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Complaint - Accent?

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  • Complaint - Accent?

    This was just... interesting.

    I took the day off from work today due to a migraine. Since I had the free time, my mother and I went to the doctor's office to check on this cough I have had for over a month (she thought it was 'walking pneumonia', turns out it was a sinus infection).

    We get to the office and two nurses are working the desk, and seem to be in the middle of a conversation. We catch the tail end of it, but this is what we hear: "I cannot BELIEVE she registered a complaint about me because of my accent!"

    That is right. A woman with an indian-english accent had a complaint registered against her because the caller couldn't understand her through her accent. She is such a polite nurse, it seems absurd to complain about her, by name, for such a stupid reason.

    Is there an island where we can stick these people?
    ~ It is a beautiful day to be dizzy!

  • #2
    Quoth Meadhands View Post
    Is there an island where we can stick these people?
    I hear Atlantis is a little under populated at the moment, should be nice this time of year.
    A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


    • #3
      Quoth Meadhands View Post
      That is right. A woman with an indian-english accent had a complaint registered against her because the caller couldn't understand her through her accent. She is such a polite nurse, it seems absurd to complain about her, by name, for such a stupid reason.
      Depends on how thick her accent was. I've come across accents of various types, including Indian, so bad they weren't understandable. In the ordinary run of things, that's annoying. In the medical field, that can be lethal.
      Last edited by Gurndigarn; 01-17-2008, 11:45 AM.


      • #4
        Indeed, so have I. Some so bad I thought they were speaking a different language until a could decipher an odd word or two. Not exactly the sort of folks that should be dealing with the general public as a career, never mind life or death situations.
        Last edited by Posture Moll; 01-17-2008, 04:29 AM. Reason: typo
        Mike: I'm gonna tell my boss I'm Puma Man, maybe he'll let me off early.

        - "Puma Man", MST3K.


        • #5
          I'll be the first one to admit - I'm horrible at understanding people with thick accents. It used to never be a problem, living in northeast Ohio there weren't too many people with thick accents, but now that I've moved to DC, it's just becoming painfully obvious how bad I am! But I would never blame them for my inability to understand them!


          • #6
            Hope you're feeling better. BTW, love the avatar. ^_^ kawaii!
            Random conversation:
            Me: I think I get why Zoro wears a bandana
            DDD: Cuz it's cool

            So, by using the Doctor's reasoning, bow ties, fezzes and bandanas are cool.


            • #7
              Quoth Posture Moll View Post
              Not exactly the sort of folks that should be dealing with the general public as a career, never mind life or death situations.
              Excuse me? They do know the language, obviously. But they still aren't allowed to talk to people for a career? You do know that an accent can fade over time, if someone gets practice in using the language, yes? But instead you condemn them to labour/service positions out of sight? Like the untouchable casté or something?

              I'd like to entreat people now to stop this particular line before it goes any further.
              Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



              • #8
                Quoth Meadhands View Post
                I took the day off from work today due to a migraine. Since I had the free time, my mother and I went to the doctor's office to check on this cough I have had for over a month (she thought it was 'walking pneumonia'
                I had that once before, at least I think I did.

                Mom: How long have you been coughing like that for?
                Me: Ummm.... I think a couple months now.
                Mom: Hmmm. I guess we should take you to the doctor then.
                *goes to doctor*
                Doc: It could be walking pneumonia, allergies, or maybe even TB. So take all these drugs and see if you get better.


                • #9
                  I can see complaining about a person's accent, provided the accent was actually very thick that makes it hard to understand. Ihave a really tough time understanding my brother in law. Half the time he asks me a question I just end up smiling and nodding and saying "mhmmm" because I have no idea what he just asked me. Doesn't work too well when it wasn't a yes or no question though.


                  • #10
                    Accent Complaints

                    Where I work we mostly deal with people over the phone. One of my co-workers is from Germany. She does have an accent, but it's not very thick and she speaks English quite well. Apparently someone complained to our superviser about the fact that she has an accent.

                    Supervisor: Did you have trouble understanding her?
                    Complainer: No, I could understand her ok, but she has an accent.
                    Supervisor: Was she able to help you with your issue?
                    Complainer: Yes, she got everything straightened out just fine. But she has an accent.
                    Supervisor: So ... what is your complaint exactly?
                    Complainer: She has an accent.



                    • #11
                      If the accent really does make someone difficult to understand, especially in a health care or other potentially 'serious' setting, where understanding questions and instructions is very important, I could see an employer asking them to do some kind of "accent training," but if it doesn't impact their job performance it's just stupid. I guess we would have to know what the actual complaint was, whether it was just "she has an accent" or "I couldn't understand her."

                      (I know that some foreign call centers, like in India, put their reps through a course intended to train them to have more of an "American" accent, so that their customers can understand them better. I've also seen audio programs for American accent training in the ESL section.)
                      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                      • #12
                        Most of the airlines have moved their customer service call centers overseas, and I have to say, most of them are VERY nice and polite but many of them VERY difficult to understand.

                        I always remain patient and professional because, like me, they are just trying to do their jobs to the best of their abilities and I won't be like an SC and take it out on them.

                        I do, however, understand that it can be frustrating when you can't understand someone. But complaining about them, or being nasty to them, is just wrong.
                        "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                        • #13
                          I think it's kind of ridiculous to expect everyone to have a perfect "American" accent. I'm of the opinion that if they're good at their job, thick accent or not, then there's really no reason to bitch about it. If her coworkers could understand her, and it seems obvious they could, then there's absolutely no problem with communication there; if she's well qualified in her field of medicine, and she can clearly easily communicate with the people around her, what's the problem?

                          If the SC was having that much of a problem understanding her, then they should have just politely asked for someone else. I can understand not understanding someone's accent, but there's no excuse to be an ass about it.
                          Would you like a Stummies?


                          • #14
                            Quoth Broomjockey View Post
                            Excuse me? They do know the language, obviously. But they still aren't allowed to talk to people for a career? You do know that an accent can fade over time, if someone gets practice in using the language, yes? But instead you condemn them to labour/service positions out of sight? Like the untouchable casté or something?
                            Untouchables? Don't be obtuse and compare appearance-based racism to a lack of linguistic proficiency.

                            You realize I have the working knowledge of a second language, but am far from fluent in it. Some native speakers will often have no idea what I'm talking about due to my accent. I suppose you think I'd be the best one for a customer service position in their country, and not a person that could be easily understood by the entire public?

                            Right. I'm sure my prospective employers would welcome me with open arms.

                            Why does western political correctness take such precedence over practicality?

                            Supervisor: Did you have trouble understanding her?
                            Complainer: No, I could understand her ok, but she has an accent.
                            I would have to say that that is rather stupid, however.
                            Last edited by Posture Moll; 01-21-2008, 02:40 AM.
                            Mike: I'm gonna tell my boss I'm Puma Man, maybe he'll let me off early.

                            - "Puma Man", MST3K.


                            • #15
                              I went to Lowe's on Sat to pick up a water softener. A Hispanic lady was working the service dept counter. I do not know if she was Mexican, Guatemalan, Puerto Rican or El Salvadoran. I only know she had a very thick accent. I could understand her somewhat in a face to face transaction, but then she got on the intercom and her pages were completely un-intelligible. Luckily she went on break and I was able to communicate with someone else and get my item finally.

                              I can understand being tolerant of those who may have a limited command of the English command, but the last time I looked, I still lived in the USA.

                              OK vent over.

