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I just won. I got you ALL beat.

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  • I just won. I got you ALL beat.

    I just won the "Be the First to Ruin Christmas" game.

    Yep. I did. How can I win the game so late in the year? How can that be possible?

    Cause I just won the "Be the First to Ruin Christmas OF 2010" game!

    So tradition in my family is that, on the day after Christmas, the kiddos stay with the grandparents and play with their new loot and we (me, the hubby, and any siblings in town) go to the after Christmas sales to stock up on paper, cards, bows, decorations, ect. It's the best way to do Christmas decoration and wrappings shopping cause everything's like 50% off.

    So we're at Wal-Mart and I see an ornament that Daughter had really liked this year but hadn't gotten. It's the last one so I go ahead and grab it and put it in my cart.

    "NOOOOOO!!!!!!!" I hear from behind me and see this woman literally running over to me and sticking her hand into my cart for something. I kind of jerk the cart out of her way and look at her like she's crazy.

    "Can I help you?"

    "I need that ornament!"

    "I'm sorry, but my daughter really liked it and I wanted to get it for her."

    "But I saw it first!"

    "Then you should have picked it up."

    "But I want it!"

    "I'm sorry. I'm already getting it." This whole time, she is trying to reach into my cart. I grab my Hubby's hand and start to walk away.

    "I need it!" She screams after me. "It's mine!"


    "I hope you're happy! YOU JUST RUINED MY DAUGHTER'S CHRISTMAS!!!!"

    Hubby had to turn around at that one. "Christmas was yesterday, Ma'am."

    "Next Christmas! She needs that ornament!"

    "I'm sure there will be plenty more between now and then."

    We walked away then.

    But seriously, stressing that badly about an ornament? A $3 ornament? Maybe I should have just given it to her, but I saw no reason to.

    I just think it's amusing that I ruined a year that isn't even here yet.
    I am Wolverine.............and Wolverine does not do high kicks.

    He was a hero to me....and heroes are not supposed to die.

    Oh good, my dog found the chainsaw!

  • #2
    Wow, you should get a prize for that.

    If she had been nice about it, I probably would have given it to her, but if I had been party to that display, I would have kept it for myself, too.
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #3
      Wow. People are crazy at this time of year (well...crazier then usual). If she wanted it so badly then she should've grabbed it when she saw it. I wouldn't have given it to her either.


      • #4
        If there was no way she could have had you charged with assault, or attempted kidnapping, or something, it would have been fun to grab her by the arm, lead her towards the store exit, all the while exclaiming "How many times have I told you we will not put up with your tantrums in public, young lady?!? Now, we're going straight home! No stopping by McDonalds for a Happy Meal like we'd planned! And once we get home, you will go straight to your room!"



        • #5
          All that over an ornament and Christmas PASSED?!!! What a nutjob.
          I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
          Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
          Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


          • #6
            Why didn't you say, I'll sell it to you for $40 bucks? Heheh.

            Personally, you were MUCH nicer than I would have been. Air would have been blue.

            In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
            She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.


            • #7
              At least you didn't ruin your own Christmas - chances are you'll never see that lady again so no big loss for you.

              I'm sure by next Christmas she would have forgotten all about it - or else she'll write a memo about it and tell her daugher next year.
              Quote Dalesys:
              ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


              • #8
                I remember something from a movie or TV show or whatever. One guy grabs the last of something, and another guy runs up and says "I saw that first, it's mine!". The first guy says with a cheery voice and a big smile, "If that were true, then you would be the one holding this, wouldn't you?"
                "We were put on this Earth to fart around, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." -Kurt Vonnegut


                • #9
                  Quoth persephone View Post
                  Maybe I should have just given it to her, but I saw no reason to.
                  No way! Not after that display of insanity!

                  I guess this ornament will be a heirloom from now on in your family after you valiantly defended it against suckyness or rather batshit crazyness.
                  No trees were killed in the posting of this message.

                  However, a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.


                  • #10
                    I am in shock over the nerve of that "woman" She actually tried to take it out of your cart? That's nuts! LOL!


                    • #11
                      I guess we need to start the "Number of Christmases I've ruined this year" counter a bit early....


                      • #12
                        Quoth BeeMused View Post
                        I guess this ornament will be a heirloom from now on in your family after you valiantly defended it against suckyness or rather batshit crazyness.
                        Heh, I can just see, 50-60 years from now, all the little ones helping Grandma persephone decorating her tree:

                        "What's the story behind this ornament Gramma?"

                        "Well, honey, it's was the day after Christmas Sale, back in, I think it was aught-nine. I had gone to Wal-Mart, you see, back in those days, we actually did much of our shopping leaving home, and going to buildings called 'Stores'. This was also when their were other retailers, before bought them all out."

                        "Anyway, Grandpa, some of your Great Aunts and Great Uncles and I were there at the Wal-Mart, and I see this ornament that your Mommy had really liked, that was now on sale, and it was the last one. So, I take it, and put it in my cart, and this crazy lady comes running up screaming and........"


