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Stupid people

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  • Stupid people

    i stopped by work today, haha silly me stop by on my day off, but i got to witness this little thing

    so me my brother and another cw (who was also off) were hanging around near photo and this woman comes in the store. now the cashier (V--damn her, anyways) was ringing and had a line of 3 people. the woman who just walked in, walks up to the empty register and starts asking everyone, "is there another aisle open??"

    yes she said aisle, then she realized it was a register. so my coworker(one who was working) goes over and asks whats up, she just wants to buy a pack of cigs. you just cut 3 people in line to get surprised no one threw a hissy fit (sometimes its fun to watch customers battle it out)

    i always recognize this woman now though, just a few weeks ago i had rung her up. she had some stuff, and needed to grab one more thing, then shes gone. i guess it was a few more things i ring up everything and she tells me about this coupon she has, its $4 off of $20, she wanted to know if she could use it, i told her no and explained why (she was only spending like $15)

    after explaining once or twice she says "ughhh i dont understand these coupons"

    WOW really?! are you THAT dumb??

    no matter how high the prices go up for cigs, people will still buy them, and complain, alli can do is

  • #2
    Tell me about it. I keep on hearing at work about 5 times a day "OMG I should stop smoking, you guys are soooo expensive, I can get *cheaper cigarettes* at *convenience store nearby*, ya blah blah blah blah blah."
    Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill

