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The Loach is evolving!

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  • The Loach is evolving!

    We all know of the Loach, identified by the great Gravekeeper.

    Thus far the Loach's normal habitat has been observed as public transit systems. But today I encountered a possible new strain of Loach, attempting to migrate to a new habitat. Namely private transit, as in MY private transit. Either the present Loach's habitat has become too overcrowded, or some mad scientist decided to crossbreed the Loach with the Hitchhiker. And this dreaded spawn escaped the lab, and crossed paths with me today.

    On my way to school, I had to stop for gas. I had paid the cashier and was on my way back to my car, when I spotted someone hitting up the other drivers for something-or-other. Inwardly I groaned. Whatever he wanted, I already had no other interest beyond getting to my car and driving off. He asked me for a lift somewhere. Sorry I don't pick up hitchhikers, and I said as much. He asked me if I was going to a particular street. I said no even though I wasn't paying attention to where he said he was going, but regardless I wasn't taking him anywhere.

    The WTF moment came when I was in my car. He came around and tried to open the locked passenger-side door. Then he knocked on the glass. I gave him an incredulous look, and started the engine. He pulled the door handle again. My incredulity got the better of me and I snapped "Dude piss off!" I doubt he heard me with the windows shut though. Finally he got the message and backed off just as I drove away.

    Seriously, what part of "NO" did he not understand?

    Now this person did not attempt to talk my ear off. However he did latch on to me, a well-known Loach trait. Hence my identification as a Loach subspecies. Being the first on CS to identify this new subspecies, I guess I should give it a name. Loacker perhaps? (pronounced: Low-kur)

    So fellow CS'ers, beware of the Loacker. Now that I think about it, someone else at CS may have encountered the Loacker at their place of work, trying to bum a free ride. Ah now I remember, it was this thread:

    Joking aside, in retrospect I think I made a mistake in barely paying attention to the guy. If my identification had been wrong, and he had been a more dangerous species, such as a Mugger or Carjacker, he could easily have blindsided me as I got in my car. Be aware of your surroundings young padawans, especially when getting in to your car.
    Happiness is the exercise of vital powers along lines of excellence in a life affording you scope.

  • #2
    Oh my god, that's scary! I would have needed a change of pants if I had encountered that guy!

    Damn, people are lazy and stupid. Surely he could have walked to wherever he was trying to get a ride to?


    • #3
      He came around and tried to open the locked passenger-side door.
      That would get me calling the cops possibly...

      plus i'd be a lil scared if he got into my front seat since I currently have my gerber multi-tool in the glove compartment. tho not that he'd know it but... <shiver> (o wait, never mind... it's in the apartment now, forgot I brought it in)

      but still... let a stranger into your car and you don't know what they're carrying... drugs, weapons, viruses...
      Last edited by PepperElf; 03-31-2009, 07:13 PM.


      • #4
        This is the primary reason why my wife and I always drive with our doors locked. One time she pulled up to the end of a highway ramp, and some bum standing there with the classic 'gimme money' sign walked up and tried to open her passenger side door. Some people are nuts, therefore I say better safe than sorry.
        A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....


        • #5
          Also why I've taken to locking the doors as soon as I get in the car. Last thing I need is for some nutjob to come and hop in the front seat without asking.
          "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
          - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


          • #6
            Having grown up in a country where theft was practically commonplace, parentals grilled into us to always lock our doors. Good thing too. I even remember lingering for a moment after I gassed up the car, "Should I bother with locking the door? I'll be in and out right?" Famous last words, but not this time as I did lock the doors.

            As I was driving off I spotted the loacker headed in the opposite direction. Without a ride. Better luck next time
            Happiness is the exercise of vital powers along lines of excellence in a life affording you scope.


            • #7
              WOW.. it's stuff like that, that makes me hate central locking! As my door is unlocked, all doors are unlocked...

              I have had a couple incidents like that.. one night pulling up at the video store, (this was in my old car, without CL).. as I parked, some random stranger came over to my passenger door and pulled on the handle trying to get in.. tried a couple times then looked in the window to see me looking at him like WTF? He apologised and said he thought I was someone else as he was waiting for a lift, but why then did he walk away and around the corner??

              I waited until he was long gone before getting out of my car..

              another night not too long ago.. I was at the supermarket with my boyfriend, and we had just got back in my car that does have CL... we were chatting and I hadn't even turned the car on yet.. As my boyfriend was telling me some story, I noticed over his shoulder a man approaching... something about him triggered warning bells.. and just as he got to my car, I casually used my elbow to push the lock on my door down, thereby locking the whole car.. he tried the handle twice, looked at me like WTF? then finally realised he had the wrong car... boyfriend was completely unaware of what was going on lol!!

              Weird part was, the car he got into looked nothing like mine....

              lesson learned.... if your spidey sense is tingling.. lock your doors!
              "You're perfect yes it's true, but without meeeee you're only you!"


              • #8
                Quoth IT Grunt View Post
                One time she pulled up to the end of a highway ramp, and some bum standing there with the classic 'gimme money' sign walked up and tried to open her passenger side door
                This happened to me when I was still working at the 'Lounge.

                I was driving down the road and stopped at a red light. This guy walked into the road and just started trying to open doors. Luckily, just when he was about to get to my car, the light turned green.

                I sped the last half mile to work, and luckily some of the town cops were there (the cop shop is directly behind the building) and they took off when I told them.

                Scared the bejesus out of me.
                I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

                Oh, and your tool box got out again.


                • #9
                  The locks on my car don't work at ALL, never have... I think I'll go get them fixed. That spooked me a bit.


                  • #10
                    just remember there is nothing illegal about having a good solid metal flashlight or a tire iron in your car within reach of the front seat.
                    Interviewer: What is your greatest weakness?
                    Me: I expect competence from my coworkers.


                    • #11
                      Quoth sammielynn View Post
                      The locks on my car don't work at ALL, never have... I think I'll go get them fixed. That spooked me a bit.
                      Yes, please do! It's worth the money to have security and peace of mind.
                      Quoth gremcint View Post
                      just remember there is nothing illegal about having a good solid metal flashlight or a tire iron in your car within reach of the front seat.
                      Or a steering wheel lock. There's a good reason they call it The Club...
                      I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                      My LiveJournal
                      A page we can all agree with!


                      • #12
                        Fortunately, this couldn't happen to me when my doors are unlocked; my car automatically locks the doors when I move it out of "Park". But yeah, that one guy? I would have immediately slugged him if he actually had gotten into my front seat.

