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We Didn't Want a Pool, Anyway

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  • We Didn't Want a Pool, Anyway

    So, the pool in the courtyard of our building has been pretty nasty for nearly the last year. It had something wrong with the filter for a long time, and then they drained it.

    Then they tore a couple of sections of concrete out of the bottom, and left it like that for a few weeks.

    Then, last week, they trucked in a pile of dirt. The next day, most of it had been pushed into the pool opening.

    The day after that, they trucked in a whole lot more dirt (I think because they had no idea how much dirt it would take to fill it), and lined it up along the side of the pool, across the walkway, and against the next building over.

    This huge mass of dirt, rocks, and trash has been dumped on our walkway for the last week, nearly, with nothing having been done with it.

    I'm this close >< to calling the health department on them for pretty much any reason I can come up with.

    Then, tonight, we have a troupe of the local unwashed bratlets (we have decent kids in this area, but I never notice them, 'cause, well, they're decent) out at the end of the dirt pile picking up chunks of it and chucking them at nearby buildings. All the while, shouting at the top of their lungs the phrase, "Take me out to the ballgame" over and over again.

    I walked out and told them to stop chucking rocks. They looked at me like I was stupid, then started in with the yelling and rock-chucking.

    As I'm finishing up with my call to the security company, I hear one of the people in my building chastising the kids for chucking dirt and rocks and telling them to go home. I heard phrases such as, "Does your momma know you're over here?" and the like out of him. Since he's got one of the good kids, I suspect he knows most of the bratlets and can get them in trouble for their behavior.

    The only decent thing about the pool being filled in is that we won't have to listen to the punks who climb over the gate in the middle of the night to splash around and make a ruckus.

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

  • #2
    Hmm, if people are climbing over the gate in the middle of the night and the pool was already in disrepair, it's no wonder why the pool is being filled in. Not only is it expensive to maintain, but it's also an insurance nightmare.

    I might've called the cops on the bratty kids that wouldn't stop throwing rocks. My workplace has had windows busted just because kids were having "fun" with the rocks on the corner. And never the same kids, either. I have zero patience for this type of thing.
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


    • #3
      Now I know why there's so much crap in the road.
      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


      • #4
        Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
        The only decent thing about the pool being filled in is that we won't have to listen to the punks who climb over the gate in the middle of the night to splash around and make a ruckus.
        There's an apartment complex near here (not mine) that's also near the university. Out in the middle of an open grassy courtyard is a larger shed looking building. On it you can see markings for what used to be a change room and on the west side of the building there's still Pool Rules posted up. But the whole area is a (well kept) grassy field.

        I'd be really sad and depressed if I still had my kid-eyes and was seeing that all the time while playing with no pool in existence or nearby.

        /closer to where I live, last weekend... it was dead still at 5am and so I could hear teenagers in a city pool from 6 blocks away (they weren't subtle about it, making enough noise that it carried which I hope translates into getting caught easily).
        Shop Smart. Shop S-Mart!


        • #5
          Quoth MrSmiley View Post
          There's an apartment complex near here (not mine) that's also near the university. Out in the middle of an open grassy courtyard is a larger shed looking building. On it you can see markings for what used to be a change room and on the west side of the building there's still Pool Rules posted up. But the whole area is a (well kept) grassy field.
          I do not understand why they leave signs up when something is gone. I see stores do it all the time. The place where I bought my mattress went out of business, but the sign in still there on the building, and in the big sign for the shopping center, and all the ad stuff is still in the windows. Why aren't they required to remove all that stuff when they move out.
          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


          • #6
            Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
            I do not understand why they leave signs up when something is gone. I see stores do it all the time. The place where I bought my mattress went out of business, but the sign in still there on the building, and in the big sign for the shopping center, and all the ad stuff is still in the windows. Why aren't they required to remove all that stuff when they move out.
            OT: To an extent I see your point, but in my city in the downtown area, there are tons of old billboard type signs from the 1920's through 1950's that were never taken down/painted over. They're kinda cool. Like old Coca Cola ads, and for the buildings that used to be hotels, signs for the hotel still painted on the walls. It's pretty cool to see brand new sky scrapers right next to a building older then my grandma with it's original ad space.
            Although there is nothing really cool or of any real historical value about an old "pool rules" sign.
            "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

            ...Beware the voice without a face...

