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oh like anybody cares bout education

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  • oh like anybody cares bout education

    [OK Not sure if this goes here, mods feel free to move if you need to]

    [WARNING: Be prepared to twitch, be prepared for part of your brain to die.]
    The Cast:
    The Faerie Neia:
    Porter Rockwell: My cohort
    Dakota: Amoeba

    ~*Dakota:**what the hell r**yall r yall like them asian ppl
    The Gypsy Faerie:**Did anyone understand what Dakota just said?
    ~*Dakota:**its called america
    The Gypsy Faerie:**yes, I live in America, what's your point?
    ~*Dakota:**what did they say
    The Gypsy Faerie: What did who say? No one's yabbering but you.
    ~*Dakota: no they said fede prehn
    alex smidit said that
    The Gypsy Faerie: If they're speaking in another language, what's the problem?
    They may not live in America, and there's nothing wrong with that.
    ~*Dakota: i was jus wondering what language there speking
    The Gypsy Faerie: well, why don't you click on his card and see where he's from?
    they're speaking Danish.
    ~*Dakota: oh i didnt no that i jus got this myspace
    The Gypsy Faerie: Well, don't be ignorant, it's not becoming.
    ~*Dakota: huh? where do u live
    The Gypsy Faerie: If you'd look at a map, you'd see Denmark is not in Asia, it's in Europe, thus making them European NOT Asian, and even if they were Asian, it wouldn't be a problem.
    Myspace isn't only in America.
    I live in Kentucky
    ~*Dakota: u do live were at how long hve u been out of school ive been out two weeks
    The Gypsy Faerie: I've been out of school for four years.
    If you'd look you'd see I'm twenty-two.
    ~*Dakota: oh nvm then
    The Gypsy Faerie: And perhaps you've been out of school too long, because you seem to have forgotten how to spell.
    ~*Dakota: so its kinda like txt words n ik how to spell im guessing ur proper but there
    theres nuttin wrong wit that
    Porter Rockwell: It's lazy.
    The Gypsy Faerie: Um, I didn't understand anything you just said.
    Porter Rockwell: And this is not a cell phone.
    ~*Dakota: ok y cant it b
    The Gypsy Faerie: Does anyone understand what Dakota's saying? Seriously?
    ~* A *~: i do, not that i condone his poor grammar, but i dont really see the issue, its not your life
    The Gypsy Faerie: No, it's not my life, but ignorance offends me.
    Porter Rockwell: i like that song Neia
    ~*Dakota: y does it offend u
    Porter Rockwell: Not necessarily an offense, it is just annoying.
    The Gypsy Faerie: Why does ignorance offend me?
    ~*Dakota: yea
    The Gypsy Faerie: No, Porter, ignorance towards people of other cultures offends me.
    Porter Rockwell: It's not like they are charging you by the letter Dakota.
    The Gypsy Faerie: Bad spelling and grammer, just because someone is lazy? That doesn't offend me, it pisses me off.
    Because it shows just how bad the education in America has become.
    I know Israelis who spell better than some of the people who come in here
    ~*Dakota: oh like anybody cares bout education
    Porter Rockwell: MOST danish people speak better English than many Americans I know as well.
    wow, enjoy flipping bugers
    Richard Wittevrongel: ty
    ~*Dakota: im american
    Porter Rockwell: Yes, and a disgrace.
    ~*Dakota: u callin me a disgrace
    The Gypsy Faerie: Excuse me, but I'm American.
    Porter may not be, but I am.
    Porter Rockwell: As am I, I just lived over in Denmark for 4 years.
    ~*Dakota: well nobody cares about ur stupid ass
    The Gypsy Faerie: About who's "stupid ass"?
    Porter Rockwell: Maybe not, but I am sure they don't care about you more.
    The Gypsy Faerie: Because last I checked, my ass probably has a higher IQ than your entire body.
    Wait, I'm sorry, perhaps I should tell you what IQ means.
    Porter Rockwell: icecream quota
    ~*Dakota: were u tlking to me or the other euopian dude who is all proper n stuff n tthinks hes big and bad cuz hes proper
    Porter Rockwell: Can you restate that in such a way that it makes sense ?
    ~*Dakota: what does icecream quota
    The Gypsy Faerie: To you. No one thinks they're "big and bad" because we're "proper". We just realize we're not lazy.
    There's a big difference in "improper" and "lazy".
    Porter Rockwell: lmao, gl Neia. . .
    ~*Dakota: oh my god shutup with ur stupid thing it gets on ur nerves
    The Gypsy Faerie: It doesn't get on my nerves, no.
    Actually, I'm quite happy on my soapbox
    ~*Dakota: poter rockwell were r u from
    wat does soapbox mean
    bout time porter thing left
    ya there
    The Gypsy Faerie: Please, for the sake of my sanity, tell me you did not actually ask what "soapbox" means.
    For the sake of my faith in American education, tell me you did not actually ask that.
    ~*Dakota: what does soapbox mean and yea i asked u
    The Gypsy Faerie: Do you own a dictionary?
    ~*Dakota: nope
    The Gypsy Faerie: Do I have to tell you what a dictionary is?
    Richard Wittevrongel: i think so
    ~*Dakota: no
    what does dictionary mean n soapbox
    ya there
    The Gypsy Faerie: Part of me just died to realize that you actually mean these quesitons.
    ~*Dakota: y did it die
    The Gypsy Faerie: Why? Part of me just died, realizing you are the next generation. Tell me, are you sterile?
    ~*Dakota: yea i mean everone of these questions
    The Gypsy Faerie: If not, you should be.
    The Gypsy Faerie: Please, for the sake of man kind, do not reproduce.
    ~*Dakota: huh?
    y not
    im gonna go take a shower
    The Gypsy Faerie: Do not reproduce, because something coming from you can only be more stupid, and we cannot survive that.
    ~*Dakota: yea wecan
    The Gypsy Faerie: The weak willed and weak minded should not reproduce, lest they weaken humans as a race. Now shoo fly, go do something to make yourself sterile.
    I've got an idea. Go drink bleach

