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Hey don't throw that in my yard

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  • Hey don't throw that in my yard

    So me and the hubby live above a little country post office.Its a good thing because we have a huge house and we work all day so the post office is closed by the time we get home at night. We have a HUGE yard and and of course it goes all the way down by the post office.I can't count how many times I have been outside in the yard with the dogs and some jackass will get out of their car and try to throw garbage in our yard.Just this saturday I was outside and this random jackass gets out of his car and finish his whopper and then proceeds to try(notice I said tried) to throw his cup and whopper paper in my yard.


    Me- Hey get your ass back here and get your damn trash out of my yard.
    JA--Looks stunned and says Oh I didn't know anyone lived here.

    Yeah right okay lets see there is xmas decorations in the yard, there are curtains in the windows above and there is lawn furinture in the yard.Yes no one lives here
    jackass.I'm waiting for the day that I come home and someone is sitting in my lawn furiture.Oh the asshole I will tear them.

  • #2
    Start carrying a camera and snap a picture of them and their license plates. Send the information to the police and report them for littering.

    I'm vindictive like that.

    Eric the Grey
    In memory of Dena - Don't Drink and Drive


    • #3
      I didn't get my nasty streak anyplace strange.

      My grandfather had a similar problem of some dude on his street (this was when we lived in New Jersey) letting his ginormous dogs crap on his lawn every single day. He told the guy to knock it off. Dogs continued to drop enormous logpiles on my grandfather's lawn.

      So Pop started putting the offending material into a shiny new galvanized garbage can. And saved it.

      Until the can was full. This was a full size garbage can. I'm sure you see where this is going.

      Pop drives the can down the street and unloads 30 gallons of ripe dogshit in various stages of decomposition all over the guy's nicely manicured lawn.

      Pop no longer had a problem with that guy's dogs defecating on his lawn anymore.


      • #4
        I say this to your grandfather,

        "Bravo, sir, bravo!"
        It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


        • #5
          Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
          I didn't get my nasty streak anyplace strange.

          My grandfather had a similar problem of some dude on his street (this was when we lived in New Jersey) letting his ginormous dogs crap on his lawn every single day. He told the guy to knock it off. Dogs continued to drop enormous logpiles on my grandfather's lawn.
          I once had a neighbor (who was a sheriff's deputy BTW) who would let his large rottweiler out every night and stand and watch it shit in my front yard. So, one night I watched for them and as soon as the dog finished, I used my poop scooper to pick it up and flung it onto their driveway. I wasn't worried about making him mad (as I had done that already by referring to him as "the dumbass" to his co-workers when they came to check out a water leak in his yard), but it seemed to do the trick. He stopped sending his dog to my front yard to do his business. Funny thing, though, after that incident, he and his wife stopped waving if I was outside when they drove past.
          "I guess they see another cash cow just waiting to be dry humped." - Irving Patrick Freleigh


          • #6
            When the snow falls common sense seems to fall to the wayside as well. People up here have had to deal with people playing in the snow in their own yards as well as having to clean up after them.
            Today the weather sucked. Why people were out just playing in the snow, I don't know. I'll never understand them.
            Sure enough, someone was on our private drive in a small car that was bound to get stuck. As my husband pulled in to pick me up for work he stopped and told them they were trespassing and they needed to leave before they got their arses stuck. He lectured them they couldn't just stop anywhere they wanted to play in the snow.

            Bonus: later in the day they came into the store.

            "You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."


            • #7
              Quoth candyshopgirl View Post
              JA--Looks stunned and says Oh I didn't know anyone lived here.
              Huh? So he thinks it would somehow be OK for him to leave his garbage on the ground if nobody lived there?
              The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

              The stupid is strong with this one.


              • #8
                Wow, I hate people treating my yard as garbage dump too. I dont' drink beer but I'm always finding beer bottles in my drive way. Also, neighbor has mean dogs that sometimes get in my yard. I found a dead kitten in the yard so I get the shovel and dump him over to their side. Also, since my property is big, there is a lot of trash I find that can't come from the street (the fence is in the way, it's 500 ft from the street) that is a few feet from our shared fence. I imagine the neighbor dumps empty fast food bags and drinks over our side because he's too lazy to put it in his trash.

