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Small amounts of suck in the supermarket

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  • Small amounts of suck in the supermarket

    Gather round, for the following tale is one of small amounts of suck, and amusing reactions.

    Background - there is a supermarket with a three letter name. I will call it "XYZ" for now. I will also call the participants in this farce MO and WO with the "M" standing for Man and the "W" standing for Woman. I'm in this too...

    So I was at XYZ Supermarket buying some special food for my father. He needs it for his diet, and XYZ seem to be the only one for miles that carry some items.

    It was a Thursday afternoon and the supermarket was fairly well deserted, so it didn't take me long to get three items and head towards the checkout. There were two checkouts open. They were facing each other. The express lane was taken up by MO and WO with a shopping trolley full. They looked like they might be a while. MO and WO looked prosperous. They were wearing "XYZ" Supermarket shirts, but these shirts were not creased and clean.

    I thought to myself, "MO and WO have not spent any amount of time today stacking or dusting shelves. In fact, they don't even look like they have been sitting behind a desk."

    I was not concerned that these people were taking up the express lane, as the other lane only had one customer buying one item, and it looked like I was to be finished before MO and WO in the express lane.

    Just then, MO looked back at me and said,
    I'm sorry sir, we're not really supposed to be doing this in the express lane.
    ME: Oh no, I'm not saying anything - you have XYZ shirts on - you might be managers.
    MO: No, we're not managers.
    WO: We're the owners. (Now you know what the "O" stands for.)
    ME: You can do whatever you want.

    Just then the ordinary checkout was empty, so I went through it. I looked at the express lane. MO and WO were still at it.

    ME: It's fine - I got through before you and I'm not the least concerned. I'm still coming back here.
    MO: Here, have one of these. (Handed me a customer survey form)
    ME: You need to go to (Big Grin) THIS story won't go in the customers suck forum, it will go into sightings.
    WO: Is that where retail workers complain about the customers?
    ME: Yes.
    WO: That's unusual!
    MO: Usually it's the other way around.

    So you see, even owners can be sucky customers in their own store. At least they knew they were wrong, but it still didn't stop them from doing it.

    They weren't really sucky, it was dead and anyone checking out could do it through the other lane.