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Maybe he thought it was acid rain?

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  • Maybe he thought it was acid rain?

    My coworker told me that this happened before I arrived. It was raining (a mere drizzle) and he was driving the security vehicle. While he's at a crosswalk, a man suddenly walks-up to the passenger side and starts yanking on the handle! Finding it locked he went to the driver's side and talked to my coworker.

    Stupid guy: "Hey, can ya give me a ride to the other side of the mall?"

    Turned-out he was in one of the big end stores. They stay open later than the mall, and close their interior doors when the mall closes. They do several annoucements to their customers stating this fact, and have exterior doors. This guy obviously missed it. He complained that they should have the same hours as the mall, yada yada, and so it continues:

    SG: "Don't you think that's a good idea? Do you even work here?" (He says to CW in uniform, in a car with the mall's name on it and a big flashing light on-top)

    CW: "Yes sir."

    SG: "What good are ya? If it was pourin' rain out what would you do?"

    CW: "Rain doesn't really bother me sir."

    SG: "What if you were 70 or 80...If you even make it that far? People could walk around here and drown!" (in a flat parking lot)

    SG then demanded our boss's name and number. CW began writing it down, but obviously not fast enough for SG who complained that it was taking too long and "You don't even know who you're working for do you!?" (The man sir, the man) SG then walked away complaining "This better be a real number; I'm gonna call your boss and complain about ya!"

    Mind you he spent all this time in the rain complaining about it, and the way he started walking was the longest way around the building that he could possibly take to get to his car.
    "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga