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GAH! It's down!

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  • GAH! It's down!

    Not sure if this should be "Unsupportable" or here in sightings... move if needed i guess

    Anyway... I'm posting from college right now.

    and right now I'm glad I turned in the last of my homework via the college computer system earlier today... cos the teacher in my next class closes the homework "drop box" at the start of class.

    I'm glad cos... sure I can log into the wifi here, but the college webpage itself for doing work & stuff is ... downz0rz!!!!! eleventy!
    which means... no access to any of the online components to my classes or any of the drop boxes. at least not for us students.

    O well. That means I get to play for a little, weee.

  • #2
    Lucky you for being prompt. This happens at my uni from time to time with our system for courses. It sucks when I'm trying to check on an assignment and I can't log-on. Actually, it was down earlier today, before one of my professors was able to upload some information for us to have.
    "Oh, by the way..." All of my HATE

    Ou kata nomon = Not according to the accepted norm


    • #3
      well i felt that i was being sluggish by waiting until this morning ... when i had it done over a week ago!

      but it's back up now. freaky system... it wouldn't let me log to the web page in until i'd logged into a windows computer and manually changed my password, although it was letting me in to the wifi signal (which is suppose to be the same username and password... go figure)


      • #4
        I feel your pain. Currently my schools website for students is down. I swear it's down at least once a week since they changed servers.
        Honey and Thorns ~ Handmade Knit and Jewelry


        • #5
          yeah. im finding out it's a weekly thing here too...

          try to log in from home... password broken, use default. yay im in.
          go to class - same day! - default password broken. go to PC to change password... it's back to my regular password again... wtf?

          alas! something that sucks almost as bad as nipernet!

