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Convention weekend of suck. Long.

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  • Convention weekend of suck. Long.

    So, this past weekend was Anime North, a Canadian Anime/Gaming Convention. I got invited to come by some friends so I packed my costume (Its a big pink fluffy thing with a tambourine, and is also someones avvie picture. o.o! I swear, its relevant.) and off I went.

    Little did I know I had to warn my bank I was traveling, and they closed my accounts. I called them up after trying 3 different ATMs and checking my status online. I explained WHERE I was, several times, and what had happened. The first woman I got claimed she saw nobody trying to access my account, not even me, and that I was fine to take out money.

    After ~20 minutes (of .69/minute roaming charges... damnit...) of arguing, I ask for someone higher up because there was something wrong with my account, and not the various ATMs. Next rep I got put me on hold for close to 10 minutes, came back and once again claimed the accounts were never touched and there was something wrong with the ATMs. I asked for a manager. I got an attitude, and cue another ~15 minute wait, finally I got a manager. I explained, quite loudly as some people stopped to stare, that I was in Canada, TRYING to take money out of an ATM, and that I had three receipts that claimed my bank card was declined. I listed names of ATMs, locations, and withdrawal numbers. I explained how I've spent the last half hour-45 minutes watching people with American bank cards use these ATMs and receive money. Finally, the phone rep, who gives me the vocalized version of a cat-butt face tells me she has to switch my account to allow withdrawals from Canada.

    ....I told each rep WHERE I was, what HOTEL in what CITY I was staying at. Argh. Took me an hr and a half to get my bank card working.

    That was Friday. Saturday comes around and I pop into my costume (handmade. <3 I was so proud of myself when I first made it.) and go skipping and dancing off to enjoy the convention. The lure of new shiny and plushie objects sucked me into the dealers hall, which is, as usual, packed full.

    In my extreme glee I became something of a two year old, getting stopped for pictures every few seconds, being asked to dance, attacked for hugs and other convention-like tidings. I stopped at a table that LOOKED like it had a good deal. It had paper posters (Instead of cloth wallscrolls) that were a bit sturdier then other posters I had seen around, and a sign proclaiming "5 for 1". No money signs, no other words. Just "5 for 1". I thought I stumbled on a great deal of 5 posters for a dollar :3 I picked out three I really were in love with, and two gifts for friends. I call over the vendor keep and hand him the dollar coin and point to the posters I picked out. I fully accept my brain burp and should of asked about the sign, I guess.. The vendor sighed and went "You read it wrong."

    Me: "Oh! Sorry! ^^;"
    *I put back the two gift posters, as I wasnt going to spend $5 on a generic paper poster for gifts.*
    Me: Gimmie one sec. ^^; Is American OK too? or would you like it all in Canadian?
    Vendor: Canadian.
    Me: Ok. *I'm rummaging through my wallet that I built into my tambourine for the costume. It jingles a little but nothing too bad. I handed the vendor the first two $2 coins I grabbed* For this one.. *points to one of the posters, and went back into my wallet to grab a $10 bill.*
    Vendor: Look, its FIVE PER POSTER. I'm denying this sale. Take your stupidity somewhere else. *He grabs the three posters I was buying turns around, with my $5 in coins in his hand still and walks off*

    I yelled after him, I was either getting my money or my poster! Now, My tambourine/wallet can get loud if I'm moving a bunch (thats kind of the point) So, I jingle as I chase the vendor. He turns around and throws my money onto the counter where other people are busy looking/doing business. He screams at me to "shut that thing up!" and continues to walk off as I chase down my money. I was a little hurt that I didn't get my poster after I paid for it and that someone was so rude. ; ; Some guest who were in earshot gave me a hug and told me to beat him with the tambourine next time I saw him. One girl even offered to buy me the poster the guy walked off with, in cloth form. I thanked her and said it was ok. I left the dealers room and enjoyed the rest of my night, in somewhat of a foul mood.

    Sunday comes, I enjoy the end of my convention, and for a treat for dinner me and my hotel-roomies decided to get food we could bring back to the room, instead of living on the munchies we had brought with us. We have some allergies between the four of us. I can't eat shrimp, one is allergic to peanuts, and the other chicken. So we were trying to be careful about ordering food that we could all share. Pizza is a usual staple for us, so we walked over and asked about their sauce (as some places can use chicken broth in it) The woman at the counter didn't know, and called over someone else to ask. The new woman said "Fuck do I know. Who the hell has heard of someone allergic to chicken before?" and walked off. No pizza for us. We passed by a few other places that cooked food in peanut oils, or sea food places, and stopped at a ribs place. We asked a few questions just to make sure it was safe, and picked up meals without a problem.

    Monday morning, all packed up and ready to go home, I tried to spend the last of my Canadian money in the gift shop as the hotel didn't have enough to convert me back into American. The gift shop employee told me and my friends to leave the shop because we "looked like shoplifters". I just gave up and we went home.

    *deep breath* My weekend was FUN, but yeesh... I really was ready to beat people with things by the end of the week.
    You seem to harbor barbaric tendencies. I suggest you visit a physician at your earliest convenience.

  • #2
    I am sorry for you, that vendor was a dick! And as for the gift shop employee, wow! Profiling much? I get looks all the time when I dress the way I 'normally' dress, but I'm dressing for me and I laugh it off. It gets annoying when there's so many stupid people assuming that it's a 'certain type' of person who's going to cause problems or steal.

    By the way, one of my friends is also allergic to chicken. Meeting her was the first I'd heard of it. She has to be careful of pizzas and soup stock. And yeah, it seems nobody EVER knows what's in their food.

