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Arguments of much stupid

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  • Arguments of much stupid

    These events happened where I worked on separate days, to separate coworkers. They stuck in my mind though…

    The department who cleans the public restrooms does so approx. every hour. These bathrooms can get very disgusting very fast on busy days. The employee had just put-up the ‘cleaning in progress’ sign and was beginning to work on the lady’s room. A female customer STILL went into the bathroom and the employee asked her to wait until he was done. Her argument? ‘It’s so inconvenient when you clean in the middle of the day! You should only be allowed to clean the bathrooms once in the morning and once at night!’ Ummmm, sure, and what about those 12-hours of non-stop usage and non-flushing goodness?

    That same department also cleans the glass doors and panels at the entrances. The windows are never crystal clear, and the glass panels on either-side of the doors have decals on them. The middle panel between the 2-sets of doors, however, does not. Still, it cannot be mistaken for anything BUT a window! A female customer was leaving and completely ignores both sets of doors, walking instead right towards and then INTO that middle panel of glass. She left a perfect face print too. She then berated the employees because ‘The windows shouldn’t be kept so clean!’ She also argued that she had watched a woman walk-through right before she did. I guess she’s never heard of a reflection…

    Finally, a co-worker was telling me that an elderly couple that was here a year ago is trying to sue. Why? Because apparently the wife fell while she was here. She simply lost her balance and fell; she admitted to this. My co-worker asked (twice) if she wanted an ambulance and she refused, she only wanted assistance to her vehicle. Now a year later, her husband is saying she has serious problems stemming from that fall because we ‘denied her medical attention!’ Since her refusal was documented in an official report, we are probably off the hook, but this happens all the time. Most often, someone will come-back a week later and claim they fell/slipped somewhere on something, but never reported it, and are only now having problems. Management knows that the majority of the time people are trying to scam us, so we are very thorough with our paperwork.

    I’m sure I’ll think of more later!
    "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga

  • #2
    Quoth LillFilly View Post
    ‘It’s so inconvenient when you clean in the middle of the day! You should only be allowed to clean the bathrooms once in the morning and once at night!’ Ummmm, sure, and what about those 12-hours of non-stop usage and non-flushing goodness?
    I'm all for that.

    So when Mt. St. Shit erupts in the bathroom and somebody complains about it---"So sorry! We're only allowed to clean the bathrooms once in the morning and once at night. It'll be 8 hours until the next scheduled cleaning. It's for the customer's convenience, you know!"

    And I'll be long gone by that cleaning.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

