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Best Buy - Who's the sucky one here?

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  • Best Buy - Who's the sucky one here?

    Best Buy printed an ad this last week, with the following offers:

    * Free Heroes Season 1 HD-DVD with purchase of an XBox 360 HD player at $180.
    * 5 free HD-DVD movies (mail-in rebate) with purchase of any HD player.
    * 2 free HD-DVD movies on the spot (limit $34.99 price tag each) with purchase of any HD player.

    Here's the actual print ads:

    Note the Toshiba player deal for 300 and Bourne Identity free with the player, in addition to the other deals already mentioned. It becomes important later.

    Andara and I saw the deal. We figured out the value of the items we'd be getting in the deal. We decided that we'd be stupid not to jump on this deal, because the total value of just the movies was over $200.

    I went in to buy the deal. I wandered around the store trying to figure out where everything was, and asked a few employees, who each directed me to a different area. Finally, I'm directed to the Computer/Console Entertainment area, and I am greeted by a salesman. Let's call him Tod, for simplicity's sake, and because that's not his name.

    I explain to Tod what I'm there for, and he takes me to the cage where they have the consoles and expensive peripherals locked up. He explains that the store is out of the Heroes HD-DVD set, but that he could write me out a rain check. We go up to the service counter, so that another clerk - we'll call her Sally - could see if I qualified for a credit card (I'd be buying a complete 360 package, if I did), while he went to write up the rain check.

    Credit card app is declined, alas. So Tod gives me the rain check, and I start to go to the cashier. He walks me up there, XBox 360 HD-DVD player in his arms - good security, which I applaud. As we're approaching the counter, I mentioned the two free DVD offer, which to that point, I'd misunderstood - I thought it was the two movies packed in with the Toshiba player, and that it applied to all stand-alone HD-DVD players. He frowns, says he's not sure, and goes to get a copy of the flyers. While he's gone, I mention the deal to the cashier, who hasn't heard anything about it. I pay, I get my receipt and the automatically-printed rebate form for the five free by mail deal, and the deal is pretty much done. Or so I thought.

    Tod comes trotting back across the store. "Yes, it applies," he tells me. "Just go pick out any two HD-DVDs off the shelf, take them and your receipt and XBox to the service counter, and they'll process it as a return." Much heartened by this, I go to the rack, find a few movies that Andara and I will want, and head to the service counter.

    I get up to the service counter, explain what I'm there for to Sally, and she shakes her head. "Sorry, I had that with someone yesterday. That only applies to HD-DVD players, and the XBox thing is a console accessory."

    Now, if she was the first person I'd talked to, I would have taken that as gospel, and left without any further fuss. However, a floor salesperson had told me that it DID apply, and that causes some friction. At that point, I pulled out the copy of the flyer that Tod had given me, and read it carefully. I pointed out the sections of the flyer, and Sally insisted that I'm not entitled to the two free movies, but that she'd call a manager, if I insist. I agreed that would be the best idea.

    The two important lines:
    *Free Heroes HD DVD instantly, when you buy an Xbox 360 HD-DVD player. No problem there.
    * Get 7 free HD-DVD movies - Get 5 free HD-DVD movies by mail, PLUS get any two more FREE instantly, when you buy any HD-DVD player. - Here's the problem.

    The manager arrived - let's call him Bob. I explained my position - the ad said that I should get two free movies on the spot, Tod said that I should - and I also pointed out that if Tod was wrong, I wasn't upset at Tod, since it was clearly a breakdown in corporate training and instruction somewhere - so I wanted to know how he could resolve it.

    Bob steadfastly declared that I wasn't entitled to the deal, but that he'd try processing it, and if the computer accepted it, we were good to go; otherwise his hands were tied, he couldn't just give me the movies. I'm certain that he already knew about the deal and that it would refused, but that he was humoring me.

    He instructed Sally to ring it up as a test transaction. It came up with something weird - what, exactly, I'll never know, but it made them both frown at their side of the screen. Bob suddenly looked at the flyer, said, "I'll be right back," and trotted across the store.

