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Oh no you did NOT. (And *will* not, if I have anything to say about it)

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  • Oh no you did NOT. (And *will* not, if I have anything to say about it)

    Yesterday was my SIL's birthday, and as a present my mom offered to buy her something. I went along, since I had a giftie I wanted to give SIL.

    We're in Target - excuse me, Tar-jhey (think fake French accent here) - and at one point SIL goes off to check out a CD that had sparked her interest. Meanwhile Mom, nephew and I were browsing around the hats/scarves/mittens area.

    Now, we'd spent the better portion of the day just wandering around a couple stores for fun, and it was getting into the late afternoon, so I can't blame Nephew for feeling a mite cranky. (He's 4, after all) However, he's starting to show signs of, shall we say, disciplinary problems that don't set so well with either my mom or me. (Nothing serious at this point, but if they aren't corrected now they will be bigger problems later on - whether they're a result of upbringing or something else, we're not sure (both my mom and I are about 99% certain Nephew has ADD because he's showing clear classic signs of it))

    So Nephew's pulling hats off the shelf because he wants to look at them - which in itself is of course normal child behavior; the difference is he kept doing it even after my mom told him several times *not* to. After the third or fourth time he did this and my mom told him no, Nephew pipes up in an irate tone, "But I'm a customer!"

    Mom says, "No, you're not. Customers buy things."

    To which Nephew promptly replies, "The customer is always right!" (Said in, of course, That Tone that we all know - and yes, he's a precocious sort)

    Well I, having had more than enough experience working retail, wasn't about to let that one slide. I told him, "Not always, kiddo!"

    I really hope my nephew doesn't grow up to be an SC. But that perfectly illustrated for me just one of many reasons why, despite the fact that I badly need some form of income, I REFUSE to work any more retail, as I will quite likely snap and literally kill the first SC that approaches me.
    ~~ Every politician that opens their mouth on birth control only proves that we need more of it. ~~

  • #2
    And where exactly do you think he got that from? SIL's been teaching him a thing or two about shopping, has she? tsk tsk


    • #3
      ADD signs cold also just be lack of nap time in the middle of the day.


      • #4
        Quoth Aethian View Post
        ADD signs cold also just be lack of nap time in the middle of the day.
        Or boredom. God knows I never could stand it when my mom dragged me along while she shopped. I think we both were relieved when I was old enough to plop down on a bench, or stay in the car and read my book while she wandered the mall.
        The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
        "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
        Hoc spatio locantur.


        • #5
          Quoth One-Fang View Post
          And where exactly do you think he got that from? SIL's been teaching him a thing or two about shopping, has she? tsk tsk
          Well, we don't know that for certain. It's very possible he picked it up from any of her relatives, who ARE shopaholics and have plenty of bad habits to go around (SIL has a big family and even she admits that some of them leave a lot to be desired).

          Quoth Aethian
          ADD signs cold also just be lack of nap time in the middle of the day.
          Maybe, maybe not. Unless you've had any experience with ADD, it's very hard to tell whether or not someone has it. There are a few telltale signs, such as obsessive focus and emotional sensitivity to things that wouldn't normally bother 'normal' people, both of which Nephew has shown on regular occasion. The difference between something that is just a result of cranky no-nap time or simple childhood excitability, and something that repeats itself even when none of those factors come into play, is chronic: if this behavior shows up on a regular basis and does so even when no outside factors can account for it, it's a pretty good sign of ADD.
          ~~ Every politician that opens their mouth on birth control only proves that we need more of it. ~~


          • #6
            Quoth Amethyst Hunter View Post
            "But I'm a customer!"
            Ah-ha! No he wasn't! Because he was at Target and Target doesn't have customers, it has guests! Ha!

            *Has been corrected over the walkies for referring to a "guest" as a "customer" before*


            • #7
              As ADD is both not the focus of this, and difficult for professionals to diagnose, let alone over the internet, can we leave it lay where it is?
              Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


