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Tow truck hell (Long!)

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  • Tow truck hell (Long!)

    Recently we had a "friend" (I use the term very loosely) stay with us and she was such a moron that she refused to move her car to where designated parking was and got her stupid car towed. (My spelling sucks, its late, sorry!)

    Anyway, I wanted to get her and her (very nice and well behaved--more so than she) son out of my place. Well, I was being nice and decided that I would get like four hours of sleep before I had to go to work and take her to get her car back.

    She calls this poor guy at the tow place and demands that he show up there at 10am. He being such a nice guy shows up. We get there and go inside. Its clear that he is very busy and alone. He kept having to answer the phone and talk to other customers. He apologized and said that he was short handed and there was only him and one other guy. I can understand that and he was very polite.

    Anyway, I was reading the requirements to get her car back and she had none of the above and I mentally cringed. She had no plates on her car either...

    SC: I need my car back.
    TG: Tow guy (who I felt so bad for!)

    TG: Okay, I need the title, you license and proof of insurance.

    SC: I'm from out of state and I don't have anything but this.

    She produces this ghetto looking piece of paper with her OLD last name on it (that doesn't match her current ID) and its one of those "This car has been sold to blah blah blah" It was a battered piece of paper that wasn't notarized.

    He pointed this out and told her with the things she presented he couldn't let her get her car. She was fuming and I was sitting there with her kid waiting for her to blow her lid.

    SC: THis is Fracking ridiculous! I just want my car back!

    TG: I'm sorry but its policy.

    I understand policy. No customer is worth loosing your job especially a bitchy one.

    TG: Now, the only thing I can think of would be for you to go to the dmv and get like a temporary straight shot permit.

    SC: Are you kidding me!? I can't get my own damn car out!?

    Did we not just cover this?

    TG: Ma'am I'm not trying to be an a-hole but I can't help you.

    She stood there while he took another call and was a total hag.

    Me: okay, lets go to the dmv and get this thing and then come back.

    SC: You're not help whatsoever. Can I at least get my stuff out of the car?

    TG: Technically no. Not without the proper paper. But I will make an exception this time.

    The nice as hell TG went out of his way and well beyond his job just to let her get her stuff. We piled into my truck and went up to the impound yard. Got her crap out (which was covered in cat pee) put it in the bed of my truck and went to the dmv.

    Now we waited a total of a half an hour and she was the most impatient little bitch I have ever come across. Had I known what a baby she was going to be I would've told her to get her own damn car out and get out of my place!

    The dmv told her that her stuff was weak but they will give her a temporary permit so she can get out of my state and back to hers. We got it and she was very ungrateful. While the paper work was being processed this little conversation took place.

    Her son was getting restless and was being a little annoying.

    SC: Stop doing that! I hate teenagers!

    Son: you hate me? (I swear he was about to cry and my anger was about to rise I wanted to yell at her but I kepy my cool)

    SC: NO! Why do you take things I say so personally? I'm not talking to you!

    Thank god the paperwork was ready, she got it and I called the TG. I didn't want her to be a bitch to him any longer.

    So TG said he could send a guy to the tow place in a few hours. I was a bit miffed because I needed some sleep for work. We went back to my place and I went to sleep.

    TG calls at like ten mins before I need to leave for work. We went to get her car so I could get rid of them.

    SC: I hate this place. I hate your state! This place sucks!

    She was saying this to TG! I wanted to slap her.

    To me, she was blaming her own stupidity on everybody else and she's old enough to know better.

    Anyway, he tells her the total is $185. She pulls out two hundred dollar bills.

    TG: I don't have any change for that.

    SC: *snottily* of course you don't!

    Me: Uh, no worries the bank is right over there.

    We got change, came back and went to the impound yard. As we were leaving I pulled TG aside and said:

    Me: I am really sorry and embarassed about her behavior. I'm sorry she was such a bitch. Trust me, I know all about policy and thank you for everything.

    TG: Don't worrry I've had worse.

    Me: Me too.

    We leave and I am late for work. Grrr. But a grown woman acting like this after something she did?? And she had the nerve to ask us for money and my fiance gave it to her regardless that we're dirt poor right now and she gave us an electricity bill of $194. GRrrr!

  • #2
    Quoth Anakah View Post
    She had no plates on her car either...
    She's been driving with no plates? How many times has she been pulled over for that alone?


    • #3
      She acted like this in front of you, ran up your power bill, then had the audacity to bum money? And your fiance GAVE it to her?!??!!??!?

      Listen. I've been down this road before, believe me, I have. And there is such a thing as being way too accomodating. Which you are being. You say you can ill afford to give her money, she's an ungrateful idiot, and she's still standing there with her hand out?

      She could be my old roomate.

      You're never going to see that money back, I'm sure you realize. I'd burn this parasite out of my life, if I were you.


      • #4
        Quoth Anakah View Post
        TG: Okay, I need the title, you license and proof of insurance.

        SC: I'm from out of state and I don't have anything but this.
        As the licences were already mentioned.... She didn't have her licence or proof of insurance? What does out of state have to do with anything? Someone needs a lesson in the virtues of a glove compartment but I'm starting to think you doesn't actually have it.
        How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


        • #5
          I feel for the poor son - if this is his role model for how women act, he is doomed to pick an awful one.
          How did she manage to run up a bill that high? To manage that here you would have to leave every light and appliance on 24/7 while building a boat in the backyard with power tools. Even at that I don't think you could manage to do it - unless you have baseboard heating and that was also kicked on 24/7.


          • #6
            Quoth Anakah View Post
            And she had the nerve to ask us for money and my fiance gave it to her regardless that we're dirt poor right now and she gave us an electricity bill of $194.
            Talk about audacity.

            Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
            You're never going to see that money back, I'm sure you realize.
            I'd consider it a good investment, myself.
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #7
              "I'd consider it a good investment, myself."

              Oh, no doubt. Absofreakinglutley. My father in law, a very wise man, says a good lesson is expensive. He's right.

              Also, when you do something like this, give someone like this money, it gives you a very, very strong platform from with to tell them to get lost later.

