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SC complains because I have the audacity to puke outside a building (somewhat gross)

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  • SC complains because I have the audacity to puke outside a building (somewhat gross)

    I got hit by a stomach virus a little awhile ago while away on vacation. My wife and I decided we'd go home. On the way I home I started puking in the car, now I didnt make a mess of the car, we had a "Barf bag" prepped and ready to go.

    We stopped at a gas station and I went into use the bathroom. I knew I was going to throw up again but the mess that was in the toilet was so nasty (and wouldn't flush, I tried) that I couldn't do it in there. This was a tiny one room bathroom.

    So I left the bathroom and raced out of the store, I made it maybe three feet out the door before puking all over the pavement outside. I was so embarrassed.

    Eventually I got back in the car and when my wife got back in she said while she was in there a guy came in and started complaining to the lady at the counter about how rude I was being by puking out front and wanting her to ask me to move and clean it up when I was done. Thankfully my wife stood up to the guy and did clean up my mess.

    The way I was feeling, they are lucky I didn't puke all over the floor of the store and actually made it outside. The nerve of some people.
    "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant

  • #2
    Would it have been better if you puked on his shoes?


    • #3
      Kudos to your wife. I hate cleaning up puke, though thankfully I haven't had to, much.

      That guy needs a shot of sympathy serum. Seriously, a person is so sick they can't help but throw up in public, and he's complaining? Here's hoping you're feeling better, CrazedClerk.


      • #4
        I puked in front of Dean Wormer...

        No, you puked on Dean Wormer.....


        • #5
          Aw I'm so sorry that happened. Obviously if you were sick enough to not be able to control it, you must have been pretty sick. I've been there plenty of times and puking in public is no fun. Karma will get back to the jerk.


          • #6
            One of my cousins had a beast of a physical education coach. My cousin was sick and the coach wouldn't believe her. So she puked on the coach's shoes.

            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


            • #7
              I once had to threaten to puke on a boss' desk before she would let me go home sick.
              Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.