    He came back a few minutes later with a DVD player box under his arm. "This is the player that gets the two free movies," he declared. It was the DVD player in the ad - the one that came with 300 and the Bourne Identity packed in the box free.

    Having just reread the ad myself, I pointed out that he was misunderstanding the ad, and confusing two completely separate offers - the two free that come with that specific player, and the two free with any HD-DVD player. He continued to insist that what I bought was not, in fact, an HD-DVD player, and was really just a console accesory. I produced the evidence that the box itself - and even Best Buy's own ad - declared it to be an HD-DVD player. He produced the evidence that it could not be hooked directly to a TV; that you had to connect it to something else, as well (True - it can be hooked to an Xbox 360, a computer with XP with some downloaded drivers, or a computer with Vista - but that's not really relevant).

    At this point, I could see that we were not getting anywhere. He wasn't going to budge, and neither was I. I asked to speak to the Store Manager; Bob told me that he wasn't there today, but that I could call Corporate, and that Bob would provide me with the number.

    Just as we're wrapping up, and I'm about to go home to make a phone call, he asked, "You did get the Heroes deal, right?" I explained that they were out of stock, and that I'd been given a rain check. He said, "I'd swear I just saw one on an end-cap - I'll be right back." He trots off across the store again, and comes back with the Heroes set.

    I thanked him, and took my leave.

    At no point was I abusive. At one point, I was mildly rude - when I said that Bob wasn't actually READING the ad, because he was stating something distinctly different than what the ad stated - but I don't feel it ever got to a "suck" level.

    I went home, called Corporate, and was told that I had to call between certain hours for the sort of call I was making.

    The next morning at work, I called. I spoke to a woman who knew what I was talking about. She informed me that the XBox DVD player was not supposed to be eligible for the 2-free-instantly deal, but that the ad had not been properly proofread before being printed, and that it would be honored - and that a memo had been shot to all stores that very morning about it. I felt heartened.

    After work, I went back to the store, marched up to the Service desk, and after about 5 minutes, Sally spots me. "This isn't about the same thing as yesterday, is it?" I assured her it was, and explained that Corporate had told me that a memo had gone out this morning. She got a VERY nervous look on her face, and raced off across the store. She returned with another man in tow, who I presume to be the store manager. "He has to check his email," Sally explained. 5 minutes later, without so much as a word of explanation, Sally takes my receipt, and starts processing the "exchange."

    Long story short - I did indeed end up with the XBox HD-DVD player, the Heroes Season 1 set, 2 more movies (TMNT and 300, if anyone cares), and the 5-free-mail-rebate deal. Total value, estimated at around $470, for just over $200 after tax.

    Was there any suckitude there, or is my displeasure at the runaround - and Bob's inability to read the ad, and instead try to come up with semi-logical reasons why it doesn't apply - the only reason I'm a little sour on the whole thing?
    Last edited by Nekojin; 10-29-2007, 05:10 AM.

  • #2
    There is no real suckiness here.. well maybe sucky communication. Having worked in (and now continuing to work in) big box electronics retail both for Circuit City and now Best Buy, I can tell you that nobody memorizes the ad for their department. They have maybe 15 minutes to glance over it when they come in, because clocking in early is a deadly offense in these parts (budgets!) and at least at Circuit City, prep work for the store involves turning on displays and opening registers for each department.

    You were not sucky, you were disgruntled and I would be too. They themselves were not overly sucky, because retail stores are so busy doing this ad set or the other that they rarely get the time to really look over what matters to the customer - the ad that they recieve. Corporate doesn't give to craps. Corporate is the suckiness here.

    Problems like these are the reason why I tried desperately to stay away from major consumer electronics retail, because there is a lot of miscommunication or a lack of communication entirely from the higher-ups to the face-to-face store associates. So understand that if there are special package deals, even mentioning them makes some of us associates get the deer in headlights look becuse we either haven't seen the ad because we've been running around like headless chickens, or because of the built-in fear that comes from dealing with issues like this in the first place.


