other kind that could just be washed? Or plastic ones that she's just going to throw out or recycle anyway? Because, really..."my bags might get dirty"? So what??
            When you start at zero, everything's progress.


            • #7
              Quoth MoonCat View Post
              Were they canvas bags or some other kind that could just be washed? Or plastic ones that she's just going to throw out or recycle anyway? Because, really..."my bags might get dirty"? So what??
              Plastic grocery bags.


              • #8
                A few weeks ago I was with some family at an Oktoberfest at a local German/American club. My wife and I went to grab some beer from the vendor and when we came back a big stroller was blocking our seats. My Aunt told us they told the couple with the baby, who were sitting right next to the stroller and doing their best to ignore us, that we were sitting there and would be back shortly.

                I didn't bother to ask nicely, I just moved the stroller out of our way. The woman holding the baby continued to ignore us, the father finally faced us and may have been planning on saying something until he got a good look at the expression on my face. They decided to go find seats somewhere else (but they did leave their trash behind, I had to stop my wife from going to find them as she wanted to make sure they got their trash back - I was satisfied with them leaving).
                You'll find a slight squeeze on the hooter an excellent safety precaution, Miss Scrumptious.

