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Two sightings from today

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  • Two sightings from today

    Well, boyfriend and I didn't really have any sightings while we were in LA, so I guess they were just catching up to us a bit today.

    First one:
    We usually play D&D on Sundays at a local game store with a bunch of friends of ours. Well, about half of our group couldn't make it this week for various reasons, so we decided to play a new board game I picked up instead, with those who could come. We were all supposed to meed at the game store at noon. Boyfriend and I got there on time, and no one else was there yet, so we decided to set up the game while we were waiting for them.

    This game store has a large room in the back that has no merchandise in it, just a bunch of tables and chairs set up for groups to play at. They also have more tables and chairs set up throughout the main part of the store. The back room has enough space for at least three groups of 4-6 people to play comfortably, if they space themselves out properly, without disrupting each other. So there is plenty of room in this store for several groups to be doing stuff.

    Anyway, we start setting up and decided to start a game while we were waiting for our friends. After about an hour, our friends still hadn't shown up, but another group had. This was a group that we'd seen in the store before, they seem like regulars (we're sort of regulars too, although we've only been going to the store for a few months, and I get the impression that this other group has been around a lot longer.) They came into the back room, where boyfriend and I were set up with our game in a corner, and set their stuff down on the table next to ours. Then they go out into the main room, and come back a minute later with the owner. Owner looks at us like we're not even there, then says to the other group, "Yeah, you guys can play right here."

    So they start setting up their game at the table right next to us. Like I said, there are lots of tables in this room and plenty of space for them to spread out a bit. But no. They pick the table right next to ours. And they are being LOUD and OBNOXIOUS about it. The owner, as he was leaving, caught my eye and gave me a look that plainly said this group took precedence over our group so they could do whatever they wanted.

    After about ten minutes of boyfriend and I having to raise our voices considerably just to hear each other (while we're sitting right across from each other) I told him I was ready to leave. We could play together at home and we'd waited over an hour for our friends, with no word from them. So we pack up our game and get up to go. Except the other group has set a bunch of their stuff on a chair, and set the chair right in our path to get to the door, so we have to move it. And despite the fact that four of them were sitting right next to said chair, and all looking at us as we get up to leave, none of them offered to help move the chair (we had our arms full, as we had come with stuff to play D&D too, in case more of our group could make it) or even said anything to us as we left.

    I am so disgusted with the game store. This is not the first time this kind of thing has happened. I get the impression the other group(s) think they're superior to us because they've been around longer. Another friend of ours is moving to a bigger house in a couple weeks, so hopefully we can start playing at his place once he gets settled in, because I don't want to go back to that game store if I can help it.

    Second encounter:
    After we left the game store, we decided to get some lunch. There is a small chain of Mongolian grill type restaurants in the area, where you go up to a buffet-style bar and pick whatever meat/veggies/spices/sauces you want (all raw) and the chefs cook it to order for you. We are big fans of this place so we decided to go there. Since it's kind of a different setup if you've never been there before, the waiters always ask if anyone at the table is new and has never been there before, so the waiter can walk them through how to order.

    So, we tell our waiter that we've been to this place multiple times before. He makes some comment about how he can tell if people are regulars and there was "just something in our eyes" that said we were hungry and didn't need the explanation as to how things worked, we just wanted to go get our food. I thought, "I couldn't have said it better." He was really friendly, just a little long-winded before he let us up to the buffet to get our orders.

    Anyway, we finally get our cooked orders, and just as we're starting to eat, the waiter comes and asks us if everything is okay. We assure him it is...and he starts asking us questions, like how many times have we been to the restaurant, do we always order the same thing, is it better or worse today than it was last time we were here. Also he was trying to "sell" us on the restaurant, by telling us all the different combinations you can order and how it would take over a year of eating a different combo every day to try them all, and then telling us about his latest combo that he tried the other day and how good it was. Again...very friendly...a little bit too much so...

    He finally left us alone for a while, and checked back in with us again when we were almost done eating, and did the same thing (asking us questions, making comments, trying to have a conversation with us while we were finishing eating.) I had been eyeing up the manager by this time and considering letting her know that I didn't think it was very appropriate for the wait staff to interrupt diners as they were eating -- it would have been one thing if he wanted to chat while we were waiting our food, but right after we got our food? I thought it was a little rude, even though I know he was trying to be nice. However, I also knew that this restaurant left comment cards with the bill that customers could fill out, so I figured I'd just do that. I didn't want to cause a scene or be an SC because it wasn't really that big of a deal, just annoying.

