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A Morning of Sightings Under my Roof (Long with some gross parts)

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  • A Morning of Sightings Under my Roof (Long with some gross parts)

    Mods please move this if it's in the wrong place.

    Background: I live with my husband and roommate who, despite not being biologically related, we both consider to be family. He is honestly like my brother. However, the fact that I love both these two rascals doesn't stop them from driving me nuts at times. Today was one of those times.

    YAWN. Ok I'm up. Like many people, the first thing I do after prying my body out of bed is head to the restroom. I lift the lid, and lovely. Whoever peed during the night didn't flush. I sit down, do my business, and remove my feminine protection (curse you Aunt Flo) only to find the bathroom trash can is missing. Oh look, it's by Hubby's desk holding detritus from his last "pull something apart to see how it works" project. Ok then. The pad shouldn't go in the bathroom trash anyway since Doggie will eat it (darn hunting breeds) but I do need to dispose of the wrapper. I get a new "diaper" on and walk across the house to throw away my items in the kitchen trash that doggie can't reach.

    Time for coffee. I fill the reusable pod with grounds and put water in the coffee maker. A few minutes later I check cup is overflowing. Someone overfilled the pot last time and didn't drain it. It had to be one of them since I don't drink coffee at night, but they do. GRRR. I redo the coffee procedure after carefully walking the overflowing cup to the sink trying not to spill it everywhere (I succeed...yea!).

    What the...AGAIN? While at the sink I notice food detritus sitting in the sink on the side that has no garbage disposal. How many times have I asked them not to do this? Unless I pick the mess out with my fingers right now, the kitchen is going to smell like the south end of a north bound yak by the time I get home (neither of them is going to notice...Hubby lived with a smoker for years and has basically no sense of smell, and Brother Roomie tends to rush out the door without doing much beyond putting on clean clothes). I finish cleaning the sink and finally get to sit down and drink my coffee. Ah, bliss, urge to kill fading.

    Time to shower. I turn on the shower, get in, and get my hair washed. Hubby as apparently used my shampoo (again) since it's not on the shelf where it goes (he has an 8th of an inch of stubble on his head...why does he need to use my expensive shampoo?)

    Anyway...once conditioner is on my gorgeous (read frizzy and mop-like) locks, it's time to scrub, except....where's the soap? The body bar Hubby and I use is missing. Brother Roommate's is there but he gets squicky about sharing soap, so I scrub with my face wash. Upon exiting the shower (at least there's a towel available this time) I find the soap. It's on the bookcase across the hall from the bathroom. Just...why?

    Hair time. I dry my hair with an old t-shirt (less frizz that way donchaknow) and it's time to force these curls into shape. My hair styling products are all accounted for, since I have threated Hubby with dire death if he touches them, except...where's my rat tail comb. I can't part my hair without that! Did Hubby take it to comb matts out of the cat again? Oh wait, there it is. Oh goody, they ran the dishwasher instead of just piling unrinsed dishes in the sink. That's progress. I got up too late to get my makeup on and unload the dishwasher (though to be honest that's kind of par for the course), and given all the shenanigans that have transpired so far today, I'm also running late. I get the bottom rack unloaded so Hubby can do the top without bending over and hurting his back.

    Done. Finally I'm dressed, hair done, and out the door. As per usual I do my makeup on the train and arrive at work 10 minutes before my shift starts after a mercifully uneventful commute. Hope the rest of today goes better.
    "I try to be curious about everything, even things that don't interest me." -Alex Trebek

  • #2
    Sounds like time to have a group meeting - re you sit them down and yell at them if they ever do this again they'll be out on the streets with only the clothes on their backs...


    • #3
      I'm so used to this it didn't even register as "angry." More like "mildly annoyed."
      "I try to be curious about everything, even things that don't interest me." -Alex Trebek


      • #4
        I'm still scratching my head about the soap. And I'm with ya on the shampoo and hair products. We curlies need our routine!
        "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


        • #5
          I'm a curly also, but we have to buy shampoo for oily hair (his) and dry hair (mine). If I use his I look like I hit a hot wire, and my hair gets so dry it makes crackling noises. Therefore, I'm careful about reading labels. Fortunately his is in a brown bottle and mine is in a white bottle so I can keep them straight even without glasses. Now, if he used my hairbrush to groom a cat he'd be buying me a new expensive one rather than the dollar-store one I routinely use. It would be as though he used my good sewing scissors to cut cardboard. My dad once used my sister's sewing scissors to cut a radiator hose, and I didn't know my alto sister could hit notes like that. Needless to day, he had to buy her a new pair of scissors.


          • #6
            Quoth Sparklyturtle View Post
            It would be as though he used my good sewing scissors to cut cardboard. My dad once used my sister's sewing scissors to cut a radiator hose, and I didn't know my alto sister could hit notes like that. Needless to day, he had to buy her a new pair of scissors.
            My husband knows better, since his mother's a quilter.

