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"That's too many for express!"

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  • "That's too many for express!"

    Yep, that's what the teenage cashier said to the customers behind me when I was paying for a 18-bottle thing of Budweiser. I looked behind me to see this old Mexican couple with a cartful. They just kinda looked at the sign and quietly, without saying a word, went into another lane. Now, I normally would be like, "HA! Serves 'em right!" but I could see it in their demeanor that I dont think they did it on purpose to be self-important. I think they just didnt understand the whole express lane thing because a lot of Mexican immigrants here can't speak English. I actually felt guilty about the whole situation because most of the Mexicans here actually dont cause any problems and keep to themselves.

  • #2
    Well.. unless the cashier said it in a rude manner, I fail to see any suck. If they had a whole heaping cartful of crap they would have clogged up the express lane for 5+ minutes.
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    • #3
      Yeah, not really seeing any suck unless the cashier was rude. And I don't really think you should feel bad for them, either. Not knowing the rules was their reason (assumedly), and the cashier informed them, and they nicely relocated. Lesson learned, and next time, they'll probably know.
      Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.

