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So the hubby hurts himself helping an old man

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  • So the hubby hurts himself helping an old man

    So what faith I did have in humanity has been ran over,stomped on and puked on..

    So and the hubby was leaving the mall Friday afternnon. I was busy looking at my Charlotte russe reciept and then I hear the hubby say Oh crap. Well I look up and there was a very old man about 80 something that had fallen out of his wheel chair. His wife was old herself and couldn't get him back into the chair. We got over to where it was and my bearlike hubby just lifted the man and put him back into the chair ,it was like he was lifting a bag of potatoes.I've never seen such an happy old woman,she acted surprised someone stopped to help. The poor old man was completely out of it,he didn't even know he has fallen out of his chair.He was so wet and muddy snow covered.But now my hubby's back is killing him but like he said what else could we have done? But what got us was that it took a few mins for us to get over there and there were many cars that passed and they didn't stop to help.WTF

  • #2
    This story is similar to your other one about the lady who fell and the asswipe on the cell phone who didn't bother to help.

    The reason that old lady was probably so surprised was because this probably happens a lot. And I'm sure her poor husband probably has to deal with a lot of idiots who think of nothing of stepping in front of his wheelchair and treating him like he's a slow moving island.

    And those idiots are the same people who, if the situation were reversed and they were ever wheelchair bound or ever injured and needed crutches, would kick and scream at anyone who didn't help them.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #3
      Actually, it probably would have been a better idea if your hubby had left the old man on the ground and called an ambulance. You should never move anyone who has fallen, due to the fact that they may have injuries that are not readily apparent. Especially an old man who is, as you said, "out of it." If the person who fell cannot tell you if anything hurts, it's best to leave them where they are until professional help arrives.

      I know if sounds kind of cruel to leave someone on the cold, muddy ground, but, in a case like this, it's better for the fallen person's health as well as eliminating the possibility that you might get sued for causing or exacerbating any injury.


      • #4
        Quoth blas87 View Post
        This story is similar to your other one about the lady who fell and the asswipe on the cell phone who didn't bother to help.

        The reason that old lady was probably so surprised was because this probably happens a lot. And I'm sure her poor husband probably has to deal with a lot of idiots who think of nothing of stepping in front of his wheelchair and treating him like he's a slow moving island.

        And those idiots are the same people who, if the situation were reversed and they were ever wheelchair bound or ever injured and needed crutches, would kick and scream at anyone who didn't help them.
        I've noticed that too.Lately like the last month or two I've been in the wrong place wrong time.I've seen more people knock each other over.I can't imagine being so self involued that I just knock someone over and then walk away.


        • #5
          Quoth hecubus View Post
          Actually, it probably would have been a better idea if your hubby had left the old man on the ground and called an ambulance. You should never move anyone who has fallen, due to the fact that they may have injuries that are not readily apparent. Especially an old man who is, as you said, "out of it." If the person who fell cannot tell you if anything hurts, it's best to leave them where they are until professional help arrives.

          I know if sounds kind of cruel to leave someone on the cold, muddy ground, but, in a case like this, it's better for the fallen person's health as well as eliminating the possibility that you might get sued for causing or exacerbating any injury.
          Well hecubus beat me to it. What if the old man had broken his hip? What if your husband's back had gone out just as he was transferring the old man back to the chair? I know your hubby had the best intentions, but next time for the other person's safety and your own please call for an ambulance.


          • #6
            It's not all that hard to assess someone for various injuries. And while it may be one thing to leave someone with a suspected spinal injury laying on the ground, in general you're not going to have much to worry about so long as you check the person for injuries before helping them up.

            If the fallen person is conscious and moving, for example, that rules out most injuries right there. Similarly, if the husband saw it happen, he can probably tell just from watching whether there was any likelihood of the old man getting injured.

            Be cautious, yes. But don't take it to the point of hysteria. Sure, you might get sued. But you should live your life in a way you can be proud of yourself for, nonetheless.
            "Joi's CEO is about as sneaky and subtle as a two year old on crack driving an air craft carrier down Broadway." - Broomjockey


            • #7
              Quoth candyshopgirl View Post
              So what faith I did have in humanity has been ran over,stomped on and puked on..
              I am sorry your husband hurt his back, but I don't really understand how that destroys your faith in humanity.

              You should have your faith even more restored, knowing that you are obviously married to the kind of man who would do something like that without thinking of his own safety.

              (You should remind him to lift with his legs, though, or he could end up seriously hurting his back.)

              It's sad that others didn't stop, and I can see that would be a little defeating, but your husband did, and that's something to be happy about...and very proud of.
              Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


              • #8
                ree, i think the destroyed faith part was in how so many other people were going by and did nothing to help.

                Hobby Twitter.


                • #9
                  Quoth siead_lietrathua View Post
                  ree, i think the destroyed faith part was in how so many other people were going by and did nothing to help.
                  I got that point, and I understand it.
                  What I as saying, though, was that, rather than let this one incident destroy her faith in all humanity, she could recognize that, while some people might walk by without a second thought, others might be afraid to stop and help, simply because they fear not knowing what to do, or fear doing the wrong thing and causing more harm. Having considered that, she could then be thankful that she is fortunate enough to have such a great guy in her life for whom kindness and helpfulness is an instinct, rather than indifference and fear.

                  I guess it's a case of trying to see the glass as half full or the silver lining on a dark cloud rather than dwelling on negativity.

                  Sucks that people didn't help. Sucks that hubby hurt his back.

                  Doesn't suck that hubby helped an elderly couple in need.
                  Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Ree View Post
                    You should have your faith even more restored, knowing that you are obviously married to the kind of man who would do something like that without thinking of his own safety.


                    It's sad that others didn't stop, and I can see that would be a little defeating, but your husband did, and that's something to be happy about...and very proud of.
                    I'm quoting this for truth. It's such a nice thing to take from this.

                    candyshopgirl, I hope your husband's back feels better soon.
                    The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

                    The stupid is strong with this one.


                    • #11
                      You know that saying "Hell is other people?" Well, sometimes Heaven is other people too.