    Hmm, I never heard of that with a bank. So you have to let them know where you're going to be so they don't get suspicous of fraud when they see charges to your account from other areas? That sounds inconvenient, and kinda none of their business.
    "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


    • #3
      Im sorry you had to deal with such bullshit on what was supposed to be a fun weekend.You sound like you didnt let it get the best of you though.

      Any pics of your costume? I wanna see.


      • #4
        Oy! I've always heard that Canadians were friendly and polite! Or were these jackasses you had to put up with not from there?

        Quoth LillFilly View Post
        Hmm, I never heard of that with a bank. So you have to let them know where you're going to be so they don't get suspicous of fraud when they see charges to your account from other areas? That sounds inconvenient, and kinda none of their business.
        Quite common, really. It's actually for your protection. I need to do that in July. All of my transactions are always in ABQ and infrequently Santa Fe and Las Cruces. Then, all of a sudden, charges are coming in from Scotland? Of course it's going to look like it's stolen.

        It only takes about 5 minutes and I'd rather do it than have problems when I get over there.
        It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


        • #5
          ...Wow. I have never, ever had that much suck at a convention.

          I'm so sorry. *hugs*
          "Do not quibble with me over apostrophes. I have my shit together when it comes to apostrophes." - BookBint


          • #6
            My bank freezes my account for foreign purchases. So when I paid a company who's server was in the UK, I was suddenly w/o funds. It was fixed easily enough, though.


            • #7
              Quoth LillFilly View Post

              Hmm, I never heard of that with a bank. So you have to let them know where you're going to be so they don't get suspicous of fraud when they see charges to your account from other areas? That sounds inconvenient, and kinda none of their business.
              you have NO idea ... we have an account at the Navy Federal Credit Union because mrDrone was in the US Navy for 20 years.

              They put a hold on his account because he used it in the ATM on a NATO base overseas ... um, hello? he is in the navy, and they tend to get sent out to see to FOREIGN lands rather frequently [I think there was a 3 year stretch where I saw him for about 4 months total ...]

              it got bad enough that we told the CU outright not to put a hold on any atm use anywhere without talking to one of us first. The put a hold on it in Gibralter which he called me and I got taken off. Then they put a hold on it in La Mad Sardinia, and I got it taken off, then he had a hold put on it in Brest France ... whereupon I went down to the branch and became the suckiest customer you would ever want to see about it. When asked why he didnt tell them where he was going I pointed out that submarine movements were secret and I didnt even know where he was until he called me.
              EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


              • #8
                Quoth Hobbs View Post
                My bank freezes my account for foreign purchases. So when I paid a company who's server was in the UK, I was suddenly w/o funds. It was fixed easily enough, though.
                Constantly happens with my husband's credit card.

                We've had this conversation with them six times now:

                "Well, we see activity on your card in Italy, so we deactivated it..."

                "We LIVE in Italy."
                "Do not quibble with me over apostrophes. I have my shit together when it comes to apostrophes." - BookBint


                • #9
                  Quoth Amina516 View Post
                  Any pics of your costume? I wanna see.
                  http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f2...8/PICT0012.jpg That is from last year's cons. ; ; I'm the short, pink one. I'm Sumomo, from Chobits. Its my first costume, I'm proud.

                  I never knew I had to call my bank every time I decided to go out. >< I'm just glad it wasn't Monday (Memorial Day in the states) and I needed to get money for food/tolls or something. I stopped to buy food midway up to Canada, then right before the boarder to convert some cash. Super suspicious. A better way to do it would be to call and ask if you just accessed your account from *location here*
                  You seem to harbor barbaric tendencies. I suggest you visit a physician at your earliest convenience.


                  • #10
                    sorry to threadjack, but, AHAHAHAHAHA anime north rocks even if some of the venders suck.

                    Hobby Twitter.


                    • #11

                      <Off Topic slightly> "Phone Call, Phone Call! Phone Call, Phone Call!....Taking Message! YAY!" <Off topic slightly>

                      Best embodiment of 'Cute' I've seen in ages.


                      • #12
                        At Australian conventions, that vendor would have been kicked out and banned from not only that con but any con in the country.


                        • #13
                          Quoth chrisfabo View Post

                          <Off Topic slightly> "Phone Call, Phone Call! Phone Call, Phone Call!....Taking Message! YAY!" <Off topic slightly>

                          Best embodiment of 'Cute' I've seen in ages.
                          Oh god, you should see my routine. I do everything from exercising (complete with big yellow whistle), to giving directions, and screen saving, even getting "scared" and hiding behind other attendees if they get too close to me. Thank you :3 I'm so proud of that one, all I wanna redo is the hat, as it looks crummy. /cry

                          I really did enjoy Anime North as a convention. My bank/random vendor/food/gift shop people just put a teeny dent in my good time. Its like.. the bank is super over paranoid about identity theft.. Random vendor needs to stick his posters where the sun dun shine if he cant be happy at a convention! >_>; and, with all the allergies people can potentially have, it may be a good idea to have some kind of allergy related info laying around...

                          ...wait, that would be SMART. Duh. *goes back into screensaver mode*
                          You seem to harbor barbaric tendencies. I suggest you visit a physician at your earliest convenience.


                          • #14
                            That was an asshole of a vendor.

                            In general Canadians are pretty nice folks, but we have our dickwads too. I'm thinking this conference was in Toronto which is our largest city. There's a VERY diverse mix of people in Toronto, some really nice and some you want to stay far away from.

                            I used to live an hour away and so found myself there every so often for various things. It was kind of hit and miss whether the employees at various places would be decent folk or not but overall my experiences were pretty good.
                            "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant


                            • #15
                              Sumomo! She's one of my all time fav chars! You did great on the costume!

