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douchebag parkers - little old lady edition!

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  • douchebag parkers - little old lady edition!

    went to the local Mickey D's in town... one of the best one's i've ever been in actually. we like to park at the far back end of the grocery store that the restaurant is in front of instead of in the restaurant's own parking lot because it's a lot easier to get in and out with our big truck. well, we pulled in today, and grocery store was kinda busy, several of the end spaces were full of boats and whatnot from people coming to the area to vacation... and then, at the end of one row was this white truck.. either a Suburban/Escalade size thing, OR a fullsize truck with bed cap. I didn't get a good look at which, and i don't care. they had managed to park in their own space, with their tail end in the space next to them, and far enough forward that they were in that space too. there were two little old ladies inside, just sitting there

    hubby tells me to start pulling in, i get in as far as i can, and he hops out and asks them if they really need 3 spaces. they gave him this look like he'd sprouted a 2nd head and a 3rd eye, and may have sputtered something about not knowing they were in 3 spaces... (hubby didn't catch exactly what they said), and he walked back to the truck, but they continued to sit there. he walked back and said "can you move please" queue catbutt face and the over-exaggerated movements as they backed up too far and ended up diagonal the OTHER way... but again, didn't care, my space was now clear.

    pulled in (perfectly in my space and my space alone), locked the doors (just in case. i have no idea who these women were waiting for. i didn't think they would do anything, but whoever was with them was a total unknown and i didn't want them messing with our truck). i looked back just as we were walking in the door to the McD's, and saw one of the women outside her truck, phone to her ear, looking at our license plate. if that was a call to the cops, i can only imagine now that one went... "yes, police... a man was just rude to me and i felt threatened... he asked me to *gasp* MOVE!" "why did he ask you to move, ma'am?" "he says i was in 3 spaces." "where you in 3 spaces ma'am?" "well, i may have been, but that's not important... he was RUDE to me!! I have his license plate! do you want it?" "i'm sorry ma'am, there's nothing we can do for you." "uhg! well i never!"

    anyways. when we came back out, full of good tasty crappy junk food, they were gone, and our truck was untouched. meh. *shrug*

  • #2
    Whiny little bitch comes in old lady too?! What will the come up with next? D=


    • #3
      She needs THREE spaces to park her pickup/SUV? When I'm bobtailing, I only need two to park the Peterbilt of Natural Selection.

      A lot of shopping centers have some of their double rows of parking run right up to a main aisle with no "island" at the end (more common at the edges of the lot). I take one of the end "doubles", so that nobody can block me in (due to turning radius, if I took a random "double", a car in one of the adjacent spaces on each side, and one across the minor aisle, would block me from leaving). If I'm in an end "double" I can pull straight into the major aisle.
      Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


      • #4


        • #5
          Maybe it's something in the air...

          The landlord for work rents us our parking spaces. Along one section of the lot are ten slots, two cars deep. It's not usually a problem, since each two car slot is rented to one business, and landlord figures employees can shuffle their cars to accommodate one another's comings and goings.

          Around 5 PM, other cars pull in and pay an hourly rate. The attendant is supposed to steer them away from the double slots. Today, the attendant was asleep at the switch. I arrived at my car to see it another vehicle behind me, and a car in all ten lanes. I look at the Hyundai, wondering if I have a new colleague I haven't met, and just for grins, put my hand on the hood to see if the car is warm or cold. At that point, a woman asks if I need her to move her car. I couldn't leave unless she did. She acted like she was doing me a favor.

          In what world is it okay to double-park a stranger?


          • #6
            double parking is old hat, I've seen quintuple parking..... and one instance of decimation but that involved a tour bus across 10 meter spaces with nary a one paid.
            - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.


            • #7
              So was the tour bus ticketed?


              • #8
                The windshield was politely rapped upon and the driver was asked just what he thought he was doing.... "I'm from out of town" was his excuse, he was informed such was no excuse at all, and moved.
                - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.


                • #9
                  Wow, I wish that worked here.

                  cop: Why are you parked in a fire lane?
                  me: I'm from out of town!
                  cop: Say no more, have a nice day.

                  (Of course, being a cab driver, I get away with that one all the time. )
                  Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, you speak with the Fraud department. -- CrazedClerkthe2nd
                  OW! Rolled my eyes too hard, saw my brain. -- Seanette
                  she seems to top me in crazy, and I'm enough crazy for my family. -- Cooper
                  Yes, I am evil. What's your point? -- Jester


                  • #10
                    Someone had posted on our town's Facebook page yesterday a photo of a high-en car parked between two handicapped spots... in that space that they need for folks using a lift to get out of vans and such.

                    Most of the comments were positive and a few of us recommended she contact the police as the license plate number was clearly visible. I know a couple of the Philadelphia Eagles got taken to court over the same thing several years ago, thanks to photographic evidence.

                    One comment that really chapped my ass though: "I do what my grandmother told me and mind my own business!"

                    I opted to respond, but I tried to keep a level of decorum. "the person parked there is breaking the law."


                    • #11
                      Once I was shopping at the supermarket when, crossing the car park, I saw a massive Jag parked across three disabled parking spaces. I checked for a blue sticker, found none, so went to find a traffic warden who proceeded to give the Jag three tickets. XD
                      People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                      My DeviantArt.


                      • #12
                        Running bobtail, the Peterbilt of Natural Selection can fit in 2 nose-to-tail parking spaces, or 4 side-by-side. There's no excuse for a light-duty vehicle to take up 3 spaces. Good job of the warden for giving the jag 3 tickets.

                        Just a thought, but did the handicap spaces have the "no parking - wheelchair lift operating area" zones between them? If so, the jag would have deserved extra tickets for parking across those as well.
                        Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


                        • #13
                          Surely you know that whiny bitch never dies? They just get angrier and more entitled and snottier...

                          (My mama!)


                          • #14
                            Quoth Argabarga View Post
                            The windshield was politely rapped upon
                            Was the driver a Tupac-a-day smoker? Did he neglect to put his 50 Cent in the meter? Was he snacking on a bag of Eminems?
                            Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.

