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SC's at the steak house. [Kind of Long]

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  • SC's at the steak house. [Kind of Long]

    So there is this new steak house that opened in town. As with any new joint, everyone's going to be there before they realize its not all that different from the other steak houses. I was there and noticed some SCs.

    There were six of them. Apparently they had been waiting for a while, nearly two hours according to one of them (they were speaking kind of loud. Fair enough though. In a packed waiting area, you have to be loud to be heard).

    So they finally get taken to a table...only there is no table that would fit all of them. Instead there's two booths designed to seat four per booth. Well, this party wanted to sit together, so they squeezed into one booth. There were three people on each side of the table. I heard one of them tell the waitress to go ahead and seat someone at the second booth since they wouldn't need it.

    A few minutes later a seventh person shows up. Only problem is, there's no more room to sit down. So, seventh person goes to the bar, gets an empty stool, and pulls it up to the table. As I'm eating I see another person walk up to the table and talk to the people about the barstool, then walk off.

    They go on eating, and I hear such lovely comments like "suck my ________" and such. The waitress was kind of...detached, I guess you'd say, as she served them. Its certainly understandable. I figured since it was her table, the manager chewed her out because one of the patrons had dragged over a barstool that could potentially cause problems for waiters/waitresses carrying meals to the tables.

    So as I sat there with them, I kept that in mind and politely told the waitress thank you, etc when she'd bring me a refill on my drink and what not. Interestingly later one of them commented, she hated us but liked you RolandDeschain.

    But yeah, it can be embarassing to be with them, even if they are friends.

  • #2
    maybe they'll draw the conclusion that being kind and polite to the waiters often means you get better service?


    • #3
      I've been in some restaurants that won't allow an extra chair or child seat because it blocks the isle and is against fire code. Yeah, as in a fineable offense. If that was the case, then I put a bit of blame on management for not growing a pair and doing something about the situation. As is, it left the situation open to complaints and comping of food. That's pretty much a losing situation.
      A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


      • #4
        OT, but great screen name.

        I've been meaning to read the DT series again.


        • #5
          I've got all seven DT books, Wanna borrow...I'll mail em to ya

