This did not happen to me BUT it happened to my trainee on his first night by himself
Trainee is dispatched on order and proceeds to the address. The order total is $29.03. He arrives and low and behold the customer pops a $100 bill. Trainee informs the customer that he can not take said money because
(per his training from 24 hours prior)
1. he does not have enough change on his person per our safety and security policy
2. He also informs customer that he is NOT allowed to go get change either at the store or at say a gas station.
Needless to say customer goes apeshit. Trainee hold fast as he is supposed to do. Nothing he can do. cue some demands and such but trainee holds fast. No progress so trainee exits the situation and calls the store to inform them of the situation (as per his training)
By the time he gets back to the store the customer is on the phone screaming, yelling, cursing, questioning parentage and species, and is just raising hell from here to the nearest city south of us. Things along the lines of the usual "WELL THIS IS REALLY INCONVIENT FOR ME TO HAVE TO GO GET CHANGE" "WELL WHY WILL YOUR DRIVER NOT GO GET ME CHANGE" and so on along the same vein. along the way they demand their order for free to "compensate" them for the "inconveince"
As per my franchises policy the MOD just gives in and bitchmouth gets her order for free BUT it will NOT be delivered for 45 minutes (we were a little busy at that time) as the order is now at the back of the line.
This is not the first time this customer has pulled something stupid and gotten mad.
A while back another driver delivered an order to the same person. The person sat at a table and took a stack on $1 bill and crumpled up each bill till they achieved just over the order total then wads of the crumpled bills into one large wad. They hand the big wad to someone else to give to the driver. The driver then proceeds to unwad and straighten out every single bill and count it all out to make sure ALL the money was there. QUEUE loud bitchfest .
Trainee is dispatched on order and proceeds to the address. The order total is $29.03. He arrives and low and behold the customer pops a $100 bill. Trainee informs the customer that he can not take said money because
(per his training from 24 hours prior)
1. he does not have enough change on his person per our safety and security policy
2. He also informs customer that he is NOT allowed to go get change either at the store or at say a gas station.
Needless to say customer goes apeshit. Trainee hold fast as he is supposed to do. Nothing he can do. cue some demands and such but trainee holds fast. No progress so trainee exits the situation and calls the store to inform them of the situation (as per his training)
By the time he gets back to the store the customer is on the phone screaming, yelling, cursing, questioning parentage and species, and is just raising hell from here to the nearest city south of us. Things along the lines of the usual "WELL THIS IS REALLY INCONVIENT FOR ME TO HAVE TO GO GET CHANGE" "WELL WHY WILL YOUR DRIVER NOT GO GET ME CHANGE" and so on along the same vein. along the way they demand their order for free to "compensate" them for the "inconveince"
As per my franchises policy the MOD just gives in and bitchmouth gets her order for free BUT it will NOT be delivered for 45 minutes (we were a little busy at that time) as the order is now at the back of the line.
This is not the first time this customer has pulled something stupid and gotten mad.
A while back another driver delivered an order to the same person. The person sat at a table and took a stack on $1 bill and crumpled up each bill till they achieved just over the order total then wads of the crumpled bills into one large wad. They hand the big wad to someone else to give to the driver. The driver then proceeds to unwad and straighten out every single bill and count it all out to make sure ALL the money was there. QUEUE loud bitchfest .