    • #3
      I have to admit that Tod really went above and beyond the call of duty for me, and Bob's rushing off to get the boxed set, instead of just letting me keep the rain check and redeem it "whenever" (they got more in the next day, in fact) redeemed him a bit in my eyes.


      • #4
        Yeah, when good adverts go bad... it was a little sucky that you had to go through all that, but miscommunication is a bitch... I actually have dealt with several policies at my work changing in the past 2 months, and it's really hard to keep them all in line with all the employees... usually a call to Corporate is in order for certain situations. You were not sucky, the employees were a bit, but mostly it was just bad communication, and I'm glad everything turned out OK in the end!
        "I, too, am saddened by the lack of hookers in this thread." -LingualMonkey


        • #5
          Be thankful that the Best Buy card got declined. Best Buy does their card through HSBC and they are a nightmare to deal with. Trust me, we're going through that headache right now with a GM credit card.

          I refuse to deal with Best Buy after they changed their service contract deal a few years back. I bought a laptop there and they basically refused to acknowledge that the keyboard kept failing on me. I had to send it out four times because the problem was never resolved. My dad was finally able to get them to exchange it for a new one as per what it stated in the contract.

          I only got to one Circuit City for most of my electronic needs, and that's because a good (and super nice) friend of my brother works there. If there's a problem with something he always solves it. Not to mention he's very knowledgeable about everything!

          It sucks that you had that crappy experience at Best Buy. Perhaps this incident will prompt them to keep a better watch on their ads before they go out. After all, I'm sure they don't want to get involved in some sort of lawsuit for false advertising or something.
          Suddenly, Vermont became the epicenter of the dystopia.


          • #6
            Alright it sounds like it was mainly a breakdown in training for that department. I saw that very ad and questioned it to my manager to make sure I had an answer for when customers came in. Corporate shot out a memo to all stores the Sunday that ad came out saying that the 2 free movies were valid with the 360 HD-DVD player in addition to the Heroes promo. As for memorizing the ad its expected of our departments to know the major deals in the ad and we are quized on it at random. Plus the essentially 9 free HD movies they could get was a great selling point.


            • #7
              Quoth Gost2036 View Post
              . As for memorizing the ad its expected of our departments to know the major deals in the ad and we are quized on it at random.
              Glad to know your store's in order.


              • #8
                To answer your questions the way they acted wasnt as bad as the way the local BB treats their people but they where still the ones with the issues. At least you got your disks. The local BB would have shoved you out the door and told you to get stuffed. While making fun of you if it was the geeks involved.

                People whose job title is geek squad should not be making fun of others, ever.....
                Last edited by Ree; 11-02-2007, 09:52 PM.


                • #9
                  I think the store employee was slightly sucky about it only because he wasn't honoring what was said in the ad. He was interpreting the way it should have been not what actually was. Corporate was honoring it so they wouldn't get sued and fined.

                  I was in the local BB a few years back helping mom get a hard drive. 40 gb at 279.99 and get some ram for free. She started looking at mp3 players and noticed a sign for a d-link one that just didn't sound right. It was written wrong, it had the lowered price and then the rebate so you'd end up making about 10 or 20 $$ for any unit you bought. So we got PAID to take the mp3 player.

                  Wait that's not all....

                  Mom got 3 of them, 1 for me, my bro and a buddy of mine. We had to use 3 different addresses to get rebate no big deal. Sent in rebate stuff with upc cut from boxes.

                  Now ON THE BOX it said win(whatever we had) was supported. Try out the go. Check website, download...blah blah usual tech go.

                  Call customer support, "Are you going to support win(whatever we have) like box says?"

                  "No we are not supporting that system with that mp3 unit."

                  Me:"So what are we going to do to fix this?"

                  "We will replace them with this higher grade unit. We'll have UPS pick up yours if you will box them up and send you three of this other unit. Is that OK with you?"

                  Me: "FANTASTIC!"

                  Checked out prices for that unit. Retail was about $100. That was about 30 higher than the one we got at the store.

                  Short version: I love Best Buy mess ups on signage.

