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Passport Suckage (sort of long)

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  • Passport Suckage (sort of long)

    So I was in the post office a couple days ago to send of some forms for the University I am attending and I witnessed this little gem of wonderful human intelligence.

    PPL: Pass Port Lady
    CG: Cool Guy
    PPOW: Poor Post Office Worker

    Apparently PPL was there to get her pass port set up and did not have any ID with her at all. I hopefully should not have to explain how exceedingly stupid this is. Near as I can tell they had been arguing for some time before I got there. I stopped what I was doing and debated getting some popcorn.

    To further set the scene the line to the service desk was abut 20 to 25 people deep and there were only 3 workers on duty at the time. The queue is getting longer while this lady rants on. This is the conversation as best I can remember it.

    PPL: I don't understand why this is such a problem, can we just get these forms processed and then I'll give my ID when I get my picture taken for my passport.

    PPOW: (I swear he looks like his head is going to explode) Ma'am in order to process these we need to have photo ID. Without any form of ID I can not help you with this, its the LAW.

    PPL: Can't you just make an exception for me?

    PPOW: Ma'am I can not make an exception for you, that would be against the law. If you want these processed you need to be able to present a photo ID with these forms. If I made an exception for you not only would I lose my job but I would be breaking the law.

    This was the rough conversation and continued for about 5 minutes. I contemplated saying something but CG beat me to it.

    CG: For Chrissakes lady what kind of moron comes to get a passport without ID. Just drop it already, go home, get your ID and come back when you have it and let the rest of us that have been held up because of your idiocy actually do what we came here to do. Some of us have places to be.

    PPL: F*** YOU F*** THIS Place... I will be writing a letter to your manager about how rude you were to me.

    CG: And I'll be sure to write a letter to tell your boss how you stuck to your guns and should be commended for doing your job so well under pressure.

    PPL: *sputters some incoherent swearing and storms out*

    CG: Some people. Hey man, go take a break or something, people really shouldn't have to put up with that kind of crap.

    The rest of the line nodded and chimed in with words of agreement. PPOW shrugged smiled, thanked CG and then helped the next person in line. I mailed my forms and all was well with an SC slain.

  • #2
    I am so glad to hear stories of SCs getting a taste of reality. Since workers are usually prevented from smacking these people upside the head with the shovel of logic, it's good to hear of people that step in and help out. Cool people like that should be rewarded in some way.


    • #3
      A big to the Cool Guy for saying what the Post Office Worker was probably dying to say to Madame Clueless!

      Seriously, getting a passport and not bringing your ID?! And I thought folks trying to buy cigs and booze without ID were stupid...!
      Last edited by XCashier; 12-30-2007, 01:32 AM.
      I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
      My LiveJournal
      A page we can all agree with!


      • #4
        lol i would have said "What kind of idiot drives to the post office with out their ID? Maybe i should call the cops for that crime"


        • #5
          I remember having to deal with people getting passports when the new homeland security regulations came around. I feared answering the phone then.
          How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


          • #6
            I stopped what I was doing and debated getting some popcorn.
            Sounds like a good show...

            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


            • #7
              Well unlike in a retail setting where something is 'against the rules' but the floor sups will often let it slide if the SC throws a big enough fit, the postal worker was dead serious. It is federal law, and he's in a whole heap of trouble if he doesn't follow it. I'm not talking 'lose his job get a fine' trouble, I'm talking 'FBI will be so far up his ass with a microscope they'll know what he had for dinner' trouble. I don't blame him for not backing down. And kudos to the guy in line who gave the lady a what for, too. I reiterate everyone else on the thread; What kind of maroon goes to turn in passport paperwork without an ID? Isn't that like, common sense?

              Oh yeah, forgot. Sucky customers =/= common sense. Sorry.

              Momentary memory lapse there.
              Because as we all know, on the Internet all men are men, all women are men and all children are FBI agents.

