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Hmm, I wonder what the problem was

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  • Hmm, I wonder what the problem was

    We took our daughter to [Fast Food Place] for lunch today since they had a play area. We were the only people back there so we let her play on the big kids' area (she's 2 and likes to go up and down the stairs there, she really doesn't do anything else). Now, the stairs for this particular section are enclosed and kid-sized, and go up in a spiral probably 12'. She was doing just fine going up and down the stairs until other kids showed up. We tried getting her down before they could climb in but she was only about halfway down when they started climbing up and scared her. She ran all the way to the very top and wouldn't come down, she was screaming and crying and wouldn't move. One of the kids came out and said, with us standing right there clearly trying to get her down, "I wonder what her fucking problem is."

    That's right. This little boy, who couldn't have been more than 7, was cussing about a scared 2-year-old. His mom was across the room paying attention to her phone so she didn't hear what he said, but Hubs and I were pissed.

    Eventually I had to squeeze in there and give her a hug, then tell her that Daddy was waiting at the bottom. When I finally managed to squeeze out of there, I heard the same kid mumble, "Finally, fatass."

    We just left.
    The fact that jellyfish have survived for 650 million years despite not having brains gives hope to many people.

    You would have to be incredibly dense for the world to revolve around you.

  • #2
    Yet another reason I couldn't ever have kids: other people's children.

    The other day at work I saw this wannabe white trash gangsta. Ball cap all crooked, pants down to his knees, gold chain hanging out of his pocket, walking with that little hop-step*... He looked to be maybe 8 or 9 years old. I almost chuckled, but ended up just smirking.

    *apparently this has a name, gangsta walk.
    Replace anger management with stupidity management.


    • #3
      You know exactly what the problem is: The parent.
      Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


      • #4
        Quoth Kristev View Post
        You know exactly what the problem is: The parent.
        Yep. But if that had happened to me I wouldn't have been able to keep my mouth shut. Something nasty would have come out, like "I may be fat, but I can lose the weight. You, on the other hand, will always be an ugly, smarmy little asshole."

        Yeah, I know he's only a kid. I would've felt bad (a little) after saying it. But honestly, I just can't take crap like that anymore.
        When you start at zero, everything's progress.


        • #5
          Few things make me sadder than hearing someone under the age of ten use the word "fuck" or any of its derivatives. Especially if the parent is clearly within earshot and does nothing to correct them. I would have had my ass HANDED to me by my parents if they heard me using language like that at that age.


          • #6
            I have to agree with you, MJ. Although cursing is common in my family, I still got in trouble for doing it as a kid. Sadly, as we all know all too well, some parents just don't care. They let the f-bombs and other curse words flow freely, and don't stop little Suzy or Junior when they say them, too. I'm sure Aragarthiel would've been wasting time trying to say anything to the kid's mom. You can bet, though, if something had been said in response to the kid, Mumsy would've been right there defending her little demon sweetheart.
            "And though she be but little, she is FIERCE!"--Shakespeare


            • #7
              Quoth BrenDAnn View Post
              You can bet, though, if something had been said in response to the kid, Mumsy would've been right there defending her little demon sweetheart.
              That's why I didn't say anything. My daughter was upset enough, I didn't need some lady yelling at us and just making things worse. Hubs would have made it even worse than I could have, he told me after we left that he wanted to slap the kid. And really, I can't blame him.
              The fact that jellyfish have survived for 650 million years despite not having brains gives hope to many people.

              You would have to be incredibly dense for the world to revolve around you.

