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Argument at KFC

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  • Argument at KFC

    I was early for work, so I decided to kill some time and get myself something to eat. I walked to the nearest KFC. As I walked towards the entrance, I noticed a woman walking down the street towards it as well, and I couldn't help but see she REALLY quickened her pace when she noticed I was headed the same place she was. I still beat her and I joined the line.

    So, the woman, who I will refer to as "Trailer Trash Bitch Face" started scoffing all of a sudden. The line died down, and I was going to be next. Trailer Trash Bitch Face suddenly walked in front of me, and started pretending she was looking at the menu. The cashier called "Next please!"

    TTBF: Give me a-
    Me: Excuse me! I was next!
    TTBF: Ignore him, I want *insert meal here*

    Cashier looks terrified.

    Me: No! I was next! You have been trying to get ahead of me since the second I walked in here! I was next!
    TTBF: Prove it arse hole!

    A customer behind me joined in, who will be known as "Cool Customer"

    CC: He was next! She pushed in!
    TTBF: I'm in a fucking hurry! Give me my food!
    Me: I'm in a fucking hurry as well! You are not too good to wait!
    TTBF: I'm not listening to you anymore. *to cashier* Just give me what I asked for.
    Cashier: Um...but...ummm *to me* What do you want?
    Me: I only want some popcorn chicken.
    Cashier: OK, I'll get that.
    TTBF: Wait! I was next! I was next!

    She actually started stamping her feet.

    Cashier: That will be £x.xx
    TTBF: You fucking bastards! I'm in a hurry!
    Me: And did you see how long it took me to be served? Um, about five seconds! And how long have you been causing a scene for? If you had waited your turn you would have been served by now.
    TTBF: Just you wait! I never forget a face! My boyfriend is going to get you!

    Oh dear, I am shitting myself

    I am getting really worried, why do I always have run ins with people like this? Maybe I should just stop going outside.

  • #2
    Wow, awesome! I can't believe she was stamping her feet. I'm surprised she didn't throw herself on the floor and pound the ground with her heels.
    It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision.
    -Helen Keller

    I got this av from Court Records, made by Croik!


    • #3
      Quoth customersruinmylife View Post
      TTBF: You fucking bastards! I'm in a hurry!
      Me: And did you see how long it took me to be served? Um, about five seconds! And how long have you been causing a scene for? If you had waited your turn you would have been served by now.
      Exactly. People never seem to realize that by causing a scene and repeatedly insisting that they're in a hurry, they're making it all take even longer.
      "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

      “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


      • #4
        Funniest thing I've read all day!!!!!

        Now, tell me, will she be riding shotgun with her man, to point you out to him? I'm a bit unclear on that.
        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


        • #5
          Well there's two different ways this could end

          You could see White Trash lady and her boyfriend somewhere, and he could be an enormous man of wrestling proportions, with a full grown mullet or a shaved head, all out sleeves with swastikas and other white power symbols for tattoos, and arms the size of Texas.......

          Or he could be some pipsqueak little gangly toothpick white boy who pretends to be black..........all 6 feet and 120 lbs of him.

          I hope for the 2nd outcome!
          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


          • #6
            Quoth customersruinmylife View Post
            TTBF: Just you wait! I never forget a face! My boyfriend is going to get you!
            Oh, I've heard that one before. During my lab assistant days in college, these girls came into the lab late in the evening. The rules were clear: no games were to be played on the lab computers. It doesn' t matter if the lab is deserted, doesn't matter if it's almost quitting time. One of the girls has a report to type up, but the other, starts playing a game. She starts arguing with me, although the rules are clearly posted on the wall. She gets hysterical, at one point proclaims that 'Games are my life!'. I tell her that if she doesn't shut the game off, then I will call security to have her removed. She goes to call them herself, I take the opportunity and turn the game off. Fuel on fire. Realizing that I'm not backing down in any way shape or form, her friend saves her report and tries to drag her out. Meanwhile, Miss 'Games are my life' proclaims, "You just wait! My boyfriend is going to come after you, and he gonna blow your blond wig back! You just wait!" When she sees me getting on the phone to call security, she and her friend split.

            Since I had seen her ID card, I reported this to my boss just in case, but afterwards, I just couldn't help but bust out laughing at the absurdity of it all. My boss typically backed me up on things like this. Rules were rules, and I was given instructions to enforce them, and enforce them I did.
            A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....


            • #7
              Quoth customersruinmylife View Post
              So, the woman, who I will refer to as "Trailer Trash Bitch Face" started scoffing all of a sudden. The line died down, and I was going to be next. Trailer Trash Bitch Face suddenly walked in front of me, and started pretending she was looking at the menu. The cashier called "Next please!"
              What must be going on in her mind? She must be living in some kind of comic book where she is the gutsy hero.

              You thought you had me defeated, didn't you Beat-Me-To-The-Door-Man! But I will have the last laugh!!! Bwahahahahahaha! Bwahahahahahaha!


              But I don't need a vagina. I have a pony.

