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"I've ONLY Been Waiting A Week."

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  • "I've ONLY Been Waiting A Week."

    Had a sighting yesterday because of some snobby ass old man. Best Friend and I were in the toy section of our local Mart of Wal trying to figure out what we could buy for the two Make A Wish stars we picked up from the tree near the front. Snobby Ass Old Man was stuck behind us waiting to get by, huffing and puffing and drumming his fingers while Best Friend and I were reaching for a handheld LCD game. Finally he yells, "Hey, I'm trying to get BY here! I've ONLY been waiting A WEEK to get by you!"

    We move aside, he shoots us a Death Glare and walks off, muttering under his breath. I say, "There was no reason to give us that snobby ass attitude. If he wanted us to move he could have said something politely beforehand."
    Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill

  • #2
    Anytime I find myself in a situation where I can't get through a certain aisle because of people/objects/ghosts... I just go down a different aisle. <_<
    "IT stands away, interrupting himself from the incessant hammering of the kittens…"


    • #3
      Hmm... I find a polite "Excuse me" is generally all I need to get oblivious shoppers' attention so they move aside. I've gotten an annoyed huff in return occasionally, but I guess people don't like to pick fights with cripples.
      Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


      • #4
        I say excuse me....90% of the time I get ignored, so I say it louder. If I have to say it a third time....I'll use the harvard joke...excuse me, asshole....


        • #5
          Quoth Bloodsoul View Post
          Anytime I find myself in a situation where I can't get through a certain aisle because of people/objects/ghosts... I just go down a different aisle. <_<
          But...that would require common sense, which most people don't seem to have these days.
          "I've found that when you want to know the truth about someone, that someone is probably the last person you should ask." - House


          • #6
            I had a customer do this to me, they weren't rude though. I just get annoyed when people can't open their mouths to say two words to a person. I was straightening and she was waiting to get by but not saying anything(maybe she was looking at something, how am I supposed to know)
            She could have EASILY backed up and gone around, since she didn't even stop to look at anything I had straightened.


            • #7
              I do love it when customers do that...just stand there and not SAY anything. And stare at me. I can't tell if they want me to move, or to ask me a question. So, I ignore them, until they say something. It's more fun that way.

              People are impatient as hell.
              you are = you're. not "your".


              • #8
                This is why people hate shopping at Christmas. It's not the crowd that bothers most of us, it's the attitude that the majority of said crowds have Crabs like that should just stay at home.
                The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.


                • #9
                  People like that definetly agitate me enough to just go into panic mode and leave the mall and have to keep returning again in a day or so or the next time I have off, so I can refresh and try again.

                  This year was just miserable. I did procrastinate, but it took me a few days to get it all done because of how people were behaving, the crowds, the survey and kiosk folk, and the fact that every salesperson was so overly pushy that I nearly went into a rage.
                  You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                  • #10
                    Generally, ill move out of the way if its a cart, but if someone just sits behind me and huffs without saying anything, well, too frackin bad! Though i usually don't dont say anything back. (i NEVER go shopping within 3 days of christmas. MAYBE to the CVS down the street for a card, but thats if i forgot someone) I am not overly fond of being run over by an SC. >_>


                    • #11
                      im a big girl and i have to say im little sucky about this.
                      see ill say excuss me.
                      Twice the third time ill move by them without them moving and most likely ill hip bump something or someone.
                      Once a mom with a little kid couldn't be daned to move from the middle of the aisle and when i gave up and moved around her (squeeze behind her) i knocked over the kid and a few boxes of something.
                      it burst into tears (i haev no idea if it was a boy of a girl) and before the mom could attack me i looked over at her and said "Huh, that wouldn't happen if you paid attention to the world around you and moved" and walked away.
                      I normally would have picked up the stuff i knocked over but i was fustrated.
                      and i never appologise when im forced to squeeze by and accidently hip check.
                      Last edited by Sliceanddice; 12-27-2009, 07:44 AM.

