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STFU, please. (some language)

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  • STFU, please. (some language)

    Or atleast don't talk so friggen loud so everyone in the room can here you.

    So it's finals and with all finals comes studying. Since I had two finals on the same day, I decided to take the other one a day early, in the testing center. So to make sure I know what I need to know, I do a quick skimming through the textbook in a hallway near the testing center. I probably should have moved because sitting a few rows down from me was this idiot woman on her cell phone. She was talking LOUDLY. Everyone else got to hear her problem.

    Appartently, her friend needed a muffler fixed after some accident and she was having trouble with the insurence. She was going on and on about how someone was trying to screw her, cursing like a sailor.


    The thing is, she was carrying this conversation for well over a half an hour! She couldn't just offer what ever advice her friend needed, she had to go on and on and on and on...

    and on.

    The kicker is there was a guy right behind me who had to make a quick phone call. Not only did he keep it quick, but he was QUIET. This obnoxious girl could not lower her volume and had to make sure every one else knew her problems. And I wasn't the only one trying to study...

    Yeah, I could have gone somewhere else, but you know what, so could she. At least I got a sighting out of it though.

  • #2
    Buh. I had something similar happen. Went to a coffee shop to work on my take home final exam/paper, since there was lotsa noise going on at home. I get there, and over my headphones, I hear this woman having a LOUD conversation on her cell phone.

    About her kidney infection. And what it's doing to her urine, and yeah... >.> Buh.


    • #3
      Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
      Buh. I had something similar happen. Went to a coffee shop to work on my take home final exam/paper, since there was lotsa noise going on at home. I get there, and over my headphones, I hear this woman having a LOUD conversation on her cell phone.

      About her kidney infection. And what it's doing to her urine, and yeah... >.> Buh.
      And I thought I had it bad.


      • #4
        yeesh. come to my coffee's normally pretty quiet. and we've asked people to shush when their convos get too loud and/or icky.
        If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

        i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"


        • #5
          I was in a green apron shop. Baristas did nothing. Didn't shush her or ask her to end it or take it outside.

          I jacked up the volume on my mp3 player and finished the one part of the paper I was in the middle of and left. It's not the usual green apron shop I go to. My usual one is one where the baristas do say something, and it's a nice, quiet ambiance. This one was just closer by bus. That'll learn me.


          • #6
            I believe the proper response to these jerks is a dose of their own medicine. Hold up your hand like you've got a cellphone and just start talking (substitute proper relevant notes about the location and the specific sucky behavior in the following sample).

            "Oh my god! I can't believe this obnoxious woman sitting at the other table! Yeah, I know! You would think she'd realize that the whole coffee shop could hear her talking about her disgusting diseases and she'd be embarassed or something, but NO! {pause} Uh-huh. She's just going on and on about her infections and all that junk and it's just totally gross! Really! She has no clue she's making people sick to their stomach talking like that in a place where people are trying to EAT!"

            If that doesn't hit her like a clue by four, it should at least let the management know that they have a problem that needs to be addressed.
            Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


            • #7
              Gotta love idiots on phones...

              Even better, are certain relatives of mine. Namely, my currently unemployed brother. I was over at my mother's one night, talking with my other brother downstairs, chatting about work, computers, sports cars, etc. We weren't exactly quiet, but not screaming either.

              After several minutes of this, there's a yell from upstairs for us to "shut the fuck up." Now, I don't know about the rest of you, but we couldn't let that go. My brother screamed back "If you don't like it, get a job or close your fucking door." Which got met with "I'm talking to my girlfriend...I don't want to hear you two." Then I yelled up "excellent to make yourself look like a douche in front of her, asshole"

              Seriously, why should everyone else have to be quiet so you can scream on the phone? Oh, and nobody really wants to listen to whoever you're talking turn the damn volume down!
              Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


              • #8
                Quoth EvilEmpryss View Post
                I believe the proper response to these jerks is a dose of their own medicine. Hold up your hand like you've got a cellphone and just start talking (substitute proper relevant notes about the location and the specific sucky behavior in the following sample).

                "Oh my god! I can't believe this obnoxious woman sitting at the other table! Yeah, I know! You would think she'd realize that the whole coffee shop could hear her talking about her disgusting diseases and she'd be embarassed or something, but NO! {pause} Uh-huh. She's just going on and on about her infections and all that junk and it's just totally gross! Really! She has no clue she's making people sick to their stomach talking like that in a place where people are trying to EAT!"

                If that doesn't hit her like a clue by four, it should at least let the management know that they have a problem that needs to be addressed.
                Guilty as charged, except in my case I was using my cell phone, was on the phone with someone else, and was having trouble hearing them because the person nearby just had to describe last night's bedtime romp in exquisite detail.

