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Where the Gods Reap Their Wrath

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  • Where the Gods Reap Their Wrath

    So school starts soon and I needed new insoles for my combat boots and I have a pile of loose change begging for a coinstar, so when mom came home and ate a sandwich we decided to head out to the mart of walls.

    First, since I wanted to go to a super store against the market place because the pharmacy area would be bigger and experience told me their insole selection would be better. Mama slicey didn't want to go to one on the freeways so she went to one more south of us. And got lost. Twice.

    We get there and decide to hit the pay-less next door first to look for insoles, where I also bought boots and slip on sneakers. We then head over to mart of walls, where mama slicey immediate;y hits the bathroom and I hit the coinstar. Then the WRATH hits. I literately drop in the last nickle and it reads the last total and I am bout to hit the button when......

    'click' all the lights go out.

    I stare at the now blackened screen and glance over at the gentleman next to me on the redbox. We both look around in confusion. The lights then flicker on for a brief second then back to black. He asks me if I had finished yet I say no he tells me to go speak to the manager which was already on my mind but I was waiting where I was until Mama Slicey left the bathroom cause she almost completely blind in the dark which will lead to another story for another time) and I had her phone so I wanted to make sure she had it and could get out safely. Mama slicey comes back, and I go find the manager.

    They tell me to call coinstar, I call coin star while escorting my mom outside to her ccar so she can have the light of the street and we see.... the power is out for the whole block. The air field across the street is dark there are no street lights and all we see are head lights and one airplane crash prevention light on a water tower (if you are from the valley you now know where we were lol). Coinstar logs my report of the machine dying mid transaction, tells me to leave my number with walmarts manager to be called when the power was back cause they should be able to go in and recover the last transaction. I make sure mama slicey is in her car, run back in find the assistant manager explain what was happening, leave my name and number and we head out.

    We find light, grab food and head home.

    The Gods did not want me to shop at the Mart of Walls.

  • #2
    Wow, reminds me of when I was at Wendy's and the power went out. Fortunately the grill had enough thermal inertia to finish cooking my food, and I joked with the manager about the power outage until I was done eating.

    I hope you get that money by the way. The thing SHOULD have some sort of logfile inside it.


    • #3
      I can imagine someone going through and counting all of the individual coins now to see how much you were owed... I both hope nobody has to do that and hope someone has to because that would be an amazing sight to see.
      The fact that jellyfish have survived for 650 million years despite not having brains gives hope to many people.

      You would have to be incredibly dense for the world to revolve around you.


      • #4
        Coin machines like that are easy to audit. Even if the last one wasn't recorded, they just need to count the money and the difference between what they know it should have and what is has is what the last person had in it when the power died. Heck, it's something that anyone with a coin counter can do... Granted, there are not as many people with one as there used to be. I still have mine though.


        • #5
          There is a log (I'm the only person in the store who actually likes fixing the Coinstar and has been entrusted with the codes to do so). At least for jams, ours forces the last transaction chit to print before letting you do anything else. I assume it would be the same for a power outage.
          "I am quite confident that I do exist."
          "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


          • #6
            It was an easy audit what wasn't easy was the manager calling when the power was back or in the morning and them keeping track of slip when a tech printed it out. After a hour an a half the assistant manager just gave me 10 dollars and apologized

