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The Joys of Karma

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  • The Joys of Karma

    The Sunday before Memorial Day, I was coming home from my brother's and stopped at Wal Mart. Since I hadnt been there in about 5 months I had quite a lot in my cart. I went to the smokey treats lane and the woman rang everything up. All was going well till it was time to pay. I pulled out my CC and ran it thru. OOPS! Declined, try again. Declined again. CRAP!! Since I knew I was no where near my limit I pulled out my cell phone and called the CC company. ( I knew something had to be wrong I first thought identity theft.) There was no one behind me so I didnt feel I was holding up the line(it was after 11 at nite so the place wasnt that busy.) While I was on the phone a younger girl with a couple of things got in line. I got right through to a real person on the phone and all was fixed in bout 3 minutes. I turned to the girl behind me and aplogized for taking a while. Where this convo happened.

    ME: cute, funny, lil old me
    YG: Stuck on herself little rip

    ME: Hey, I'm sorry bout holding up the line, just a little qlich but I'm finished now
    YG: Well you should know that you didnt have enough money on your card and if you didnt have enough you shouldnt be shopping at Wal Mart.
    ME: (I was a little stunned, I mean who does she think she is, but instead of explaining the problem I just said): Hey I'm sorry but things happen.

    Now yes I was a little embarrassed but oh well, I decided to just let it slide, things happen. Also I had bought a cup to get a drink at the fountain and walked over the two feet to fill my cup when I turned around to leave I heard and saw this.

    ME: yup, still cute and funny
    YG: still a rip but possibly a little more humble
    C: Cashier

    C: I'm sorry ma'am your $.72 short(I forget how much but it was close to a dollar)
    YG: (turning a hundred shades of red, sputtering) What?......I mean....huh?... I didnt get that much....
    ME: (pulling out a dollar and giving to the cashier) Here you go, sometimes things just happen.

    The young girl didnt even say thank you but the cashier did, and I really didnt care the look on the young girl's face was enough for me to smile all the way home. Karma can be a bitch, huh?

    Sidenote: The reason my card was declined and this all happened was because I used it at while at my brothers and since it was a place I dont go to often it tripped the CC company's fraud department and put a hold on the card until I called in to verify the charges. I had 4 messages from them when I got home, and although it was a little embarrassing for me, at least they were looking out for me.

  • #2
    Quoth jashme View Post
    if you didnt have enough you shouldnt be shopping at Wal Mart.
    I love how she makes it sound like WalMart is some kind of exclusive Rodeo Drive boutique


    • #3
      Is it bad that I love walmart? That YG will realize that when bills and not mooching off your parents comes into play walmart is like a second home.


      • #4
        Quoth justZu View Post
        I love how she makes it sound like WalMart is some kind of exclusive Rodeo Drive boutique
        To some of these people, they think a big store is better. They're the type that refuse to go to Tailor's where you sat down to have coffee while looking at swatches and photos with a personal consultant instead of browsing a rack, because you don't get to try the stuff on. Yeah, like a cheap $199 off-the-rack suit you have to try on is better than a $3000+ custom made suit. I wish I was making this up, I really do... and the guy that said that was making well up in the 6-digits, so it looks like theres officially Rich White Trash to go with the Poor White Trash.
        And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


        • #5
          Quoth JustADude View Post
          so it looks like theres officially Rich White Trash to go with the Poor White Trash.
          Oh, you don't have to be broke to be trash...
          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


          • #6
            Quoth Anakah View Post
            Is it bad that I love walmart?
            I like Wal-Mart. Either it's going low(er) class, or just the three closest to my house here in NJ are sucktacular.
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #7
              Quoth BeckySunshine View Post
              I like Wal-Mart. Either it's going low(er) class, or just the three closest to my house here in NJ are sucktacular.
              It's going low class. I grew up in Arkansas, and my family went grocery shopping in the very first super-center the day it opened . While Sam was alive, Wal-Mart was a cool place to work, and inexpensive but not cheap. His kids have run the place into the ground so hard it makes me cry.
              And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


              • #8
                I love wal-mart too... i go insane... I am also an impulse buyer


                • #9
                  Hey now, I'm not white trash or extremely poor.

                  I shopped at Wal-Mart even when I was better off financially (before I became responsible for everything in the old apartment) and I'll shop there no matter what.

                  I'll put up with the white trash and whatnot at Wal-Mart, simply because K-Mart only has one or two cashiers at a time working, ShopKo is way too expensive for what it is, and the grocery stores around here are only cheap when they have extravaganza sales.

                  I'll take spending $20 a week on groceries at Wal-Mart over $50 at Kmart or ShopKo or the grocery stores.
                  You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                  • #10
                    Rather OT but...I miss ShopKo. :sigh:
                    Unseen but seeing
                    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                    3rd shift needs love, too
                    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                    • #11
                      Not crazy about the Wal-mart near me, which just opened in the last year or 2...only been there a few times, though. It was mostly the employees I encountered, though. I like Target better. Walmart is also way out of my normal everyday travels so I wouldn't likely go there without a specific reason in mind.
                      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                      • #12
                        I won't set foot in a Walmart for a bookful of reasons that belong over on fratching.

                        But really, what the heck is up with that girl. As if lack of funds was the only reason a card would be declined. More often than not, it's usually a glitch in the communication between the systems.

                        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                        • #13
                          Quoth jashme View Post
                          Karma can be a bitch, huh?
                          I've been saying that for years. Karma *is* a bitch

                          I stay away from the local Walmart. It's simply because I don't enjoy dealing with the trash. Plus, I'm not about to get mugged/shot/beaten/carjacked in the parking lot either

                          As a side note, when that store opened roughly 10 years ago, it was supposed to be in my borough. However, many residents opposed it because of the traffic, noise, and possible crime increase. Walmart got pissy because we wouldn't give them a zoning variance...and forced them to set up shop in the neighboring borough. Let them deal with the problems. Sure, we missed out on the tax dollars, but when you consider the trade-offs, I think we made the right choice
                          Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                          • #14
                            I love me some Walmart, but I'm going to have to stick to Zellers (similar to Target in the US) for my kids' clothes... Walmart had such sucky selection and ridiculously high prices on boys' sizes 7-8, I could only find my son TWO pairs of pants in the entire store, and they were $25 each! This annoys me. For pretty much ANYTHING else, I like Walmart better
                            GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                            • #15
                              I'm boycotting Walmart, not becuase I think it'll make a difference, but because of all the stories of employee mistreatment make me feel ill to even step inside the store. So far I've lasted a whole month without shopping there!!!!!!! I'm not saying anyone else should do the same, hey they are conveniant and cheap after all!
                              Last edited by LabCat; 06-04-2007, 03:25 PM.