            I still hide my fabric scissors, just to be safe.
            "Crazy may always be open for business, but on the full moon, it has buy one get one free specials." - WishfulSpirit

            "Sometimes customers remind me of zombies, but I'm pretty sure that zombies are smarter." - MelindaJoy77


            • #7
              Quoth Sparklyturtle View Post
              My dad once used my sister's sewing scissors to cut a radiator hose, and I didn't know my alto sister could hit notes like that. Needless to day, he had to buy her a new pair of scissors.
              As well he should!
              Quoth Seanette View Post
              My husband knows better, since his mother's a quilter.

              I still hide my fabric scissors, just to be safe.
              My good sewing scissors are tucked in with the rest of my sewing supplies. There are multiple cheap scissors in the kitchen and on everybody's desk, so there is no excuse to steal my good sewing scissors. And if they do, I use said scissors on THEM!!!
              I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
              My LiveJournal
              A page we can all agree with!


              • #8
                I'm so sorry you have to put up with that, WishfulSpirit. I've been spoiled. I grew up with a father and mother, 3 brothers and a sister, and none of that stuff ever happened to us because, well, our parents raised us to be civilized.
                And nobody, but NOBODY touched the sewing scissors. Not if they wanted to live at all.


                • #9
                  lady, it isnt that they're uncivilized, that's what happens when you have three people with ADHD under one roof (me included) and one of them is disabled and can't do much. Their humor, compassion, and intelligence more than make up for it, imho. We do need to sit down and talk about a few things, but it's a minor adjustment. I create my share of chaos with my crafting projects so I can't be too pissed without being a major hypocrite. Also Hubby never has touched my sewing scissors. They've been used on paper (once) but that was me. So it's my fault.
                  "I try to be curious about everything, even things that don't interest me." -Alex Trebek


                  • #10
                    My husband was like that too, random everything
                    Me: why is the remote in the fridge?
                    Him: I was looking for dill pickles

                    That's the entire answer? Was the remote holding a flashlight for you or something?

                    Me: where are the car keys?
                    Him: what shoes was I wearing yesterday? Oh yeah! They're in the bathroom drawer.

                    What do your shoes have to...never mind

                    It makes life a little more interesting, and teaches you calming deep breathing techniques all at once
                    Pain and suffering are inevitable...misery is optional.


                    • #11
                      Last time I had to share with a flatmate, we had separate bathrooms, which worked out fine until he brought his girlfriend over, she was a keen cook, but not keen on tidying up, and didn't understand that tinned tuna doesn't need cooking twice - if we had managed to have separate kitchens too, we'd still be housemates!
                      Now all I've got to do is educate my workmates about how to use the shared kitchen in a civilised manner...


                      • #12
                        Quoth NecessaryCatharsis View Post
                        My husband was like that too, random everything
                        Me: why is the remote in the fridge?
                        Him: I was looking for dill pickles

                        That's the entire answer? Was the remote holding a flashlight for you or something?

                        Me: where are the car keys?
                        Him: what shoes was I wearing yesterday? Oh yeah! They're in the bathroom drawer.

                        What do your shoes have to...never mind

                        It makes life a little more interesting, and teaches you calming deep breathing techniques all at once
                        LOL that is SO my hubby, and sometimes me too. The remote is in the fridge because he was holding it when he went to look for pickles and put it on the shelf when he picked up the jar. The shoes = keys thing I can only explain by saying that the ADHD brain makes connections that make sense to us but not to anyone else. Sometimes that's great (it often enables us to come up with out-of-the-box, really neat solutions to problems) but most times it leaves the Normals saying "wait..what?" I've found internal computer components in the bathroom sink and the peanut butter apparently "goes" about five different places.
                        "I try to be curious about everything, even things that don't interest me." -Alex Trebek


                        • #13
                          Reading that made me glad I live alone. Sure the housework is all up to you but at least you don't have to fight or feel homicidal everyday. Good for my stress. Plus, you get to walk around nekkid! =^-^=
                          Can't reason with the unreasonable.
                          The only thing worse than not getting hired is getting hired.


                          • #14
                            Quoth WishfulSpirit View Post
                            I find the soap. It's on the bookcase across the hall from the bathroom. Just...why?
                            Are you sure you don't live with my two-year-old? Stuff goes missing around our house all the time because she is always carrying something wherever she goes.

                            According to her, the plungers belong on the garage step, those little caps that cover the toilet anchor bolts belong under the dining room table, the empty vitamin bottles (I don't know why Mrs. Shirts keeps them) belong on the toilet lid in a Stonehenge-like arrangement, crayons belong under the couch cushions, toy cars belong on the kitchen counter, the office trash can belongs on the end of her bed, books belong on the hallway floor like stepping stones, and her socks wander the house like nomads. And heaven help us if she ever gets hold of my keys!
                            I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
                            - Bill Watterson

                            My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
                            - IPF


                            • #15
                              Quoth HawaiianShirts View Post
                              According to her (snip) toy cars belong on the kitchen counter
                              Be glad she doesn't think toy cars belong on the floor at the top of the stairs.
                              Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.

