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Karma's a b*tch... and so am I!

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  • Karma's a b*tch... and so am I!

    I was walking down the sidewalk today, when a car suddenly veered off the road and almost hit me! As I was still shaking, the driver put it in park, got out, and started walking towards a shop. He had parked right in the middle of the sidewalk!! Only a few feet away was the entrance to the store parking lot, and there was a paid lot just at the end of the block. So I ran to the paid lot where I knew there would be officers checking cars for tickets. I flagged one down and showed him the car parked on the sidewalk just a few yards up. The officer thanked me, went to the car, and started writing a ticket right away. Karma's a b*tch!!!
    Last edited by GiftShopGirl; 07-24-2009, 08:53 PM.

  • #2
    GRRRRRRRRR . . . . I hate people who have to drive like bats out of Hell . . .

    We have these neighbors who moved in a few houses behind us about 4 months ago. The guy has been operating a garage on the property (there is a large detatched garage that goes with the rental house they live in) for some time now and there's been cars covering the entire lawn . . . and numerous black marks on the road at the end of the driveway where they peel rubber racing in and out.

    They would gun it coming up the side road, and fishtail their way onto the main road. Numerous times these cars came close to losing control and almost ran up into the neighbor's front yard.

    A month ago, however, they got a visit from the police for their reckless driving habits. They commenced with the maniac driving during late afternoon and came peeling around the corner and one of the cars (a bright orange mid 70's Cutlass Supreme) almost lost it and the front of the car was aiming straight for our front yard. The guy jerked it toward the road at the last second. Following it was a gray primer late 70's Camaro who was also gunning it. Both vehicles went flying through the stoplight and came back the same way a few minutes later.

    Then Mom came up on the porch in her chair, white as a sheet and madder than Hell itself. Turns out she was around the corner visiting with some neighbors and was on her way home and was at the stop sign just before you get to the garage and had to fly into a neighbor's driveway because both cars were aiming toward her.

    She had her cellphone with her and as both cars went past, she ventured out far enough in view of the house to see the house number and called 911. While she was on the phone with the dispatcher, they came flying around the corner again back toward the garage and she again had to fly out of the way.

    Just a moment after she made it back to the house, 2 patrol cars showed up and pulled up along the side of our yard on the side road. Mom and I both told the officers about the 2 vehicles, which by this time it had been about 10 minutes since they came flying through. They went down to their house and had a chat with them and returned a short time later. Basically all they said was that they'd talked with them and gave them a warning but if they started flying through again, call 911 back.

    We settled down on the porch in our rocking chairs after the officers left and we thought the suckage was over. I was reading the newspaper and having a glass of wine when Act II of the suckage commenced.

    A woman came around the corner of our house and was craning her neck to see if anyone was around. She came around the corner and up to the front walkway and marched herself up to the top step of our porch, demanding "Are you the woman who called the police to my house?"

    Mom admitted she did. Bitch then starts spewing off about how Mom should've minded her own business. Mom butted in and told her they almost ran her over in her wheelchair and that it was her business since it happened in front of her. Bitch still argued that Mom should've minded her own business and threatened to call the police and have Mom charged with harrassment. To which Mom replied she's lived in this nighborhood for 19 years and she would go where she pleased. Mom also pointed out to Miss Non-Logic that operating a garage out of a rental house was in violation of the lease agreement (their house is managed by the same realty company that handles ours and Mom also knows the owner personally.) Bitch kept repeating herself that Mom needed to mind her own business and (thankfully) left our porch.

    Not 5 minutes after the bitch left, Mom called the realty company and made a complaint. Bossman was gone for the day, but one of the assistants took the message and fowarded it to him so he could notify the owner (Mom couldn't find the owner's number) and they could deal with the problem.

    So far, they've not tried to run over anyone else in the neighborhood since. My mom can be the biggest bitch anyone has come across if she's bothered.
    Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


    • #3
      He parked ON the sidewalk?! Who does that?!?! I'm glad you got an officer to write him a ticket - he deserves that and a hell of a lot more. Too bad he didn't get towed!


      • #4
        I WISH you got to see him walk out and find that ticket. And then give him a cheeky little wave and a smile to kind of let him know it was you. ahahah!


        • #5
          Quoth jjllbb View Post
          I WISH you got to see him walk out and find that ticket. And then give him a cheeky little wave and a smile to kind of let him know it was you. ahahah!
          for some reason I picture Vir Cotto saying "I'd like to live just long enough to be there when they cut off your head and stick it on a pike as a warning to the next ten generations that some favors come with too high a price. I would look up at your lifeless eyes and wave like this.
          [gives a mockingly cheerful finger waggle] " when you said that
          If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


          • #6
            Payback is a bitch, ain't it.
            I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
            Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
            Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09

