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Sucky-ass blast from the past

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  • Sucky-ass blast from the past

    Wow... so nearly a decade ago, I posted a story about a crotchety, mean-spirited old prune calling out a young-looking married pregnant woman, claiming that she must have been a knocked-up teenager.

    Full story here

    The grocery store she worked at (and never got fired from) closed down several years ago and is now the gym I work out at during my off schedule.

    Fast forward from May of 2007 to last night, I'm at a completely different grocery store closer to the house I now live in, no kidding fifteen miles from where the gym is. I think I've found a decent line and start moving that way when I hear a familiar, high-pitched and demanding voice. "No, don't put ALL those soda bottles on the belt! Just give me one and tell me how many you have. God, dumbass, I'm trying to help you out here." A beat later "will you hold that bag of dog food up so I can see the bar code. I'm not walking around the counter to scan that... Honey, the reason you're having trouble lifting it up is because you don't get enough exercise. Hurry up. I have three more people behind you. If carrying a twenty-pound bag is a problem, maybe you shouldn't feed your dog so much."

    I look down the line to see the same crotchety, mean-spirited old prune who has only become more crotchety, more mean-spirited, and even prunier since her old place closed. No wonder this line is so short. I shift lanes, but keep an ear open.

    "You should be nicer to your customers," someone warns.

    "I'm not paid enough to be nice," she sneers as she rings them up. Her newest customer pays, starts walking away, and realizes that she's been double charged for something. She goes to confront the angsty old bitty, who just huffs and puffs, then growls. "Why come to me? Go over to customer service and they'll fix it. I haven't got the time." Threats of a complaint are made. The reply is "go ahead and complain. It ain't gonna do you no good. They ain't never getting rid of me."

    "Wow," I say to the nice cashier I'm checking out with, "what a real winner."

    "Tell me about it," the girl says, "she's been here two weeks and already everyone hates her. But she's one of like three people who can work any day, any time. She's not going anywhere."

    Well, crap.
    O God, thy sky is so vast and my plane is so small.

  • #2
    The good die young, but the mean are farking eternal. It would be priceless to see the look on her face when someone finally does reach their limit and tells her to walk.


    • #3
      Wow, I look at someone wrong and they get pissed. Today, after I had clocked out for lunch a lady asked for help with fabric. I noticed she had some fabric in her cart, and she also had a number. I said that when her number is called she can get all her questions answered. I could hear her upset "humph!" as I left. Yet this old bat gets to abuse people and not be fired? The world is a strange and horrible place.
      Replace anger management with stupidity management.


      • #4
        Maybe I'm a bit bitchy, but I would just passive aggressively poke at her until she blew up in such a way that she would get fired. You won't come around and scan my dog food? Guess we're at a stale mate then because I'm not picking it up. "oh it's because I don't exercise? maybe you should exercise your right to silence" "I'm too slow for you?' moves slower "how about now?" "guess what? I'm not paid to be nice to you either!!"

        I normally have super respect for workers in general, but I could have LOADS of fun with this.


        • #5
          Quoth April View Post

          I normally have super respect for workers in general, but I could have LOADS of fun with this.
          You and me both. I'd have this woman screaming obscenities at top volume as fast as possible.
          "If your day is filled with firefighting, you need to start taking the matches away from the toddlers…” - HM


          • #6
            I wonder if she would be great at handling SCs. Her temper would cancel out their tempers, and if they complain, out she goes!
            cindybubbles (👧 ❤️ 🎂 )

            Enter Cindyland here!


            • #7
              My guess is not enough people complain about her to the store management. If they had to deal with daily complaints, maybe they'd get tired of it and get rid of her.

              Of course maybe it will rain hundred-dollar bills tomorrow, too.
              When you start at zero, everything's progress.


              • #8
                If she's not gone by now, she never will be. Either she is a suck-up par exellence, and/or is related to, or has something on, one or more higher-ups.
                "For a musician, the SNES sound engine is like using Crayola Crayons. Nobuo Uematsu used Crayola Crayons to paint the Sistine Chapel." - Jeremy Jahns (re: "Dancing Mad")
                "The difference between an amateur and a master is that the master has failed way more times." - JoCat
                "Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!" ~ Carl Jung
                "There's burning bridges, and then there's the lake just to fill it with gasoline." - Wiccy, reddit
                "Retail is a cruel master, and could very well be the most educational time of many people's lives, in its own twisted way." - me
                "Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down...tell you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens...makes her a home." - Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, "Serenity" (2005)
                Acts of Gord – Read it, Learn it, Love it!
                "Our psychic powers only work if the customer has a mind to read." - me


                • #9
                  Quoth EricKei View Post
                  If she's not gone by now, she never will be. Either she is a suck-up par exellence, and/or is related to, or has something on, one or more higher-ups.
                  Now this I know for sure does happen.

                  A friend of mine works in a Real Estate law firm, and she has to deal with one of the worst employees she's ever seen. This woman takes 2 hour lunch breaks, personal calls on her cell phone for hours during the day, refuses work or requests from her coworkers on the grounds that "it's not her job to do it" and gets paid for 40 hours when she only shows up to the office for maybe half of that. The reason she's still there? She knows which of the partners are having extramarital affairs and what motels they go to, and is just the kind of person that has an email CCed to the firm and the spouses of all the dirty details ready to go the moment she gets into a hint of trouble.

                  Must be nice to have dirt. Shoot, if I had any, I'd use it to get myself MORE work. "So, yeah, you know how I'm getting close to my thousand duty hours for the year? Yeah, you're going to schedule me for a few hundred more and we're just not going to tell the FAA or I might have to let slip to your wife at the office Christmas party what you and that flight attendant were doing in St. Louis." Lol.
                  O God, thy sky is so vast and my plane is so small.

