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The Legend of Dragon Lady

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  • The Legend of Dragon Lady

    This is secondhand from an older and much more experienced co-worker at my first job at the Grocery Store.

    They retell tales of The Dragon Lady at this store to warn/scare noobies who are just starting on re-stocking or checking. This woman was such a terror that every single manager in the store knew her by sight, could identify her car and would regularly send pages to all departments to warn them she was in the store. It was easy to tell when she was around, as anyone on the floors would mysteriously disappear into the back room and the managers suddenly became much more lenient with breaks. No one knows WHY she was the way she was, the only conclusion we could come up with as a group was she was born with seething evil in her veins and existed only to spread woe and sadness.

    Her escapades included: Making several customer service girls cry, including the manager they called to come handle her (a male manager I might add); verbally abusing any and all employees that she came across; demanding the store stock items that were utterly ridiculous ("WHY don't you have MOTOR OIL!?!); being overly demanding and a general bitch; being belligerant to anyone, including other customers; attempting to return MEAT that she had opened, "inspected" and deemed unworthy WHILE STILL IN THE STORE; and nearly running over cart gatherers in the parking lot. And many, many, many more.

    I know many responses would be "why didn't someone just ban her from the store?". Hand to heaven: the cops in the area were resistant to dealing with her as well. She had several sons in influential positions in the local government and she was such an unrelenting BITCH that it would have done little good. This woman made a 250lb. former PRISON SECURITY GUARD quake.

    The co-worker I spoke of in the opening was stocking the meat case and hadn't heard the warning page. She accosted him looking for fresh ground meats. Having dealt with her before, he remained calm and explained that the very meat he was stocking was the freshest they had available (as it had indeed JUST been ground and wrapped). That was not good enough - she wanted to WATCH it being ground to make SURE they did it right. FYI: this store will gladly grind any meat you bring back to them, they will NOT grind fresh in front of you for S&G. Did she have said meat for grinding? NO. She just wanted to watch him grind a fresh batch from what they had JUST FOR HER. Co-worker refused, stating that she could have some of the meat he was stocking or could buy some to grind. She got in his face and began poking him in the chest. He swatted her hand away and calmly said "If you touch me again - I will call the cops and have you arrested for assult." She got a shocked look and wandered off, muttering something about "calling her son"....

    Nothing came of this as far as I can tell, but this was one of the very few times anyone stood up to this terror-beast and didn't come out a quivering mound of goo.

    I'll post more tales of her woe later... must rest.
    "Always take a moment to thank the food." - Osage Proverb
    Meat is murder, tasty, tasty murder.
    Backpfeifengesicht: German for a face that cries out for a fist in it.

  • #2
    Do post more. Stories like this are like watching a horror movie: you can't turn away.
    They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


    • #3
      I dunno, "calling her son" sounded a lot like a threat of violence to me.


      • #4
        I'm pretty sure that even if she had family members in government, that her being a bitch and threatening them with that, would be considered an abuse of their power. If they did carry out the threat, chances are, it'd be out the door.
        The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

        Now queen of USSR-Land...


        • #5
          She sounds like the wicked bitch of the west. Please tell us more.


          • #6
            That's the one thing that makes me glad we're closing. We no longer have to be as nice to people like the Dragon Lady. After all, what are they going to do? Refuse to shop there anymore?
            Question authority, but raise your hand first. -Alan M. Bershowitz

