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School kitchen + summer break = not good

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  • School kitchen + summer break = not good

    This story was relayed to me by my high school Culinary Arts teacher.

    A little background: the class took place in what was essentially the school kitchen. This meant that at the end of every school year, any food that was left over had to be disposed of, or it would go bad due to the lack of power going to the fridges/freezer/walk-ins. Pantry items would almost always expire before the next school year started so those had to be gotten rid of as well. /bg

    When Chef started working at the school, she was hired mere days before the school year started. Between paperwork and issues with getting a set of keys for the kitchen, she wasn't actually able to get in until the day before school started. At this point, she had deliveries to take and she had to make sure everything was cleaned and ready for breakfast the next morning, so she expected a long day.

    What she didn't expect was the smell.

    She walked into the kitchen and realized almost immediately that whoever had been there last hadn't emptied the kitchen out. There were two fridges, a freezer, and the walk-in cooler and freezer that were nearly full, and a pantry full of dry goods. The spices had also been expired for several years, so those needed to be thrown out as well.

    Chef actually ended up calling her husband and kids in to help her, and it was still an all-day job. They overfilled the dumpster that was allotted for the kitchen, had to buy several rolls of garbage bags, and ran out of hot water twice.

    Just to make things worse, the deliveries Chef had to take were scheduled for really random times, and she was missing a lot of stuff she needed. The person that had done the ordering clearly wasn't trained at doing so. They hadn't ordered any spices at all, and some of the things that were ordered weren't nearly the amounts necessary. There was also excess of a few items, but that was actually the easiest thing to deal with.

    You can believe that on our last day of class (we were the last class of the day, too), we emptied everything out and got hands-on sanitizing absolutely every surface of that kitchen.

    On the upside, I got to take home some really tasty hand-made meringue cookies.
    The fact that jellyfish have survived for 650 million years despite not having brains gives hope to many people.

    You would have to be incredibly dense for the world to revolve around you.

  • #2
    I was working for a Resort in ID, we were doing all the Prep at a Day Lodge for the Winter Open the following week. There was 5 of us plus the Executive Chef, the Lodge had a long exhibition serve / cooking line with 3 doors leading back to the main kitchen. We’ll all 6 of us are in the back making the sauce base’s and prepping various foods when we hear this loud noise. We all step though the 3 doors to see what’s going on.

    Sitting in the middle of the day lodge was a big brown bear. He had knocked a bunch of chairs off a table. We all looked at one other backed into the kitchen locked the doors the Executive Chef said put it all in the fridge we are gone. We ran out the back door hopped in the company van and left. They sent out a game warden to try and catch the bear. Every time I worked that Lodge I always wondered if the bear would come back lol.


    • #3
      Quoth Crai View Post
      Sitting in the middle of the day lodge was a big brown bear. ...We ran out the back door hopped in the company van and left. They sent out a game warden to try and catch the bear.
      Bear might look cute and cuddly, but they get very motivated and aggressive when food is involved. Leaving was a very wise decision
      Last edited by EricKei; 06-16-2016, 06:24 PM. Reason: We just read it, thanks.
      It's not the years in you life that count, it's the life in your years! - Quote from the office coffee cup.


      • #4
        Quoth Cecily View Post
        Bear might look cute and cuddly, but they get very motivated and aggressive when food is involved. Leaving was a very wise decision

        I grew up in the sticks of North ID We know ohh man we know lol.


        • #5
          Oh yeah, getting between a bear and food is not something that leads to long life and/or good health...


          • #6
            I lived in Yosemite for 8 years.
            It's nothing personal, but they will move you aside to get to the noms.
            I remember hearing the story of the guy who decided to sleep on his bacon. A bear got the bacon and he got stitches. And the bear didn't get in trouble. Because he didn't attack the idiot, he just moved him.


            • #7
              my mom worked in a school the last 5 years were her prep room was filled with specimens and a filing cabinet full of 15 year old paperwork and ceilings covered in art. She got exasperated after 5 hours and gave up. her aide one year posted a series of videos on ;what you find in your science teachers prep room'. Ive found that hording tendencies are magnified by being a teacher....

