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I want a car

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  • I want a car

    My dad is on the verge of getting promoted. If this happens, he will get a company car, so guess who gets the old one

    Disadvantage with my new job is that I have to get the bus. I hate buses. I am about half way through the journey. Now, what is the standard proceedure when you are stood at a bus stop and you see your bus coming? You stick your arm out right?

    Not this guy. He was about mid-thirties, wearing businesswear, and I can only assume this was his first time on a bus. He was stood at his stop, but just seemed to be staring out into the middle of the road. Bus driver carried on going. Business guy suddenly starts waving his arms frantically. Bus driver slams on the breaks. HARD. He lets the moron on.

    The street names are fake.

    SC: Why didn't you stop for me?!?
    Driver: I'm sorry, I thought you might have been waiting for another bus. You should have stuck your arm out.
    SC: Umm, OK. Could I have one to <office> on Main Street?
    Driver: I'm sorry, but this bus does not go to Main Street. But we do stop on High Street, just a couple of minutes walk from there.

    Business guy looks at bus driver like he is derranged.

    SC: What? No. Take me to Main Street.
    Driver: That is not on our route. If you want to go to Main Street, you need to get the number 36 bus on Fake Road.
    SC: I really don't know what you're trying to tell me.
    Driver: We. Do. Not. Go. To. Main. Street.
    SC: You can't take me to Main Street?!
    Driver: No. But I can take you to High Street.
    SC: Fine.
    Driver: That will be £x.xx
    SC: I really don't see why I should be paying, seeing as you can't give me what I want.

    He did pay.

  • #2
    the idiot

    dumbest thing i have heard for a while...not having to pay for a bus as they dont go exactly where u want them 2
    We are the willing, led by the unknowing, doing the impossible, for the ungrateful, we have now done so much, for so long - for so many, with so little, we can now do anything with nothing!!!


    • #3
      You have to stick your arm out? Here, you shake your head if you don't want them to stop. Weird.

      Anywho, buses go where buses go. If you wanna use it, you pay, otherwise, you walk. Simple.
      Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


      • #4
        Quoth Broomjockey View Post
        You have to stick your arm out? Here, you shake your head if you don't want them to stop. Weird.
        I've had experience of both!

        I lived in Dublin for two years and learned very quickly to stick my arm out.

        But here in Sweden the bus will stop if there's anyone at the stop unless you shake your head. It's nice because when it's raining you can stay in the covered hut instead of standing on the curb with your arm out.
        It's been a long, long, long, long time...


        • #5
          SC: What? No. Take me to Main Street.
          Driver: That is not on our route. If you want to go to Main Street, you need to get the number 36 bus on Fake Road.
          SC: I really don't know what you're trying to tell me.
          Driver: We. Do. Not. Go. To. Main. Street.
          SC: You can't take me to Main Street?!
          Driver: No. But I can take you to High Street.
          SC: Fine.
          Driver: That will be £x.xx
          SC: I really don't see why I should be paying, seeing as you can't give me what I want.
          i just want to know... was this an electric bus that's attached to a track or power lines, or a diesel that can follow any road?
          To err is human, to blame someone else shows good management skills.

          my blog -->
          my brother's blog -->


          • #6
            He said Bus, so I'm gonna say that it was a Diesel-pusher. Sure, they can go on any roads, but buses have a particular route that they follow, much like a kid's school bus. Just because the kid wants to be dropped off at a friend's house on an entirely different route, that doesn't mean he can get the bus driver to not only make the other kids late to school, but use up valuable diesel doing so.

            And the Bus Driver's Union would be pissed if someone actually did that, I imagine.
            Now a member of that alien race called Management.

            Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


            • #7
              Quoth joe hx View Post
              i just want to know... was this an electric bus that's attached to a track or power lines, or a diesel that can follow any road?
              He's a bus driver not a taxi, what does it matter?
              How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


              • #8
                Quoth Soulstealer View Post
                He's a bus driver not a taxi, what does it matter?
                Apparently there are places where the driver is allowed to make slight deviations from the route if you pay extra.
                Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                • #9
                  Quoth Broomjockey View Post
                  Apparently there are places where the driver is allowed to make slight deviations from the route if you pay extra.
                  In some places, I think you can.

                  Where I live, they won't do that - but they *will* let you off at any point along the route instead of just at designated stops, as long as it's not rush hour. This is good as sometimes the designated stops can be 10 city blocks apart and a pain to walk from in the winter or late at night.


                  • #10
                    He's a bus driver not a taxi, what does it matter?
                    if the bus is deisel, it could physically alter its route. if the bus has to follow a track because it's electric, it can't. just curious how dumb the customer was
                    To err is human, to blame someone else shows good management skills.

                    my blog -->
                    my brother's blog -->


                    • #11
                      Out here if you are standing at a bus stop the bus automatically stops. Then again in a casino town you'd be surprised to how many people actually don't own a car or have ever had a license. Which I am not bashing on. It just shocked me when I moved from CA where everybody I knew all had their stuff by age 16.


                      • #12
                        1966 I would occasionally ride the bus home from school, and get off at the stop across the MAJOR intersection from my apartment complex. After MANY times of seeing the same bus returning from the other direction before I was able to get across the intersection, I decided to just ride it to the end and back, and get off on "my" side of the street. The first time really confused the driver, until I explained my reasoning, and he fully understood. Also that first time, he actually drove me through the complex and let me off in front of my building! woohoo! score one for the 1st grader!
                        Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


                        • #13
                          The buses in Adelaide require you to stick your arm out, unless your bus stop is only serviced by one particular bus. We also have a service called Roam Zone, which is a to-your-door service after 7pm, but only works in certain areas you don't have to pay extra thankfully, but I wish it was in my area...
                          The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

                          Now queen of USSR-Land...


                          • #14
                            Buses here operate on the hide-and-seek, like Kaysquirrel's old bus. The problem is we have immigrants who don't understand that they need to step back from the curb if it if not their bus, because the bus will stop if someone is standing near the sign and near the curb.

                            For a while, I was having to wave my hand at the bus (I don't mind, I'd rather be seen than not) at night, as no regular driver was assigned and the route was so long the drivers didn't know all the stops. I even bought a slightly reflective, satiny gold umbrella to help with the visibility.
                            Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                            HR believes the first person in the door
                            Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                            Document everything
                            CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                            • #15
                              Quoth Anakah View Post
                              Out here if you are standing at a bus stop the bus automatically stops. Then again in a casino town you'd be surprised to how many people actually don't own a car or have ever had a license. Which I am not bashing on. It just shocked me when I moved from CA where everybody I knew all had their stuff by age 16.
                              Its that way here in WA too, you stand at bus stop they stop, it worked that way in LA for me so I assumed it worked that way up here too.. Road the bus when it was snowing out and I wasn't about to drive in it, since being from LA snow is something we snort not drive in

                              But in LA yes you get a car as soon as you can since the city simply isn't set up to be a bus rider full time you need to have a car. The only thing that was awsome about the bus/train/light rail set up in LA was that I could walk a block from my apartment, hop the orange line(bus on its own through way) to the red line(subway) to the blue line(light rail) for one stop and be at staples center it took all of a 1/2hr where driving would haver been 1&1/2hrs on a game night..

                              LA Kings vs Vancouver Canucks

