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Drunk, Entitled and Race Card playing on the Bus

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  • Drunk, Entitled and Race Card playing on the Bus

    This one made me late for work. way to go drunk guy!

    He appeared to be native, and this is important to the story, because he played the race card.

    The bus driver stopped as normal to pick this guy up. Actually, he was dropping off a nice lady who had asked him for advice on a connection she needed to make, which meant he was stopped for a minute or two longer than usual, which gave this wonderful specimen time to stagger up.

    Now, this gentleman was obviously drunk. He trotted up to the coin deposit and threw in a few coins, then looked at the bus driver. The bus driver looked at the coins... it was about $0.50

    The fare was $2.50, as was clearly posted.

    For the record, I had seen this guy before. He had gotten on this same bus weeks before, and flat out refused to pay. It was the same bus driver too.

    "I need another $2.00" The bus driver said. From his expression, he knew where this was going.

    I got up and moved near the front of the bus. I was in my Security uniform for work, and I had helped usher this guy off the bus before.

    "That's all I got." The gentleman exclaimed... not sheepishly or apologetically... he sounded proud. Like a kid that had just dropped his first dookie in the potty. He smelled a bit like it, too.

    "The fare is $2.50." The Bus driver replied.

    "Then gimmie my money back!"

    Now, as with nearly every public bus in the Western Hemisphere, and probably most areas of the world, the money goes into a sealed box. Bus driver can't get it out even if he wanted to. And rules forbid him from giving any of his own money (Safetey reasons, don't want them to think bus drivers have money). So he obviously can't do that.

    "I can't do that. Pay the rest of the fare, or get off the bus."

    Drunk guy, undeterred, leans in closer, as if conveying a great secret. "Thish... thish bus... thish is gov'ment... right? Gov'ment paysh for dish, right?"

    The Bus driver obviously was tired... this was the end of his shift, possibly even his last run of the night, and I could tell he didn't want to fight with this guy. "Yes, part of it."

    "Well... th' gov'ment tooksh my land... took my peoplesh land... you get off my land, and I'll pay the fare."

    *Sigh* I'm not one for stereotypes, so this was painful to watch. I hate to see jerks like this perpetuating them.

    But, race card or no, we were deep in Drunken Logic Land. For those of you who have never had to deal with entitled drunks... when they reach a certain point of inebriation, they are IMPERVIOUS to logic, threats, reason, or most forms of persuasion. It doesn't matter how irrational their argument, you CANNOT convince them otherwise. And if you make the mistake of arguing with them, they can continue the same argument for HOURS, even long after the other side has conceeded defeat.

    Bus driver knew this. So he asked the guy where he was going. He was going somewhere the bus didn't go, which meant he needed a transfer. Which meant the bus driver would either have to try and kick him off, which would take time, or give him a transfer and legitimize the whole nonsense.

    I would have been happy to help him, but he handed the drunkard a transfer and said "I never want to see you on my bus again, got it?"

    So, I expect I'll see him again next week
    Last edited by Polenicus; 01-31-2009, 08:04 AM.
    Check out my webcomic!

  • #2
    Ugh. What a choice. Make a busload of people late by arguing with a drumk or just give in?

    Sometimes expediency requires giving in. It's probably as painful to do it as it is to witness it.

    Maybe next time ('cause we all know there WILL be a next time ) the bus driver will have the freedom to make a better choice.
    The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

    The stupid is strong with this one.


    • #3
      On British buses - at the time I used them, that is - the driver was always able to give change. In fact there was often a separate place for the original money, so it and the change would never get mixed up, and it was swept into the till after the ticket was issued.

      It seems to me that the ideal solution would have been to give the money back and kick off the drunk.


      • #4
        Quoth Chromatix View Post
        On British buses
        It seems to me that the ideal solution would have been to give the money back and kick off the drunk.
        Except it wasn't a British bus, and as said, the money was in a sealed box. Thus, since the drivers carry no change in the majority of Canada, a passenger would have to kick in their own cash to give the guy his money back.
        Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


        • #5
          Being part Native myself, let me just say, I know you took our land, but maybe it's time to just get over it and STFU about it, already.

          Actually, my other parts are of English & French origin. So I guess I took my own land and now I demand that I give it back to myself! And if I don't, I'm going to make unreasonable demands of myself and back it up by playing my Race card on myself. Ha ha! I'll never see it coming!


          • #6
            Quoth Chromatix View Post
            In fact there was often a separate place for the original money, so it and the change would never get mixed up, .
            sounds like a great set up... we'll never see it in North America though... the transit companies with the money to upgrade are switching to electronic payment (electronic passes and credit card payments) and those are few and far between, most are grossly underfunded.

            Besides, race card or no... the SC in the OP was an SC the moment he attempted to ride a bus drunk... better than driving, but still, public intoxication aint cool.
            If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


            • #7
              Actually, my other parts are of English & French origin. So I guess I took my own land and now I demand that I give it back to myself! And if I don't, I'm going to make unreasonable demands of myself and back it up by playing my Race card on myself. Ha ha! I'll never see it coming!
              That was full of awesome!
              "You mean you don’t have the one piece of information you actually need? Well, stick your grubby paws in the crayon box, yank one out and colour me Fucking Shocked Fuchsia." - Gravekeeper


              • #8
                Quoth Dips View Post
                Ugh. What a choice. Make a busload of people late by arguing with a drumk or just give in?
                I have been witness to a driver awesomeness.

                Late night bus home after having a few or six pints at the pub near work, some chavs got on, paid their fare and were mildly annoying.

                After about 5 miles the driver stopped the bus to check their tickets, surprise they'd overridden and needed to go a few stops more. Driver requested they get off now - no. Driver demanded they get off - no. Driver gave them one last chance to get off - no.

                Driver closed and locked the doors, turned the bus around and went back a mile to the police station and promptly leant on the horn (mobiles were still rare when this happened) till the cops came out and dragged them off
                Lady, people aren't chocolates. D'you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard-coated bastards with bastard filling. Dr Cox - Scrubs


                • #9
                  Quoth Gerrinson View Post
                  Being part Native myself, let me just say, I know you took our land, but maybe it's time to just get over it and STFU about it, already.

                  Actually, my other parts are of English & French origin. So I guess I took my own land and now I demand that I give it back to myself! And if I don't, I'm going to make unreasonable demands of myself and back it up by playing my Race card on myself. Ha ha! I'll never see it coming!
                  This made me

                  But again, this had nothing to do with Native rights. The Race Card never usually has any application to the situation where it's being played.

                  People like this bug me on a personal responsibility level, I guess. Maybe you started out with disadvantages, and maybe the world discriminates against you... but if you're over the age of 12, you can start doing stuff to help yourself. I don't owe you anything if your life is crap because you've been putting all your effort towards making it that way.

                  That's not a racial thing, it applies to everyone.
                  Check out my webcomic!


                  • #10
                    This one made me late for work. way to go drunk guy!
                    you'd love Japanese laws then... If you personally cause a bus or train to be late... you are not only liable to the transportation company, you're also liable to the lost wages of everyone you inconvenienced. yeah!


                    • #11
                      Quoth PepperElf View Post
                      you'd love Japanese laws then... If you personally cause a bus or train to be late... you are not only liable to the transportation company, you're also liable to the lost wages of everyone you inconvenienced. yeah!
                      I want that law here!
                      Any day you're looking down at the dirt instead of up at the dirt is a good day.

