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Security didn't like me

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  • Security didn't like me

    I went to a club with the BF for Xmas night. There was a foyer with coat check, then an open room with a barricade that herded you either into the bar area or the dance floor area. Because it was an 18+ night, there was no alcohol allowed in the dance floor area.

    I had just gone through the barricade and was in the hallway to the dance floor area waiting for the BF. This older security lady came-up, took me by the arm and guided me back towards the separation to the bar, saying "If you're over 21 you can't be on this side!" So I was confused; why was I let through anyway? I thought maybe the dance floor area was for an under 21 event or something. So I asked the security lady who was manning the separation stand (checking bracelets) and asked if 21+ were allowed in the dance area. She said "Yes, just no alcohol). So for the next hour we were back and forth to the bar. Next I was on the 18+ side of the barricade, looking towards the dance area for the BF. Security lady comes-up again, takes my arm and says "You can't be standing here." Another security person explained it was so a 21yo couldn't pass alcohol over the barricade to a 18yo. Near the end of the night the BF and I were in the divided area again, just coming from the dance-floor area (not near the barricade, but against the wall), and stopped to decide whether or not we were ready to leave or wanted to go back to the bar. That same security lady again took us by the arms and guided us to the separation, saying "You can't hang-out here; either go to the bar or leave." Yet, for the rest of the time we were there, there were PLENTY of other people milling in that same area. We left soon after.

    I don't know how we rubbed this woman the wrong way or why she was giving me the evil eye the whole night. Kinda put a damper on the celebrating. I was also uncomfortable with the fact that she kept touching me. In my experience, security needs a reason to touch you.

    PS. I had 1/2 a drink and was perfectly sober; I don't go to clubs much and am a bit of a wallflower, which is why I was undecided alot. Maybe she just thought I looked like trouble; I was maybe one of 2 people dressed gothy.
    "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga

  • #2
    I'm pretty sure you hit the nail on the head with your very last sentance. When I go out to clubs I dress gothy. It's my style and it's comfortable for me. That being said, I've had to go through shit like that also. It sucks but there isn't much you can do about another person's biased.
    Honey and Thorns ~ Handmade Knit and Jewelry


    • #3
      I think I would have said, touch me again and I will call the real police. It was unprofessional of her to focus on you because of how you were dressed.
      Last edited by kibbles; 12-26-2009, 03:31 AM.


      • #4
        You should have complained. I would have.


        • #5
          I was told by my friend, who is also club security, that security is basically god at these clubs and they can do pretty much whatever they want. I figured if I complained, who are they going to believe, and who's going to get kicked-out? Heh, kinda funny, me being on the receiving end. But when I work security I NEVER touch unless there's a reason; like a handshake or first-aid!
          "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


          • #6
            Another reason why I don't go clubbing. The clubs here in town are borked- one lady sued a local club after a bouncer told her to come back after she lost weight. Unfortunately she lost.
            And yes, I work security too, and don't touch somebody without a damn good reason.

            As for being picked on because of looks- I have a friend who's a goth. She, her daughter, and her daughter's friends all dress goth. Thanks to a friend, they got free passes to a performance this past year. In the VIP section of the audience no less. They were sitting around waiting for the show to begin when some people nearby began talking loudly and making noise. Almost immediately one of the volunteers was up in my friend's face, yelling at her group to stop making noise. Wha? A short while later, somebody else (probably the same people who were making noise) whipped out a flash camera and went to use it. Sure enough, volunteer lady came back and got in my goth friend's faces, blaming them.
            Well, my goth friend had had it. She lit into the volunteer lady, saying she was getting f'ing tired of being blamed for things that other people were doing, and she demanded to speak to a superior. A supervisor came over, asking what the problem was. My friend explained her situation, and was backed up by a most unlikely source- another visiting VIP, who stuck up for her, saying that he had seen the volunteer lady hassling her and her companions repeatedly for things they were not even doing.
            In the end, volunteer lady was moved to another section of the audience, and my friends got some free event swag for their trouble.