                If I had a nickle for everytime I see someone litter stupidly (what I mean by "stupidly" is really matter of degree, like grounding a cigerette on the plaza isn't as bad as letting someone's dog poop in a neighbors yard). Like this one this one guy waiting at the bus stop and he was eating his subway food. Bus is coming and he drops the empty bag on the street...when there is a trash can 2 feet from him. Like he can't wave at the bus driver as he shuffles over 2 feet to drop the garbage in the can.

                Another time this car pulls in front of me from a parking lot like a bat out of hell. About 5 blocks latter the car pulls into an apt. complex and the passenger just drops out of the window an empty fast food bag. What, the apt. complex has no garbage cans? You don't have a garbage can in your apt.?
                Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

                Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

                I wish porn had subtitles.


                • #9
                  That annoys me no end. I am across the street from a park and I find litter in my front yard almost daily. There are perfectly good barrels less than 50' from the drop zone.
                  I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!

                  Who is John Galt?
                  -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


                  • #10
                    i am also a photo taker, however my camera also does film. The cops out here do love me immagine $500 per person, and ive sent pics/video of at least.... 10 people.. ooh
                    Crono: sounds like the machine update became a clusterf*ck..
                    pedersen: No. A clusterf*ck involves at least one pleasurable thing (the orgasm at the end).


                    • #11
                      Vaguely related, one of our neighbors has a mouse trap set up on the fence between his yard and ours. We assume it's to catch squirrels, but we can't say for certain. Mostly, though, he catches birds. Which is especially traumatic for us since Mom used to own a bird seed store, and loves bird watching.
                      "I call murder on that!"


                      • #12
                        Quoth Dips View Post
                        Huh? So he thinks it would somehow be OK for him to leave his garbage on the ground if nobody lived there?
                        Took the words right out of my mouth.

                        What a pig.

                        If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


                        • #13
                          That makes me even more happy that Tommy Lee is gone this year. At least now, when spring comes and the snow melts (ok, I can wish, can't I?), there will not be even ONE single solitary cigarette butt on this side of the parking lot, thereby debunking the theory that I (that's right, I'm the accused one!) am the vengeful cigarette butt tosser. I KNEW it was him....he did it all the time last winter, and all of his prostitutes oops I mean guests did it too. Now that he's more cigg butts. So when dumb old bitch comes home in April and finds NO cigarette butts.....yay!

                          It's a good thing when litterbugs move away. Unfortunately, they're probably littering up a storm just the same where they moved to.

                          If you guys didn't understand that ranty garble above, I had a really stupid neighbor last summer/fall/winter (2007) and he and his friends littered our entire side of the parking lot with cigarette butts. Old bitch came home in April from down south and blamed it all on me and yelled at me. He moved away this summer. There haven't been any cigarette butts since, and there absolutely will not be.
                          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                          • #14
                            Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                            see where this is going.

                            Pop drives the can down the street and unloads 30 gallons of ripe dogshit in various stages of decomposition all over the guy's nicely manicured lawn.

                            Pop no longer had a problem with that guy's dogs defecating on his lawn anymore.
                            This is similar to what my dad did over 30 years ago. This white haired woman from one block over would walk her dog (while she was dressed in her finest, including her grandma square-heeled shoes), down our street, and let this poodle of hers unload dogshit all over our driveway. Whenever Dad would yell at her, she would say, "Oh, it's not hurting anything."

                            Well, one day after her fleabag unloaded another set of logs on the driveway, he went walking after her to see where she lived. After that, he shoveled up the dogshit, put it in the back of his truck, stopped off in front of her house while she was outside tending to her flowers, and unloaded it in her driveway! She got upset, saying "What do you think you're doing?", to which Dad said, "Oh, like you said. It's not hurting anything!", and drove away. Never again did this woman walk her dog on our street, let alone even come by our house again.


                            • #15
                              My dad did a similar thing to a neighbor woman who let her dog repeatedly dump near our mailbox. He told her several times that he didn't appreciate having to wade through the piles to get to the mailbox. She ignored him and kept letting it happen. Finally, Dad had enough, and began saving the piles in a large garbage bag. When it was full, he finally delivered it to her door step. He rang the door bell, waited for her to answer, and told her that he was returning what rightfully belonged to her. He then dumped the bag on her porch, making sure to scatter it along the walkway, too. He also told her that she could expect another delivery if he ever saw another dogpile on our property. She started walking her dog along the other side of the road after that.
                              The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park. -- B'Elanna Torres, Star Trek: Voyager

                              Math! Math, my dear boy, is but the lesbian sister of Biology. -- Peter Griffin, Family Guy

