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crazy bus stop lady

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  • crazy bus stop lady

    *To give some background info, I filled in at another library for a few hours today, and with the bus route which I take to get home, the closest stop to my apartment is in front of a Starbucks, and I have to pass a few other stops when walking home*

    I had gone into Starbucks to get some vanilla scones, and shortly after I got out, a woman approached me and asked if I knew what time it was. She didn't quite seem to understand that I didn't have a watch on me and wasn't sure of the exact time, but seemed normal otherwise. Then, when I got to the corner and was waiting to cross the street, the woman gives me a nasty look, and starts accusing me of following her.....I pointed out that I was NOT following her, was just waiting to cross the street and I'd just gotten off at the last bus stop. I didn't hear exactly what she said in response, but apparently because I was walking in the same direction as her bus stop was, this meant I was trying to follow the bus and harrass people.
    So.....this has rather inspired me to take an upcoming class in dealing with mentally ill people, which the library system is offering in December.

  • #2
    Buses seem to bring out the crazy, or the stupid, depending on the time of day, direction, wind chill, etc, and other unknown factors... but that's public transportation, for you, really.

    I want vanilla scones now. Specifically Starbucks petite vanilla scones. Oh my gods, GOOD. They have to have crack in them or something. Either that or Evil Queen is branching out from her cookie empire...


    • #3
      Well, this sort of thing actually doesn't happen very often when I have to take the bus......just really pissed me off today because this is the second time this week when I've had to take the bus for work, and had a complete stranger get pissed off at me.

      But anyhow, yes those petite vanilla scones ARE good!

