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Not quite sure if this fits here, but... (hilarious, long)

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  • Not quite sure if this fits here, but... (hilarious, long)

    Technically we were sucky "Customers" for the police.

    This is just a story I have to share, because our original idea went SO horribly wrong, as to be almost comical.

    Ok, first, background information:

    - This took place at a house, that sits on a decent-sized lake

    - Other than the house's residents (I'll let you guess who...), there are only 2 other people that live on the same side of the lake as this house.

    - One of these people was AT party, and the other is deaf as a stump (picture the "crazy-cat lady", and you won't be far off).
    Irrelevant side-note: She makes AMAZING cookies. mmmmm.

    - On the OTHER side of the lake is several houses, that consist of a wide variety of people, including a couple families with children.

    - This took place at a party that took place after a night out at the club... needless to say, we were pretty liquored up.

    So, on with the story...

    It's around 4am

    You're pretty drunk, at a party after a night of clubbing.... and one of your friends mentions that he has several fireworks in his car.... FIVE to be exact...

    What do you do?

    Well, the sane person would realize this is a HORRIBLE idea and dismiss it outright...

    but we're dealing with idiots here...

    ...drunk idiots...

    Now, to our credit, we DID think this through to a certain point. These fireworks basically looked like big bottle rockets with a full cardboard shell (like a roman candle).

    Our logic:

    - If we aim these INTO the water they won't make any noise and instead will just kick up a bunch of water.
    (Not sure how many have fired a bottle rocket into water before, but it basically just makes a very small "thump", kicks up an air bubble, and that's it)

    - These will fire in a straight line

    So we set up all five of these suckers, and put them at an angle the will put them directly into the lake. Thinking it'll just make a big splash that we can all giggle at.

    Then we set them all at the same time.

    Turns out... these are screamer-rockets that SPIRAL when they leave the tube.

    These things took off, made an immediate left turn, SKIPPED OFF the surface of the water, went SCREAMING about 20ft in the air and EXPLODED


    Cue: car alarms, dogs barking, the whole bit...

    Well... we're screwed....

    So we go inside, quiet down and wait... about 20 minutes later...


    One of our friends leans back and looks at the windows, leans forward, then says: "They're HERE!"

    So, I answer the door:

    Me = Me
    Next Door Neighbor = JA - Stands for Jackass
    Awesome Cop = PO
    Anything with an underline = Sarcasm

    Me: "Hello"
    PO: "Hi"
    Me: "Music too loud?"
    PO: "No... haven't heard any complaints about the music, but the EXPLOSIONS didn't sit too well with your neighbors across the lake."
    Me: "Yeah... sorry about that... you see... we're idiots..."

    Me: "Promise, won't happen again
    PO: "Been drinking tonight?"
    Me: " Little bit"
    PO: "Anyone driving?"
    Me: "No, I can assure you, noone's planning on going home tonight."

    JA: I was planning on going home tonight!
    Me: DUDE! SHUT UP!

    Me: "Sorry, don't worry about him, he actually lives next door."
    *points at house*
    PO *small chuckle*: "Ok, no problem, do me a favor? No more fireworks?"
    Me: "Yes sir, no problem, thank you sir, have a nice night."

    *Exit stage right*
    Last edited by Lingering Grin; 02-06-2009, 09:45 AM.
    <Insert clever signature here>

  • #2
    Sorry about all the edits, needed to fix a bunch of the formatting
    <Insert clever signature here>


    • #3
      In conclusion : alcohol & fireworks don't mix quite well.

      You were lucky the police officer was so friendly.
      "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


      • #4
        Probably the admission "We're idiots" helped with the officer being so friendly.

        This made me giggle. I could picture the whole thing.


        • #5
          That was pretty funny. And yeah, you got lucky. A hard-assed cop might given you tickets for unlicenced fireworks, or something like that (If they require permits in your area, I dunno). But you got lucky, and a bitchin' sweet story!
          Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


          • #6
            That is very funny ('cuz nobody got hurt). A similar thing happened to a friend of mine, complete with Officer Deadpan:

            The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

            The stupid is strong with this one.


            • #7
              I had Laurel and Hardy cops come up to my apartment once cause I had a senile crazy lady downstairs.

              This was actually the 3rd or 4th time in as many months that these 2 had shown up cause the lady complained she heard screaming from my apartment.

              So I open the door and I'm not suprised its them

              me: Hey guys, She call again huh?
              Cop1: Yeap, we don't beleive her, but you werent watching a movie or anything?
              me: Nope just playing a game with the volume down low.
              Cop1: Yeah no problem, she's..
              cop2 inturrupts: what game?
              me: world of Warcraft
              cop2: Oh yeah? alliance or horde
              me: for the horde!
              cop1 just standing there shaking his head.
              I started to laugh my ass off cause they were just goofy guys who were cool and not dickheads.