    Well, when the waiter brought our check, he said, "Well, you guys have probably filled out the comment cards multiple times, so I won't ask you to do it again!" Argh. However, they do let you make comments on their website, so I think I'll do that instead.

    Also, we hosted a dinner party last night for a fairly big group of friends, and I spent most of the day cooking/cleaning to get ready for it and we didn't get to sleep till around 2am. So, I might be a little less patient and tolerant than I normally am due to just being tired.

  • #2
    That is a little weird that the waiter wouldn't go away. Had you seen him there before? Maybe he was new to that sort of job and wasn't sure how to act. It would probably be safe to mention to the manager something along the lines of, "he's nice, but it was a little odd that he spent so much time talking to us."
    I'm sorry about the obnoxious kids at the gameshop. Glad you will have a back up place to play together soon, I don't think I could spend much time in the game shop in my town either.
    "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

    ...Beware the voice without a face...


    • #3
      It's nice that some game shops set up space for people to play but man...some of the people that hang out there.

      Out of curiousity, what game were you guys going to play?


      • #4
        Quoth NightWatch View Post
        I'm sorry about the obnoxious kids at the gameshop.
        The sad part is, is that the group I mentioned are all older than us. We're all in our mid-late 20s, this group was easily in their late 30s/early 40s at least. So, not kids by appearance, but certainly children by attitude...

        Also, we were going to play Arkham Horror. It's a Lovecraft-based board game, similar to Descent, if you're familiar with it. It's pretty fun, although really hard to actually win!


        • #5
          Quoth MaggieTheCat View Post
          Also, we were going to play Arkham Horror.

          Arkham rocks! Although it gets really, really, hard to win when you add all the expansions at once. We've been devoured by the Elder gods on numerous occasions.



          • #6
            have to throw in my vote for favorite group game evar!

            Quelf only available there

            Game review here

            Fantastic party game
            Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


            • #7
              Quoth MaggieTheCat View Post
              The sad part is, is that the group I mentioned are all older than us. We're all in our mid-late 20s, this group was easily in their late 30s/early 40s at least. So, not kids by appearance, but certainly children by attitude...

              Also, we were going to play Arkham Horror. It's a Lovecraft-based board game, similar to Descent, if you're familiar with it. It's pretty fun, although really hard to actually win!
              It's not that hard once everyone realizes they are in it together. It is a fun game with the right group of people though.


              • #8
                Quoth MaggieTheCat View Post
                The sad part is, is that the group I mentioned are all older than us. We're all in our mid-late 20s, this group was easily in their late 30s/early 40s at least. So, not kids by appearance, but certainly children by attitude...

                Also, we were going to play Arkham Horror. It's a Lovecraft-based board game, similar to Descent, if you're familiar with it. It's pretty fun, although really hard to actually win!
                Arkham Horror is a great game. We've played it several times on slow days at the gaming club (we don't have a gaming store in town... , but our club has been open for around 10 years).

                Also love Risk 2210 (Risk with nuclear dead zones, diplomacy, underwater cities and the ability to shoot giant rocks at the Earth from the Moon) and Robo Rally (a race game where the movement is RANDOMIZED).
                "Kamala the Ugandan Giant" 1950-2020 • "Bullet" Bob Armstrong 1939-2020 • "Road Warrior Animal" 1960-2020 • "Zeus" Tiny Lister Jr. 1958-2020 • "Hacksaw" Butch Reed 1954-2021 • "New Jack" Jerome Young 1963-2021 • "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff 1949-2021 • "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton 1958-2021 • Daffney 1975-2021


                • #9
                  Back on topic!

                  Regarding the waiter, that reminded me a little bit about the waiter we had at "Schmooby Bluesday" 11 years ago. It was our first time going there and the waiter greeted us with "Hi there, my name is (Billy Joe Bob) and I'll be entertaining you today!" He then proceeded to hang around the table for most of the visit, talking to us about the restaurant and about himself and attempting to juggle and failing badly at it. He went away while he ate but then came back as we were ready to leave. I noticed another waiter a couple rows up who was doing the same to his table. The next few times we went back, they had stopped doing that. Makes me wonder if it was just them or if it was some thing that corporate had them do.
                  Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill

