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Today at the Big Yellow Ticket . . .

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  • Today at the Big Yellow Ticket . . .

    I took my computer in to get it repaired. I went back today as I was still having issues. While waiting in line for the Fairchild Semiconductor employees who have traveled through time and are now wearing orange tie pins, I was privileged to witness the basic unhappy SC.

    Older lady, probably in her 60s, attended by quiet husband (did not say a single word during the whole exchange). OL is complaining at the Geek Squad counter because she signed up for cable internet but is getting charged more than the sign-up price. Does she stop at complaining to the counter person? No, she has to stop an employee (a very nice guy who'd been helping me with my computer earlier) who is on his lunch and trying to pay for some drinks at the counter to complain.

    The employee was very nice. I came in after the complaining had started. He kept telling OL that she needed to call the cable company about the price. OL kept demanding that he fix it because she had bought the package at that counter.

    He repeats politely that they just sign the person up and that is all they do and she will have to contact the cable company (and I know he had said something about being on his lunch). She gets a bit louder, repeats herself.

    He remains calm, repeating his answer in a slightly different way. She starts stabbing her finger into the counter while continuing her repetitive demands.

    He continues to be the soul of patience. She gets more upset, especially after he asks for her receipt to check it. Of course, she doesn't have her receipt. Why would she need that? He should know off the top of his head how much she paid when she signed up.

    Finally, she wound down. I was getting a little worried that it was going to explode into something worse, but she was too anal retentive to go into a screaming fit.

    But I pity the cable company CSR who gets her on the phone. Can you hear the conversation?
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