    [ETA This happened in a myspace poker room]
    Last edited by SengaKitty; 02-07-2009, 12:11 PM.

  • #2
    gypsie... er RHPG (you have too many names ), you missed the best part of it... later (s)he came back and said
    "but wouldn't it kill me if I drank bleach"
    wow... the powers of observation are strong in that one

    and FTR for the rest of the board, I'm not Porter... I came in at the very end of the convo after RHPG left.
    Last edited by smileyeagle1021; 02-07-2009, 02:29 PM.
    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


    • #3
      Thank you for taking a stand against ignorance of every type. I just need to take some brain bleach now until I forget that these people are our future.

      Also, thank you for killing the last few of my brain cells. I didn't need them anyway...
      "I'll probably come round and steal the food out of your fridge later too, then run a key down the side of your car as I walk away from your house, which I've idly set ablaze" - Mil Millington


      • #4
        Oh, dear heck. My soul. It weepeth.

        *huggles Dictionary of American Idioms protectively*
        I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)


        • #5
          So, I'm an Asian?
          Though to be fair I would have trouble with naming the American states without a map.
          How can anybody have gone through school without having at least fleeting acquaintance with a dictionary?


          • #6
            He......guh...GACKT! KILL KILL FASTER FASTER!

            I'm so glad I gave up my MySpace page.

            Now a member of that alien race called Management.

            Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


            • #7
              you would love me and my sister besaides my spelling i type everything out.


              • #8
                My eye twitch came back because of reading that.

                Off topic, but I wish I spoke Danish.
                Unseen but seeing
                oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                3rd shift needs love, too
                RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                • #9
                  Smiley heard me scream in Utah, without being on voice chat with me. I'm slowly learning Danish from my friend Porter


                  • #10
                    I hate ignorant people like that, especially when they're actually proud of their ignorance, and think using incomprehensible 'net-speak' somehow makes them superior to everyone else.


                    • #11
                      Quoth RedHeadPhoneGirl View Post

                      ~*Dakota: oh like anybody cares bout education
                      And we have an example of why the American education system has gone so down hill right here. It is true, very few parents actually care about education. I won't go much farther than saying this lest I step into fratching territory.

                      One study I recall reading when I did a paper on the NCLB act in the USA involved a well known specialist in the field of Education who was hired to figure out why the kids in a somewhat upscale town in Pennsylvania were doing so poorly in school. When he concluded that the problem was lack of parental support and involvement in their children's education rather than accept this they hired someone else to get a second opinion.

                      So not only is it because they don't care, when they are called out on it they won't admit it.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Toujin View Post
                        I hate ignorant people like that, especially when they're actually proud of their ignorance, and think using incomprehensible 'net-speak' somehow makes them superior to everyone else.
                        Now, kids, if you want to be incomprehensable and look like you have at least one functioning brain cell, 533k 1337.
                        I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)


                        • #13
                          Dakota seems to have 2 braincells.. one in a coma.. the other playing freezetag with itself.
                          Fixing problems... one broken customer at a time.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Chanlin View Post
                            And we have an example of why the American education system has gone so down hill right here.
                            Several years ago, while working in the tutoring center at my college, a student wrote an English paper using similar "style."

                            Even though I officially tutored math and accounting, I would occasionally help out the English tutors when they were busy. I read the first sentence, glanced over the first page, and told the student that the paper would never be accepted like that, and that she needed to rewrite it using proper spelling and grammar.

                            She honestly could not understand what was wrong with her paper, refused to rewrite it, and could not understand why it was not accepted.

                            I have been fearing for the future for years.
                            Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


                            • #15
                              A WoW forum meme came to mind as I was reading, "TLDR," as in "too long, didn't read" but I find it inadequate. It's more like "too painful to read." I truly could not finish reading that, it was so painful. I got less than half way through before I could stand no more.

                              If it were me I would've /ignore'd him so quick he wouldn't know what hit him.
                              Supporting the idiots charged with protecting your personal information.

