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She might be a SC, not sure...

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  • She might be a SC, not sure...

    Yesterday at work, my manager decided she was going to order a sandwich from a local pizza place. I'd called in the order for her while she ran to the restroom, and when she got back I gave her her total, and said if she wanted to pay w/ credit she needed to call them back. The following conversation ensued...

    Her: It's okay, I have cash. But I'm going to make sure I get my change back this time!
    Me: What, did they forget to give your change last time?
    Her: We ordered something at the house, and it was $15. I paid with a twenty, and the kid took off with my change as a tip!
    Me: He didn't ask?
    Her: No! So I waited until he drove off, then called the store, and they made him drive back and give me my change.
    Me: They shouldn't assume that all your change will be given as a tip.
    Her: They charge a $3 delivery fee, they don't need my tip anyway.
    Me: So you don't tip?
    Her: No, I used to work there, they get paid enough with that $3 fee tacked on.
    Me: (thinking, oh snap, you're a SC!) I don't know if all that goes to the drivers though...

    And the conversation kind of died after that. So, I don't know if she is a SC or not. As far as her story about the driver taking her change, I do think he should have asked and not assumed that all the change was his tip, unless she said "Keep the change." As for not tipping the drivers from this place (and who knows, she might not tip anyone), I don't know how they distribute their delivery fee, but I have a feeling that the drivers see little of it. One of her other arguments for not tipping was that they "only drive five minutes to the mall anyway"...which, IMO, is sparing her of having to leave the mall to go get the food herself, thus deserving of a tip.

    “It is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane.” Philip K. Dick

  • #2
    My boyfriend delivered pizza for 5 years. Out of the $2 delivery fee they got 49 cents for gas. She was an SC in my opinion, the chip on her sholder needs to be knocked off with a kick in the butt.
    I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


    • #3
      same thing happened to me; one night the manager and i who had not had any dinner ordered pizza, got the total, and realized they charge for delivery. no problem, but then she wouldn't add any extra for a tip! her reasoning was "they charge $2 for delivery" - i told her who says the driver gets any of it? when she wasn't looking, i added a few more $$ so the poor delivery guy got SOMETHING.


      • #4
        Some people don't realize that most people live on their tips. I never knew how many places are supposed to be tipped until I started working. I had no idea how much to give or which places. Now its more of a question of who doesn't need to be tipped.

        I get offended when customers ask for quarters to tip the cocktail waitresses. I've seen those ladies work their butts off and get a quarter or nothing for it. I get excited to get a dollar from someone but go figure :P


        • #5
          She's a bit sucky...maybe she'd change her tune if she knew they don't get that delivery fee for themselves...though if she really did work there she should know that already...

          The driver was sucky, though...$5 on a $15 order is a bit much to just assume it's meant as a tip...I mean, 33% tip is nice but it's not exactly typical. I might tip that much for delivery if I was in a generous mood or the weather was bad or something (I tip more for bad weather, since the reason I'd likely get delivery is because I don't want to go out in it!), but for an employee to assume that doesn't exactly promote repeat business...
          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


          • #6
            Well, the case in question was sucky service, whether she's an SC or not.

            And not tipping is not an automatic SC'ism, although it can be a strong factor.

            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


            • #7
              It is to my understanding that everyone who doesn 't tip, is an SC. The only times, I do not tip is when the service was crap or when I thought I had more money then I did have. Which I have the second a few times before, once with one of my ex's.
              Under The Moon Paranormal Research
              San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


              • #8
                THey are probably aware of her habits at that sandwich shop and that's why he took off with her 5. Anyone acting like a jerk ought not order from the same place more than once.


                • #9
                  Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                  THey are probably aware of her habits at that sandwich shop and that's why he took off with her 5. Anyone acting like a jerk ought not order from the same place more than once.
                  Hmmm that could be why she had the OP call in her order, if she (the mgr) will admit to it or not. While sometimes when you gotta go to the bathroom, you gotta go, how long does it take to order a sandwich? Sounds fishy. I can all to easily picture her causing a scene there in the past and being afraid to order herself the next time, maybe I am too cynical.
                  If watermelons are made up of water, what are kumquats made up of?


                  • #10
                    how long does it take to order a sandwich?
                    I had the order done probably a good 4-5 minutes before she even got back.

                    I know when she is working, she will only order from this pizza place. And I know that other employees (myself included) in the past have ordered from them. Usually they put the order under our business name. So if she isn't tipping, then she's giving our store as a whole a bad name. Yikes.

                    I'll have to make sure if I ever go in on food with her to make sure I, at least, provide a tip. I always tip, it would have to be nightmarish service for me not to.

                    “It is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane.” Philip K. Dick


                    • #11
                      To Anakah

                      My ex-wife used to go into hissies when I tipped well, as is my nature. She said those waitresses get paid enough, and then they get tips. I told her I used to be a carhop and a cab driver, and both of those jobs rely on tips to survive. I told her then that waitresses do not even make minimum wage, that the tips are somehow supposed to make up for that, plus they have to pay taxes on tips that are usually estimated by management at a higher than real rate.

