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Late night double whammy of suck

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  • Late night double whammy of suck

    Hunny and I tried to go out for a little quiet dinner around 10 o'clock last night.

    Shouldn't be a big deal. It's Saturday, but it's late. How many obnoxious children can there possible be? How bad can service be? It's late, but well before closing and not that busy...(we checked the hours on the door to be sure we weren't harassing staff close to closing)

    Well, apparently, it is a big deal.... We get to the restaurant. We are seated. Immediately we notice that the table is wobbly. And not just a little wobbly. Like, you move your elbows and cause an earthquake. All good and fine, we figure we will politely ask to be moved...except our hostess disappeared like a shot. And then we had no waiter. While we are waiting, the people behind us have an infant...who is fussing...loudly. But thankfully, they leave.

    So we waited....

    and waited...

    TWO employees pass by. The second guy notices and I hear him say under his breath..."Where is your guys server....?"

    Then, the hostess comes by and asks if anyone is helping us, yet. To which we reply "no." but before we can get another word in to have our table switched, she disappears! My BF tried to call her back, but she ignored his, "excuse me!" and just took off.


    At last, service appears. We get a rushed greeting, being asked how everything is...but before we can respond, we get asked what drinks we want. We ask to have our table switched...then proceed to order.

    We are back from the salad bar and half way through our salads when the drinks finally arrive. but my Hunny's food is on time, so ok.

    Everything went approximately ok after that. But then the babies start.
    Yes, more babies.

    It is 10 fucking 45 at night and these assholes have their BABIES out with them.


    The one baby was behaving herself pretty well. Until little demon spawn shows up. And of course, where oh where does this family and their hell-child get seated...right next to us!!! YAY WE WIN!

    This kid is maybe 2. Banging on the table. SCREECHING at the top of his lungs. (which of course gets the other baby in the restaurant started- I notice that hell-spawn babies- unlike normal babies- communicate like dogs in a neighborhood- one starts and then they all start)

    What, you may ask, are the parents doing about this screeching? What do they do when little junior bags and slaps the table? Why, tell him how cute he is and encourage him to shout some more!!!

    I couldn't even concentrate on the conversation I was having. My hunny was teaching me some complex stuff, and each time mid-something critical to my understanding, this kid would SCREECH. It was painful! I would stop...and close my eyes...and was THAT loud.

    Thankfully, we had received the check. We weren't finished with our sodas (which hadn't been brought by our original server, but someone else), but we just put the cash in the folder and headed out the door anyway.

    Some fucking people. Between the service and the toddlers what a rotten night.

    I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK

  • #2
    As we all know from reading some other posts on here that people who shouldn't be parents are more likely to be parents and well, those couples (I'm assuming) seem to fit in that catergory. I mean who the hell thinks its okay to bring a child to a restaurant at 10 at night and well, I understand why those kids were so cranky becuase it was past their bedtime (well, I'm hoping). I mean they should have gone out earlier like 7 or get a babysitter if they are going out that late.
    Yours truly, Robyn unless your an SC
    My space


    • #3
      People brought their babies and toddlers with them to the truck stop well after midnight constantly.

      Nothing worse than after bar close, a restaurant full of cigarette smoke and drunken post bar patrons, and then trashy people and their poor little babies show up. Poor little kids inhaling secondhand smoke and getting upset with all the drunks causing a raucus!

      Again, this is what happens when you live in a town where brothers and sisters make babies together.
      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


      • #4
        That's one of the most f'ing disrespectful things you can do, force a restaurant full of people to endure your screaming demon while trying to eat dinner. I was at Chili's with my family and there was a large table with what appeared to be two girls in their 20s with their fleet of children. Most of them were actually pretty well behaved, considering, but one of the youngest was a flat out terror. The parentals just ignored the kid the whole time until people around them started making gestures to the staff to try to get them to STFU. When it was time for them to finally leave, Mom #1 decided to make an exit by attempting to admonish the crowd by stating "What, I guess none of you were ever kids, right?" As if that somehow justified her completely ignoring the kid all night. She had about 5 people snap back with variations of "when I was a kid, my parents wouldn't let me act like that in public".

        At that point she just made a beeline for the nearest door.
        "You know, there are times when it's a source of personal pride not to be human." - Hobbes


        • #5
          Anytime we witness things like that, my mother likes to remind me how she rarely brought me out in public when I was little, unless she had to, given my proclivity for the following: 1) Talking to strangers, 2) Climbing on EVERYTHING, and 3) Testing to see just how loud I could possibly be by screaming at the top of my voice. She got a sitter or just stayed home with me.
          "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

          “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford

